This Place is going
to the Dogs
Buddy and Biscuit in background
Well maybe also
to the ducks, chickens and a few other animals as it should be. It is the four B’s
or what they stand for as Babe, Biscuit, Buddy and Bowser, in terms of largest
to the smallest dog that I will be talking about today and in particular the
first two, Babe and Biscuit and the rivalry I have noticed of late that is
somewhat humorous, but at other times can be a pain in the ass as we go along.
Babe my German Shepherd
had this place to herself for quite a long time and I figured she would embrace
company , I guess that is what I get for thinking, as I should have known babe
better. Her and my last dog Zoey had some knock down drag out fights over
sticks or just about anything like a breeze blowing through would be good
enough to get them to tangle. The fact
they were both alpha females who squat to pee with a stick in their mouth wasn’t
enough as they both would kick up a leg like a male does, doing a three legged
squat, and scent everything in their path. I had Babe and Zoey fixed but I guess
I should have had their balls cut also at the same time to make them a little
better off socially. Both of them at times defined the word bitch, so much so
that their male counterparts would have nothing to do with them. Strange how
dogs mimic humans at times, except in certain areas as they have never been
able to get that door opening , feeding, and crap cleanup thing, down pat . I guess
they are still working on it or kinda like the arrangement they have it now, as
us superior humans would have it. Sometimes I wonder who is really superior if
we are taking care of them
Bowser or trouble maker
Zoey passed a
little early from something that overtook her quickly, and I miss her spirit. Then
Babe spent maybe three or four years alone here on the farm before again having
another dog around. I would take her for rides in the pickup and would have to
grab her as we would pass other dogs for fear she would try and start something
with them as we were driving down the road. I was afraid her barking and
growling would in turn would drag the dog out into the road, as the tone of her
voice must have been liken to an ass kicking. I would hold her down in the seat
till we passed. I would park in the back row at the shopping center and she
would quietly stay in the truck till old Grandma Wheezer would pull in with her
poodle, Fluffy and park right beside me. Get out her walker and shuffle inside
hoping Fluffy will find comfort in the company of Babe in the next vehicle
beside here with the windows up.
Babe would wait
till ole Grandma Wheezer would get out of hearing aid range and then she would
let loose on old Fluffy within the confines of my pickup cab with the windows
up , sometimes doing a dance as little fluffy would sit in her car scared
shitless or also putting up a fight from inside the old lady’s car. There are
times I came out of the store to be greeted by babe with an arm rest dangling
out of her mouth as she tried to show little fluffy what she was going to do to
her if she could get out of my truck.
Babe on Biscuit watch about quitting the sun sets on another day at the farm
Normally Babe is
a loving dog at least to me and selected UPS men, well maybe a few other individuals,
but to some people she can put them on edge. But then she is here for security
and what good is a dog that licks you all the time. Babe has never bit any
person and I doubt she ever would unless they threatened her or me, or anyone
here at the farm. She is great with most animals except one old retired chicken
she likes to play a little too hard with.
Biscuit is
pretty much the same as Babe, an alpha female and a constant irritant to Babe
who constantly reminds Biscuit just who the boss is, and of course Biscuit knows
it is her. Buddy and Bowser could care less who the boss is as all they want to
do is run. Run to the neighbors, or down the road anywhere except here at times,
again at times mimicking men in that regard, as the women want to make a home
and protect it, while the men want to roam.
Biscuit and Babe
though have this ongoing silent feud going on and there is no way to stop this kind
rivalry as it impossible to keep up with them at times. Biscuit comes up to my
house and craps in the yard and takes a leak scenting the around my house while
Babe is inside looking out usually whining. Then when I think Babe want to go
to the bathroom and I let her out well she goes around and over scents all
Biscuits work and then heads to Mom’s house to do the same to her house. Before
Biscuit I would observe Babe doing her business in the bushes or at the edge of
the yard but now it is a war of crap between them as they point – counterpoint each
other in a silent struggle to be a master Dom.
Last night I observed
what I thought was a humorous situation between the two of them as my brother
in law came up to my house and thereby granting access to Biscuit to also tag
along and sometime after we stood there talking Biscuit snuck past me and
cleaned out the cat dish and started on Babes dog food but gave that up real
quick , in the meantime my brother in law and I headed out to find some tools
and and as I walked out of the house, I closed the door behind me and unknown
to me , Biscuit was locked in my house, while Babe was outside with me.
In fact she was in
there for a while as it took me some time to get back to the house and at one
point I looked up at my place and in place of Babe staring at me from the
window it was Biscuit. I almost bent over laughing at her as she looked at me
so pitiful from the same vantage point as babe would if she would have been
locked in. it was as if Biscuit had achieved the ultimate Babe showdown and yet
she was still not happy as Babe was out there running around and she was locked
I headed back to
the house at one point and let Biscuit out whereupon she immediately took turns
scenting those places where Babe had been.
Since we were working in the basement of mom’s house it was dogs under
feet as Babe and then Biscuit would be underfoot as we tried to maneuver ourselves
around. Work was constantly interrupted to tell one or the other to get the
heck out of our road. Babe was only trying to give Biscuit back the same as Biscuit
was giving her.
Most of the
time things are quiet when the two share the outside and no one is around. Babe
will sit up here in my yard and stare down at Biscuit who seems to be content
to stay on the porch. Just recently Babe and Biscuit did something totally
unexpected and took off together following my sister down the lane. I came out
of the house only to find Babe missing and I yelled for her. Here is a dog that
never leaves my side and she is suddenly missing and a cause of alarm for me,
so much so that I grabbed the tractor and headed down the lane as that seems to
be a common theme of dogs to see what is down there, when they have a need to
roam. My hunch was right as I yelled across the vast expanse of open ground and
it must have fell upon their ears as at first I sighted Babe coming back then Biscuit.
I couldn’t believe Babe was running around with her. Babe knew I was mad at her
and busted her butt heading home while Biscuit took a wide birth of me and just
avoided the ugly tongue lashing Babe was receiving
I think it was Biscuits
way of taking care of the Babe situation as she hopefully leads her off to
maybe get Babe lost or it could have been vice a versa as Babe might have been doing
the same to Biscuit also. Friends for a minute they were but it didn’t last
long as soon they were back at it. I doubt if the situation will ever get any better
as that is a dog’s way. But then that Is not that much different than some
humans at times.
We sometimes develop
grudges against others that we will go to the grave with. We can be the friendliest,
forgiving people, but at times some people just grate on us. Nothing they can
say or do will make a difference in how we feel about them even if they were
the last person on earth. You would rather die than ask their help, or allow
them to commiserate with you. Such is life. in the case of these two dogs , I can’t beat them into conformity, instead we
just have to relish in the thought that as a dog they are letting each other know
their true feeling for one another. You can’t expect them to do something we wouldn’t
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