Sunday, March 8, 2015

crack engineers she says!

Another week has passed

 Joe's dad when he was younger 

    Since I have been on here complaining about my internet, nothing has changed, it still sucks money. My service has gone from poor to worse prompting me to call corporate headquarters to troubleshoot my problems. This is in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and my call was answered by a nice amiable young lady who went through the motions of trying to assess my problems here in Ohio. Assuring I had paid my bill and I was owed considerable amount of gigs, and that at this rate I would never use in a month. She assured me that their crack staff of engineers would get right on my problem, and in as quick as 3 days I should have my service restored to its full working potential. I will say something for her as she functions quite well as compared to me at this early hour of the morning I had called her. It was 10 here so it should have been around 7 am. She was pretty perky for that hour and had all her lies down pat.
    Well I doubt if anything is going to get done Sunday unless they pay overtime and I doubt they will for just me. Only thing I could hope for was that we have a mass outage and then maybe something will have to be done sooner. I love company when I am having internet misery. We all need to be non-functional if I am. So instead of today I can just imagine this scenario playing out tomorrow morning. Joe the tower climber is directed to my cell tower. Joe or Camel Joe as we shall call him is a three pack a day hard core smoker actually named Carl but all his coworkers just call him Joe.  Well Joe hauls his ass out to his rusted Chevy pickup with the ladder rack over his cap on his extended bed s-1500 Chevy. He lights her up, that is both the pickup and a cigarette and heads south dropping off Rt. 44 onto a snow covered access road leading up to the cell tower on the hill. Joe’s 280 lb. body has a hard time getting out of the old Chevy, slamming the door and watching the rust fall out from under the door frame as it slams shut. Joe reaches down under his mushroom top figure and fumbles about his waist in the sharp cold air. His fingers clumsily searching for his key ring, and finding it attached to his recoil chain and drags the keys ring, and chain completely out past his gut and up to his face where he stares at the keys searching for the right one to unlock the gate. He finds it and by now he is breathing hard and grunting his way through the drudgery of opening the gate.
    Safely back inside the pickup and he lights another cigarette. Kicks it in 4 wd. And starts up the snow covered road to the top of the hill. It looked as if no one had been in there in weeks, and Joe says to himself, ‘It figures I get this job.  I get to break this thing open with my truck and if I get stuck then oh well.’ Oh Hell, he thought, it is work.
      In this weather he will take what he can get. Besides he doesn’t have to worry about anyone coming by to bother him at least until they see if he makes it out. Old Joe pushed the old Chevy pretty hard throwing snow up over the ladder racks at times as Joe could see from his rear view mirrors. Well Joe thought as he pulled up to the tower on the hill. At least I made it up here that is half the battle he thought. As again he grunted his way out the pickup door and again fumbled for his keys and found the one that unlocked the security gate. The wind was a little bit more obvious up here biting at Joe’s fingers and his bare hands until his fingers became numb. Joe returned to the pickup and dug under the Mc Donald’s empty bags and empty quarter ponder boxes till he found first one glove and then the other, immersed  in a half drank cup of Mc Coffee, wetting a couple of fingers of the glove of one hand. Joe still pulled them on and except the wetness of a couple of fingers. They brought instant warmth to all areas of his hand except for the hole he had burned where his cigarette had become too short, eventually burning his fingers. This reminded Joe to light up another one and again he had the keys in one hand and juggling a cigarette in another and finally he gets the gate opened. He walks in further and unlocks the door to the control room and steps inside as if he is stepping onto the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, with lights flashing green, yellow, and red, indicating functions of the cell tower. Gauges and dials and an overhead light snap on automatically as he enters further, and a low hum from the electronics panel could be heard.
      Joe logs in to his work sheet marking technician Carl Wisen under one category, then  under other headings he needed to enter time and also why he was there, and his badge number. He accessed the computer with his security code and rubbed his nose on his sleeve eliminating the wetness that had coated his moustache. He drew long and hard on the cigarette again almost burning his fingers, cussing under his breath as he throws it on the floor. He punches in this guy Kevin Davis’ cell coordinates, and sees he is picking up signals off dish 3 hung on the south side of the tower. He does diagnostics on his phone number hoping that he wouldn’t have to climb the tower and repoint the dish. Joe not able to get a good signal said ‘damn’, under his breath as he realizes he is going to have to climb the tower. Oh well back outside into the sun and the brisk air, as Joe unleashes the ladder off the back of his truck and reaches into his tool box and grabs a pipe wrench and as he looks at it decides that should be good enough, and he straps it to his tool belt . He grabs another pack of cigarettes and an extra lighter, and huffs and puffs his way through the foot deep snow carrying the ladder to the base of the 365 foot tower and leans the ladder up against it, as he looks up it. He adjusts the base and extends the ladder to the man cage.
      He does a mental double check to see if he forgot anything. He had cigs and an extra lighter, pipe wrench, and cell phone in case he needed help. It would suck to get halfway up a cell tower and need to call for help and not have a cell phone. He had also stashed a small flask of bourbon inside his coverall pocket for moments like this. He promised himself he would not imbibe any till he reached the top and was coming down. Work first, play later, Joe thought. Joe started to pick his 280 lb. body up and up till he slipped into the man cage on the side of the tower and was locked in on a safety line and then he began climbing. After fifty feet he would take a break and grab a cig and look out over the countryside as the views were getting better. He looked out and wondered where that peckerhead lived at, that made him climb this tower in the cold. Joes finger’s had begun to freeze where they were soaked in the Mc Coffee, he would stop momentarily shoving his cold hand under his belly against his skin to warm it , and then he moved on and soon he was up to the 180 ft. mark and he knew he was almost halfway. He was breathing hard and fast, and needed a rest. The fingers on one hand were numb and a rest awaited him where he could stand on a platform at the 200 ft. level.
      The wind had picked up as he climbed higher , Joe didn’t seem to notice as he was starting to sweat as he dragged a pack of cigarettes out and fumbled one to his mouth as he searched his pockets for the lighter and bent low to light it and soon had it cherry red as his lungs somewhat refreshed with oxygen he had pumping through his veins. He sucked hard on that cig until in about 3 puffs he had finished and tossed it overboard watching it fall,  the embers glowed till they were out of sight. Joe stood and reflected on his job as he watched the cig disappear knowing one misstep and soon he would be another big butt going over the side, and as gravity pulls him to the ground he will have to remember all the words to the Lord’s prayer and say it in a few seconds just in case there is a Heaven and a Hell and a little prayer might not hurt at this time, especially if you know you were going to die. This could only happen if he unhooked his safety line at the wrong time. Joe tried to avoid even thinking about falling the whole time he was up there. Below his breath, he mutters, I only hope you are satisfied with your service Mr. Davis rather sarcastically and proceeds to head on up the tower and to even more demanding sights.
    250 and then three hundred feet, his pulse was racing as he neared the top of the tower and dish 3 came slowly into sight as the wind had started to take its toll and he found himself freezing a little more all the time, until all his extremities and even his exposed ass crack had now begun to freeze. The view was breathtaking and the tower would sway gently in the breeze sometimes moving as much as three feet in one direction and the wind would ebb, as the tower would drift back to its starting point. The tower was much narrower up here and there was foot pegs instead of ladder rungs and the cage was nonexistent at this height where you needed it most. He still had his life line tied in and he was only a few feet from the dish. He could see the dish and some of the problem as it usually is at this time of the year. It was ice covered as well everything was or had once been at this level. He was within striking distance of the dish, and at that he reaches down under his belly bulge, and on his tool belt and grabs the pipe wrench and brings it up and takes aim while holding onto to the tower with a death grip and lets loose with the wrench and slams the dish breaking the ice and scattering it all over him as the ice tumbles towards the ground.
     The climbing and  the tool belt had pulled Joe’s pants down as he climbed exposing more and more ass crack and when the ice was falling a sharp piece cleverly wedged itself into his ass crack and caused Joe to shudder a cold shudder he had never felt before as he muttered to himself while holding onto the swaying tower. I hope you are satisfied now Mr. Kevin Davis sir. Thank you for your fucking business. Joe’s heart always skips a beat when he has to do this and after he regained his composure and let himself down to  the 300 foot mark he started to breathe again, at that he reached behind him and inserted his finger in his gaping crack and was assured from the wetness that his body fat had melted the ice.  He then pulled out the flask and his cell phone to access the tower’s computer to check the lost connection. Yes the bastard’s getting 4G again, Joe thought, my job is done. This as he sucked hard on the flask of bourbon to calm his nerves down and to warm himself up again, this and  couple of camels, and a few more nips encouraged Joe to ascend even faster and soon Joe was back on the ground and loading up his ladder on the truck .
      He stepped back inside the cell towers control room and punched up the computer and started watching porn movies of Debbie does Dallas until he had drained most of his flask and smoked nearly all his cigarettes. He logged out on the time sheet and locked the tower up and climbed in his cold truck and waited for it to warm as he looked around. He cranked up some music and was soon was 4 wheeling back down the hill to the gate. He fumbled in the cold looking for his keys and found them and locked the gate and was soon headed to the bar. Thinking to himself I hope you are satisfied now Mr. Kevin Davis almighty sir.
     To me this would be T-mobiles crack team of engineers restoring my service as I would understand it to be. I doubt for 80 dollars a month I am going to get much more then Joe. Or Carl or whatever his name is. All I really care is that they fix the damn thing.

    The picture above was actually pics i received from an album of my family of people i have no idea who they are and live in and around Mt. Vernon, Ohio area. the reason i ended with them was because i couldn't burn them,  if you know of anyone in this area and if they would like to see the pics, have them get in touch with me. i have a lot of old photos and these are peoples relations and pics of disasters of the time. i will feature some of these pics from time totime. i would say it is pprobablypost world war 2 around 1947- 1952 from some of the cars in photos. 

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