Monday, April 6, 2015

takes all kinds!!!

It Was a Three Finger Day!!

     My last couple of days since I have written has been event filled for a variety of reasons. Spring rains have signaled the familiar twill of peepers in the swampy areas of the valley. A recent warm night and abundant rain lead me to believe it may be good for peepers, and when I listened I was right as I could hear the familiar sound. But this was a cause for celebration and not worthy of the finger salute I refer to in the title of my blog. That honor or digression as it may be, stems from the assholes which also suddenly show up on the first warm day out on the road. You see them everywhere leaving Mc Donald’s throwing their trash out of the car on to the road, speeding up to prevent you from being able to pull on the road, riding your ass in traffic.
     Well a recent trip to the Creston area was the same in that respect, as I had a fairly pleasant drive over, but on the way back I managed to attract more than my fair share of these type of degenerates that are in such a hurry to get nowhere in life. A friend of mine had offered me a newer refrigerator with better seals than the old one I had, better seals means it runs less and uses less electricity which means less coal and less money to operate. A refrigerator is a necessity of life for us humans anymore.

Part of C.V.National Park

      Well loading wasn’t too much of a problem and my friend helped, and I felt I had it fairly well secured but had forgotten to tie the freezer door shut. I was travelling down a four lane bypass around Wooster when a nice person honked their horn and pointed up at the refrigerator and I assumed there was something wrong when I noticed the ice cube tray flying backwards and hitting the pavement. I immediately took to the side of the road and tried to get over as far as I could without getting stuck in the mud that was in the berm. I exited the truck and started walking back to the ice cube tray after inspecting the refrigerator and see it was in fact the freezer door that was open. The ice cube tray had landed and was not broken as a group of cars had passed it successfully and avoided hitting it. One lone car was coming in the lane adjacent to the ice cube tray and as I was walking back to get it , I saw him or her swing out of their way and go into the opposite lane to purposely hit the tray. This pissed me off to no extreme, as I saw it obliterated into about 50 pieces before my eyes. Why someone would purposely take the chance of hitting something on the road when they could clearly see it there is beyond me, but I felt they needed recognition for their good job and I let loose the old Canton salute. A middle finger proudly displayed on my outstretched arm in their full view as they passed me at about 70 miles per hour.

Cuyahoga Valley National Park train

   I figured it was that idiots responsibility to clean up the mess and returned to the truck and looked inside my truck to find a rope or something to bind the freezer door and I felt the wind off another vehicle or group of vehicles pass me and rock the truck as they were also speeding and apparently had no regard for my safety or the fact I was disabled alongside the road with an emergency and could use a break. That was not to be found this day. I didn’t ask for help all I asked for was some level of safety to be able to secure the door and again get on my way. It was hairy but soon I was getting on down the road again. Before long I was back on St. Rt. 30 and it is four lane all the way from Wooster and I was not really up to setting any land speed records especially after losing the ice cube tray, but instead puttered along at the speed limit.
    It must have been national asshole day as soon I had another up my ass riding my bumper as if he wanted me to pull over on a four lane and let him through. He had another lane to pass instead he choose to just follow me, but eventually it became too much for the asshole and he attempted to pull out in the other lane and pass me where upon a group of other assholes immediately descended upon him out of nowhere, some sporting huge four wheel drives with bumpers capable of overriding smaller assholes and I could see this guy was getting frantic at the thought of being run over and immediately cut in front of me forcing me to brake to let him in. Again without hesitation I let loose with another thank you signaled from my middle finger as it was getting easier after the last incident to let loose with these symbols of jobs well done.

Brandywine Falls 

    And yet again before making it home another did the same to me , as it just seemed as if they couldn’t stand being behind me but when they had the open road in front of them they just dawdled . I figured the heck with the refrigerator at this point and only desired to be home so I finally passed these people and found myself recklessly becoming one of them, until I found some clean air as the stock car guys like to say, at the front of the pack and was soon away from the idiots out there. This is what I call a three finger day.

     The irony or the karma associated with it was later inflicted upon me as I had to change the doors around to open the right way and in the process, managed to pinch my middle finger as I let loose an f-bomb designed to definitely disturb my inner sanctum here as the blood began to flow. Normally I just wipe on my pants and soon it just quits. Not today as I had to eventually hunt down a Band-Aid to properly secure the open gaping wound. And still it bled through forcing me to change the dressing till it finally stopped. Karma or whatever, if this was my fate I only hope the other assholes had a worse day. 

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