Getting Ready to Roll
the Big One!!!!
And you thought I was
talking about pot again, as if that is all I ever talk about. Well there are
other things in life, and given enough time I might be able to think of them if
my head wasn’t so foggy.
No the big one isn’t
my age either as that happens in December when I turn the big 60, instead the
big one I am referring to is the number of hits I have on my blog from readers
like you as I now pass the 30000 hit mark, and another goal I set for myself when
I hit the 20, 000 hits mark. I am also creeping, and I hoped I didn’t use that word
wrong, or you apply it wrongly towards how many pages I have, as again I am
creeping toward 600 individual blogs, I have done since I started writing. A number
that impresses me if no one else as I really didn’t think I would be going this
long, or that I would have that much to say.
My writing has
changed for the better I hope, as I have went along and lately I have been
easing up on writing so much in my blog, instead going for quality instead of
quantity. I have also wrote a complete novel in the different posts of my blog
that I still need to go back and edit and try to do something with it. It seems
as if you have never enough time to make something better once you are done
with it. It is hard to sit down and wrap your mind around what you were
thinking then, to make it work better. Oh well there will be plenty of time for
that someday, and maybe more, as I have had other ideas for novels since then.
Anyhow the 30000
mark represents those readers like you that have believed in my ability to
write, and had the wherewithal to hang in there and keep on reading to this
point. The blog has kinda taking on a life of its own though as I go along and
add more pages. Some days when I don’t write I will see a page views add up as
someone sees the blog and starts reading, and soon I will have another 30 to 209
hits in one day on my blog for no apparent reason. This is great as I must have
written something that resonated with someone and they shared it on one of the
several social networks and then it took off. Some of this I can figure as to
what they are reading and hope it was something meaningful. Instead it is probably some self-deprecating humor
I am so great at, but the only problem is, that means my life is the shits, and
everyone is laughing at me as if I can’t figure out why.
Oh well if I’m in
that boat, then we are all going down, and if you don’t think we are then you
are just trading seats on the Titanic and have your head in the sand as some of
what happens to me happens to us all. Only I write about it.
I smack my finger,
bang my head, fail in relationships, and beat myself up about it. So who of you
out in wonderland can say you have such a perfect life that none of what has
happened to me , hasn’t happened to you
at some point. All of you to some degree have been there and done that, except
when I go to my class reunion and listen to them and realize I am alone. I would
rather be honest and alone then to live my life as a lie. To write is to live,
and to write really well means you have to have a basis for what you are
writing. No my life isn’t perfect and I always strive for that day when it is ,
but when that day comes I will probably drop over dead with a heart attack, and
then will never be able to experience the joy of having it all together. Now did
I right this write? Thanks everyone.
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