Monday, March 23, 2015

good intentions are just that


      It’s Monday morning and to get a jump on the week I should have made plans yesterday for today. When in fact I had made plans only not yesterday but last Friday as I figured I would do my worse job first today after I was able to get moving. That job is cleaning up brush from tree tops we had harvested and are laying in the field. This is something I have to limit the work as much as possible, yet still get it done or at least the ones laying in my fields out of the way so I can mow hay unrestricted this summer.
      I figured I would dedicate one day / week to the task as it does have a limited amount of chainsaw work and the rest I can do with the tractor such as cleaning up limbs, etc.. Well Monday arrives on the cold side, a little nippier than I like, especially when I have a warm greenhouse and sunshine to make it warmer. Plans change and so do mine this morning. I might spend some time outside cleaning and trying to get my grain drill out of the garage as I need to spread some limestone stored in the greenhouse. The fields would easily benefit from the addition of the limestone. So it is a win-win situation. I like win-win , you get those times when you can do that and couple it with another win and it makes for a great Monday. This I hope is the plan for today. As I create more space in the greenhouse, help the fields, and clean the garage some more. The wood can wait for a warmer day . Well I hope that the same is planning to be the same way where you are at.

     Mondays are hard to plan for as you know for sure and according to Murphy’s Law, if it is going to go wrong it will Monday morning. Still you can’t get rid of the day and pick one more appropriate, maybe Friday would be nice. Have a Friday on Monday, start and stop the weekend on the same day? Don’t think that is going to work so we just need to get on with it and git her done. Signing off and gitting her done. 

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