Wednesday, November 20, 2013

new directions?

Agonizing Reappraisals

They are asking themselves , "Whats he talking about?" 

       So I was going to take up the political issue of hunting and choose to pass on the subject. Partly because the political nature but also because it is  something I have emotional issues with and really can’t see how I can discuss it without offending someone in the process.
     It is hard to not do that when writing a daily blog or are trying to. You only have so many personal common interest stories under your belt and yet when you veer from center into black or white areas, arms get raised and people start sharpening their pitchforks to tame that forked tongue of yours they think is personally directed at them. In the end it is all about liberty and we do live in the land of the free and brave don’t we?
    But a wise friend once told me to pick my battles carefully. And this I will try to do despite giving up that chance to speak my peace. In the end I have to choose how I want to live my life by alienating old friends or are they?  By just letting things be  or say how I feel as if my opinion really makes a difference. .
      This I guess is the power of the printed word, I can yell fire and everyone will jump and run for the exit, but it seems when you print your words, you not only allow the people in the movie theater
to jump and run for the exits, but as an observer I can tell the horrors of everyone scrambling in the dark running for the exits as bodies pile up, and luckily save one reporter, me.  I was able to post a story about it.
     This analogy is kinda like me taking a political position. When I state my political position I am an active member of the audience running for the exit signs. As a reporter I am more like an observer trying to give an unbiased account of the tragedy happening before my eyes, one without emotion and based on facts from neither the left nor the right. A view to be shared by others and after exposing all the dirty flaws let the audience be the judge of whether it is right or wrong someone yelled fire in the first place.

     You never know who is reading your blog so daily I try to find a safe subject, and this is hard to do. I strive to be a better writer and at times, and like just doing fiction as there you start off telling everyone you are telling a lie whether you are or not. Let them figure out what is the truth and what is bogus.
     People look at news story as to what is the motivating factor that a person does something. Why did the senator use coke?  It could have been the stress or possibly marital problems. Chances are he just likes getting high. But we always try to read more into a story than what it is. With fiction I simply lie my butt off and no one gets hurt. Chances are the opinions are mine but since I wrote the story, and instead I embellished those opinions as I seek reader approval but no one is none the less bothered by what I say. It is all fiction. They knew it from the start, and this is why I like writing just fiction.
      So beginning tomorrow I will tell some stories and leave it up to you the reader to tell whether it is a lie or the truth. I may or may not acknowledge the truth. Instead reserving my right to protect my sources and desire to add flavor to the stories.  So just enjoy and try not to hold me accountable if it stirs you to emotions and you desire to unload on me. I am just the messenger, whether it is a lie or the truth it is still fiction.

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