Friday, April 24, 2015

want something long and hard -plant a tree?

Arbor Day- Save a Life and Plant a Tree

doesn't have to be as elaborate as this, the main thing is to dig a hole bigger than the roots, stick it in the ground,  cover the roots,  and firm the soil leave it alone for 40 or 50 years. 

        Kind of a bold claim to make but currently in South Korea pollution is so bad that people are being warned to stay inside, and avoid going out without a mask. This has also been true for Beijing, China, as they are also grappling with a pollution problem as they modernize their workforce and have very little value in environmental concerns like air pollution.  Let alone places with traditional smog problems like Hong Kong , San Francisco and of course Los Angeles.
       Air pollution alone is killing people off at an alarming rate as smog and dust pollution that arises from dirt roads, farming, construction , and erosion of our soils, as well as smokestack  emissions from factories and power plants, and mix in auto emissions, along with a host of other factors which are causing emphysema, bronchitis, black lung disease, silicosis,  and may be a contributing problem to a host of other air born problems we normally associate with lack of immunity to allergies and so forth. It is easy to see how trees can play a big part in reducing a lot of these factors and a lot of them man made, and some natural, that are fouling the air we breathe from the time we are born till we die. This death we face would undoubtedly be extended in most cases if we had clean air to breathe.
       Nature had in mind a balance to the program of living and it involves humans and other vertebrates in nature that use oxygen on one side of the spectrum and expel carbon dioxide on the other side of the spectrum. Plants flourish in a rich carbon dioxide or greenhouse atmosphere utilizing and storing the excess carbon in their trunks or stems, and then further decaying over a long period of time locking up the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This helps moderate the effects of our climate and yielding oxygen which animals can use as a means of our own survival.
      Ebbs and flows of carbon dioxide levels have been seen throughout history in terms of the ice age when glaciers swept over North America, as evidenced by geology. This could have been preceded by volcanic activity as the earth crusts was settling or rising in spots creating more volcanoes that spew among other things carbon dioxide as part of its activity of erupting as it also no doubt expelled huge volumes of dust and ash while decimating  forests in its path. And as well the earth itself, plants and animals are constantly evolving to meet the rigors of our environment. As the planet heats up and the polar ice caps melt, global patterns of weather also change and cause problems like snow where you have never saw it before or a massive die off of a species due to poor weather conditions.  
     Trees and vegetation , all of it in general , and as well the oceans lock up a lot of that carbon dioxide and cool a planet down as growth of all vegetation increases due to higher carbon dioxide. Trees and woody sediments washing down rivers and streams, as well as algae, seaweed, and plankton all serve to help the oceans also reduce the carbon dioxide, and this is  effectively cooling the planet. We have interrupted the normal process of natural means of controlling our planets temperatures due to our use of fossil fuels. It has been since the beginning of the industrial revolution and the use of coal primarily to heat our homes and fuel our factories, and then later with oil and gas being a major contributor of releasing carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, that we have seen a gradual spike, or a change in our weather patterns since we have been taking weather recordings or have seen through ice samples or tree rings evidence of major environmental changes that are in correlation to our recordings.

planting chestnut trees in Wayne National Forest 

      A byproduct of both forms of burning or altering the form of the oil and gas results in the same emission and that is carbon dioxide. What Mother Nature worked so hard at, thousands and millions of years ago is undone in an instant the moment you turn your car on, or turn up the thermostat. This is a proven effect of technology and an effort to increase the efficiency of our vehicles has little to do with the amount of carbon dioxide in a ton of coal, or a gallon of gas. As long as we use either, or as far as that goes, using natural gas, diesel or any fossil fuel base , we can expect to constantly increase the amount of carbon dioxide in our environment effectively heating up our planet.
      Technology wants to build a machine that effectively scrubs the air, and pumps the carbon dioxide back underground into old mines, effectively locking it up. As well they talk about pumping it into old oil wells which is also being considered. But again there are cost factors and where is the energy going to come from to run the huge machinery it would require to effectively scrub our air. Our air comprises a larger volume proportionately than our oceans which covers two thirds of our planet. That is a lot of hot air to take care of and do we want to be dependent on the same people who destroyed our environment to be in control of the air we breathe. We have only on planet and if they want to experiment I suggest they head to Mars, as I want a proven means of eliminating part of the problem we have created and that is to plant trees and reduce our land use to what we have already tore up.
     I propose that every citizen of earth go out and plant a tree as soon as they are old enough and continue planting a tree a year until they die. 5 billion trees in 100 years would result in 500 billion trees and just may equal what we have taken out in hydrocarbons since we have started utilizing fossil fuels for our convenience. There is now way you are ever going to achieve those numbers, but even if we live to be 80 a tree a year hardly represents what we have used currently in our personal needs as well represent the hydrocarbons we have spent to keep us warm or wipe our nose or other things. There again we have to have 100 percent of the people doing the same thing.

fancy smancy tree hauler wasn't necessary, as we had enough help that day to more than carry the trees to the location we were planting. government at work-if it isnt a huge project to start with it will be when they are done. 

      Trees will propagate themselves and make up the difference if left alone. They are a major influence on removing carbon dioxide from our air as their branches sweep the sky trapping the carbon dioxide and dust that lands on its leaves. The morning dew washes that dust off and it lands on the ground and encases a seed pod and generates another tree. This is how it is supposed to be. It won’t happen in a Walmart parking lot or even in your living room. But we need to make space for it to happen. Part of the difference in what we plant versus what we use can be made up from utilization of natural resources , solar, geo thermal, water , and other technologies not dependent on fossil fuels.

      We need to return a balance to nature and it is going to be hard to justify feeding another 2 billion people by 2050 as well, reduce our use of hydrocarbons and fossil fuels without some impending shortages of food and famine as we are going along. 35 years from now it is going to be someone else’s problem and not mine , but I am just trying to do my part now as well we all need to get in the mindset to make amends for our abuse of nature and to try and set the record straight by planting just one tree per year per person. If you live in a family and they don’t feel your views, plant for them and hopefully somewhere down the road they may understand what you were trying to do. Especially when they see after you are gone, all that you have accomplished. Plant them in your yard, along the interstates, in a park somewhere, ask if you can, and if you can’t find an answer then just go ahead and plant anyhow. Your effort will be your knowledge that you have tried to make a difference. The satisfaction of returning to a location where you planted years later and seeing the trees growing will be just as good as any other reward you can have in life. Plant a tree today. 

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