Wednesday, February 11, 2015

old heavy metal

Today is Old Vehicle Day

pic i took at savfe a lot a couple of years ago, dog could care less about me. babe would differ with him or her i am sure 

 old bus pic i took up close to kent

coupla bears stealing a ride in my pick-em up truck

just another shot

 i didnt take this one but was a cool shot

something you don't see everyday

i was selling veggies one day alongside the road and this guy stopped to show me his diesel powered by used vegetable oil, he was a trip in himself. 

my old ford ranger, was a great truck . had over 450000, miles on it , here it is on a new mexico trip with two bad spring shackles

some old rust me and friend of mine janet found one day in southern ohio


Jim O'Neal said...

Wow, what an impressive selection of shots. Did you aim to go out and find these for this post or were these just ones you've had around over the years. I love the old cars. Both the rusted out old shells and the ones that still run. It takes a lot to convince someone with a running old car that it's time for an upgrade.

Stan @ Jim O'Neal Ford

kevscarvings said...

these are all shots i have accumulated over the years. the fire engine is from a garden center in upstate new york , 2 pickups, the ford ranger and the f-150 i owned and the f150 i still use the old antique flivver i think it is called was in canton south at save a lot , with the dog sitting in it. the one car was a diesel running on vegetable oil this guy who stopped at my roadside market had one day . he was so proud of that thing showing me all the features. and the rusted out one was in a field in southern ohio. just like taking pics of interesting vehicles. thank you for the compliment.