Saturday, November 1, 2014

only 55 days to a certain ethnic holiday!!!! make your plans early.


     Don’t you hate making plans? But then if you never make plans, do you get as much or more done? Probably not. And as much as I hate making plans, I hate to break my plans or not meet up to my expectations with my plans. I still make them though and have lowered my expectations as I get wiser (older), to understand the reality of things that even though we live in a modern era of laptop computers and cell phones that can keep you up to date on everything, from being an internet source to planning your every move for a day, and still I tend to fly by the seat of my pants, the same way I have done for years. Always keeping most of my plans in my head, as I have long term plans and short term plans and tomorrow’s plans, especially since you have made it this far today, tomorrow will  surely have  you planning to do something. So you need a plan for that at least.
      Not saying I am not comfortable with making plans on my puter, and for major events I do just that on Facebook by planning an event. Then I can invite all those 186 Facebook friends I know will never come to my event anyhow. At the most I might be able to muster 3 or 4 of them but still it serves as a format for the event I am planning and though I am glad all 186 didn’t bother to show up , as it definitely would be a slap in my face to have them show up and not be planning for them. Now I am sure if I was Mark Zuckerberg or whoever that guy is running Facebook and sent out a blanket invitation to all his Facebook fans, it could seriously bankrupt him as I am sure people would beg, borrow, and steal an invitation to see his place. Apparently I pale in comparison. That’s all right I can live with that and understand those 4 or 5 true friends of mine will truly appreciate my place as I will see them here and then I  plan on spending some quality time with them.
    Plans are not wrote in stone anytime as a variety of things could happen to prevent you from having that party, or planting that rose, or carving a new bear out. You just have to roll with the flow and not try to let it upset you to bad. You know temper tantrums, sitting in the floor screaming obscenities and pounding the floor like an idiot with your fists, and although I have come close to that a few times I still have refrained from trying that to see if things improve as they usually don’t. In fact when you were a kid you could have probably got by with a tantrum like that but since you are wiser (older), that is usually frowned upon and people have a tendency to call the authorities to come pick you up, and charge you with things like disorderly conduct, and ask you what kind of drugs you are taking, something I am sure you didn’t plan on when starting your tirade. Plans were much easier when you were young as you didn’t make any, and getting mad was easier too, as it was just considered part of growing up, it sure is hell to get wiser (old), as now you make plans and if you can’t fulfill them then you must bite your lip and contain yourself and just accept it as part of life.
    Now life is great but they keep changing the definition, and the rules of life constantly change just as your plans change, and if you don’t like it people will be quick to remind you that is life, and say shit happens. That’s what life is all about. Yeah I know shit happens that is why you make plans to keep shit from happening, but it doesn’t always work. It still happens. But the hope is it may not happen as frequently and hopefully not to you constantly. That is why you want everything to go according to plan.
      Whew I hope you are beginning to see the dilemma and why it is important to make plans. Then there is also times when you want to do things you don’t normally do. You know like plan on heading to the North Pole to see Santa Claus. Please don’t laugh my cousins was there and told me all about it and even had a  Super 8 movie they took on vacation and my uncle who planned everything surely saw this moment coming along when we were kids, and also that we would tell his son of the ripe young age of 7 that Santa Claus didn’t exist. It was actually our parents that bought and put the gifts under the tree.
    My uncle being the ultimate planner had taken his family to a place in North Pole, Michigan where Santa had set up temporary quarters and answered letters and let little snot nosed kids sit on his more than appropriately sized lap and take super 8 movies of them sitting there, so my uncle could pay him for the privilege of taking a movie of my cousins at the North Pole. As I say my uncle surely planned that someday he would need proof positive my cousins did in fact visit the North Pole and Santa, so he sat up the Super 8 movie projector and screen in the basement of their house and sure enough they did visit the North Pole. Even to me then it looked a little hokey. But then I never planned on seeing the movie, but when Santa’s authenticity was brought into question, it was proof of something. But I wasn’t planning on buying into it.
    To say the least my uncle was a little steamy he had to resort to such measures as proving with the movies that Santa did exist and that we were evil kids as we were trying to wreck my cousin’s Christmas. Surely that wasn’t our plan, but instead it was our plan to hope that he would not be embarrassed when he went to such extreme measures to prove that Santa did exist by other kids. Apparently this was a plan that didn’t work for us, and never did hear how old my cousin actually was, before he really knew that Santa was just a capitalist plan to inflate end of the year profits for Jewish businesses. Instead we never brought the subject up again. Hope it worked out for him there 48 years ago.
    See sometimes you can plan too much in some cases and then you have to have other plans to make up for the lack of planning you had in the first part. In fact I started out planning to write a short blog about my present plans, and instead veering off course as I seldom do,  and  ended up writing about some of my past plans and life in general. But then again plans are always changing and there are three things in life you can count on.  One is death, one thing you don’t want to plan on, but some do as if they have had enough, and can’t wait to get out of here, it is a sure thing, as nobody has ever got out alive yet. Two is taxes as you will always have to pay taxes, whether or not you plan on it, so you may as well plan on that being a sure thing also.  Three is change. Things will always change, and if you are lucky enough to have everything go according to plan then your life and plans changes and you need a new plan, but then that’s the way life goes as life moves on. You can plan on all of this.

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