Monday, August 25, 2014

just what you wanted . more duck stuff

Upsetting the Balance

 Crackers and the two new geese

      Mother Nature reminded me of how it goes when adding new members to a family, especially if they are not the same species or say henhouse. Getting acquainted or moving in is always fraught with strife, be it animal or human. With ducks it can be comical especially when one duck was seeing her dreams come true after losing so many nests of eggs , to finally see four young ones getting of size that even they have surpassed in size their dad?  Greenie, my six bucks for a duck, WTF duck.  Can’t believe it, but it doesn’t look like Greenie is the dad as the young ones start to feather out. Besides the size difference as Greenie has not grew much since buying him at auction and I would say that outside of getting a little fatter, he is still the same Greenie. Anyhow Grennie and Whackers were in for a surprise when i upset the apple cart so to speak. 

Greenie, Whackers and the rest of the duck clan

     So early this spring there was a commotion at the pond shortly after getting Greenie and to my amazement was two mallard ducks seemingly appearing out of the wild and landing on the pond and engaging with wings flapping and what else a wagging and apparently bred my female duck. Therefore I didn’t need to spend six bucks for a duck, or the gas it took, not counting the fact that since I last checked I think my time is still worth something, isn’t it anyway?  I guess nature had its own destiny for my ducks in mind. But then I am seeing a green shiny head appearing on the young ducklings. This could be from the mallards and are wild. So why isn’t the ducklings appearing wild. They come within feet of me as I feed them seemingly unconcerned. Seems as much as I learn about ducks, only leads to more questions. Is domesticity an inherited or a learned trait in animals?
      Well back to upsetting nature, I added one old hen, two geese, and another duck, possibly a male drake I believe, to the equation of my fowl feathered friends. After brokering a major deal over some hay with my neighbor I collected my fowl friends and offered them a tractor ride to my farm over the back forty to our pond of ample size compared to their plastic kiddie pool. My neighbor wished to down size and I was looking for new additions to the pond. The two geese were hatched from eggs at her place and both were injured in separate incidences only in a minor way. One has a limp and the other has a wing problem that would prevent it from flying. The geese and the duck appear to be in good shape although young. The white duckling is still larger than the other ducklings here. He seems to be taken in by the geese that protect him at times. He is always following them around.
      They took at once to the water and were soon flopping around and taking baths as my female duck, Whackers, began to see her idyllic world collapse around her as she took to chasing them away from her babies and back over the hill from whence they came, as she wanted no part of them, and their non-sense. Greenie although small in stature stood behind his slutty mate and was willing to catch her back, or at least give her something to trip over when the geese would return fire and she would have to retreat. At one point the geese were attacking the old hen I had in the cage with them pulling her feathers out. She looks a little rough but better now as I rescued her from their onslaught and brought her back to the house. She looks a little pitiful but she is in molt.


     I tried to introduce her to my other two chickens Minnie and Pearl but they instantly attacked the poor old girl and I was forced to let her, spend the night, not in the company of others of her own kind, but instead on the very workbench I am considering transforming into a chicken coop out of as it seems to be its best purpose according to my flock of fowl friends. Minnie and Pearl as I now call them, along with Whackers have used this workbench right outside my back door repeatedly as a safe place to stay, and hatch young as in Whackers’ case. Mo as I am going to call the new old hen, she is doing better and she seems to be adapting well. Mo isn’t hard to catch, so getting her in a safe place at night is easy. Just scoop her up. Why Mo? Cause I kinda like the sound of Mo, Minnie and Pearl for the names of my chickens. Mo in the sense as she needs more feathers, and Mo time, as she looks old here in my land of retired chickens, where they can live out there life going hither and there in search of peace. Scratching out an existence which is what we all do. Some have it a little better, some with ruffled feathers a little worse, but we still all share the same place and time.

Minnie and Pearl crossing the road just because they can 

      Babe has taken to intimidating them all as I think she is honing their survival skills by stalking them. She has never hurt any chickens or rarely attempts to chase them, but instead skulks around uncomfortably behind them warning them there are animals far worse than her so she doesn’t want them to let their guard down. It is funny watching her swim around the pond as the ducks and geese swim to stay out of her reach as I think she likes to play gator for them. Buddy my mom’s dog is keeping his distance from them all, as he is unsure of the geese since they are much larger than he is.


      A couple of days have passed and Whackers and Greenie have accepted the geese and the new duck. The chickens Mo, Minnie and Pearl are still not together but are aware that their paths must cross at some point. I noticed Mo made it to the garage yesterday and I am sure Minnie and Pearl made a point of watching her, and making sure the pecking order stays intact. Yet still, it seems as if things have quieted down and now I am left wondering if Crackers as I am going to call the new male duck and Whackers may be suitable mates, since Greenie doesn’t appear to have the weenie to make things work. Then I guess that gee it appears I could have saved myself six bucks for a duck that doesn’t give a WTF. The further I go along reminds me of a Dr. Seuss book gone wrong? What will I do? What should I do. As if I knew, as it seems you can only do what you can do, and some things you just have to leave to nature. So I must bid you adieu.



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