Saturday, August 23, 2014

halos and wings at half cost, even you can afford to be good once more

Get Your Wings Here !!!!

          Maybe I could get me a new job as a wing carver or possibly just add this to my resume.  I know a lot of angels here on earth that could benefit from the use of a pair of chainsaw carved clunky wings. So what if aerodynamically you are unable to fly , and what if you don’t like the halo I build for you out of a coat hanger painted gold with some cheap dollar store paint. It is still far better than bearing the weight of the carved wooden one. Still just think how you can impress your friends with your new heavenly glow. Sorry can’t do anything about your past but with a little guilt ridden admission of your sins and asking forgiveness of the powers that be, you may be on the path to a new start.
      That is the nice thing about being a chainsaw carving artist. What if you break down alongside the road and you forget your jack at home? Simple just get out your chainsaw and head to the side of the road and lop off a suitably sized tree with one short piece and one long one, and  you have a fulcrum you can put under the corner of the truck and lifting it high enough to change the tire. What if the lug nut is hard to take off?  Well any good chain saw carver will have his cordless drill available, just find a bit large enough to drill a hole 8 inches deep in the end of a 5 foot piece of log about 5 inches in diameter slip it over your jack handle and soon you are stripping threads with the added leverage.  A little MacGyver in you and a vivid imagination can get you out of some sticky situations if you get comfortable with your chainsaw.  Learn to know its limitations and how far you can push it.

     If I was stranded on a deserted tropical island with trees, this is important, and besides having a woman to nag me on, I would want a chainsaw and gas and soon I would have my own little piece of paradise. And if she just won’t quit with the lip exercises, one could always find a suitably sized tree you could carve a one person dugout out of and send her on a trip to find someone who really cares. As you truly find paradise in your Tiki inspired thatch hut as the smoke from your torches waft across the lagoon and you wave at your dearly departed one as she sets sail for her new role as shark bait. You just lounge back in Adirondack inspired lounge chair, with your trusty, faithful, always there carved Fido sitting beside you. You got to love a chainsaw, the possibilities are endless as you wave and motion for her to go on and get saved, and fake tears at her leaving as you pet Fido on the head and tell him to sit.
      I did manage to get some carving done adding another 2 hrs. to the total time it has taken for me to carve this totem. I took my medium sized chainsaw and used it to carve the notching for the attachment to the body of the eagle and carved the front side of the wings. I officially removed the last of the bark on the main part of the totem yesterday, I have some detailing to do with my carving saw but I am getting to the point that all that is left is finish sanding and making it work. The back of the wings are still barked but I should have all that off by the end of today. Think I will flip the totem over and attach the wings with glue and dowels. Finish the carving on the back of the wings and stand it up by the corner of my carving shed and secure it in upright position with a strap as I finish painting. I have a ramp on the end of the carving shed that should be good for allowing me to paint and finish the detailing of the totem. I always try to think ahead as to what I might need and the easiest way to do it.

all pics taken with camera phone under low light conditions
      This is the place where I could use some help. Possibly from my shark bait significant other. The totem is getting more delicate and moving it with the tractor sometimes causes damage, just having an extra set of eyes always help avoid damage. I will get by though and if not will fix my mistakes. You can always tell when I am moving carvings as a grumble and an ‘Oh shit’ are sounds that can always be heard above the tractor’s engine noise.
      at this thought and in conclusion i am reminded about the other nice thing about using a chainsaw that I just thought of is that it muffles all noise except engine noise, I cuss and swear as I go along saying oh shit I shouldn’t have cut that nose that short, or maybe a _uck I shouldn’t have cut that deep, or even a way to go dip shit in reference to myself at making yet another mistake. These utterances are excluded from the viewing audiences ears. They think I mean to make those cuts as I continue on making it work.  I always swear to refrain from swearing but sometimes it just slips out of my mouth like greased lightning.  With a chainsaw it doesn’t matter. Damn it I shouldn’t have hit that key. I am out of here.

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