Thursday, April 30, 2015

the sky is falling- no Californian has lately said

It Should Have Been Chicken Big

some eye candy from city of canton monument parks in the lower end. mom says they are weeping cherries but i dont think so. way too big and bark isnt right. what they are are pretty though. exit tusc. st. ramp and head straight ahead through light on left. 

       I think I have most of the supplies I need for the new chicken house and I am still planning on getting on to this project as quick as I can this morning. The chicken big vs. chicken little has to do with yesterday’s post and of course my size as I doubt I could walk on chicken feet let alone scratch with them. But I can try to warn you of possible impending problems I see as a threat to the average person. It won’t make much difference to the poor as they receive food stamps to provide their poultry needs, or the rich who can afford all the luxuries like grass watering in southern California, while they bask in the sun drenched region eating three egg omelets and bragging about what a fine living they have.  But to the rest of us we have to eat those high prices, much the same as we had to do with gasoline at 4dollars per gallon, while again the rich and affluent sported Humvees chauffeured town cars and had little sympathy for the average Joe.
    It is not that I am against being rich and someday I still hold hope that may happen. Being humble is an art and a state of conscious that requires one to play down what they have to the benefit of others trying to achieve it. It is not to flaunt and somehow become an expert on every new happening that in their opinion requires their input. Actors take up causes like save the little dogs of the world, while they ruthlessly carry their little mutt around in their purse, while the press laughs and gives the celebrity face time on our newscasts. This isn’t being humble. It is being crass, and an ass. Everybody has one and sometimes people have 2 one they sit on and one they speak with, especially on subjects which they have limited or no experience in and are just aligning themselves with the issue, just to be heard and seen by the public.
     I think if I ever achieve that point where I have more than I need to live my life out, I intend to live pretty much the same as I do now. I have intentions of buying up large swaths of land vacant or housed, it makes little difference. As I intend to return it to nature as much as I can, as long as it is connected. This will all be done in the name of a charity and the idea will be that someday with current population trends we may need this space for agriculture.
     Somewhere in the near future, land prices for agricultural land should compete favorably with urban real-estate, making moving to the country an even more expensive adventure. Currently unimproved land prices for real-estate are approaching the 20000 per acre value. While due to energy and decreasing farmland, due to urban expansion has resulted in land prices at around the 10000 per acre value, here in our region. We all eat and somewhere along the line we will need the agricultural land we have raped and pillaged in the name of profits.

 closeup of branch. 

     My idea is to buy up farm land and farms even if it requires a premium and look at its best use and if that is forestry then it will be planted with trees. Some will be organic fields; others will be used for a variety of purposes designed for sustainability. Any profits generated by the research will be used to purchase more land. But like most dreamers I have little chance of any of this happening, and will probably die penniless, but heck don’t need money when I am dead. Somebody else might to buy a can of gasoline and douse my rotting corpse and buy themselves a fifth to celebrate my demise and get rid of the stench as I doubt I will care. Can’t take it with you so I might as spend it while I can.
     I just can’t see us continue to take good farmland and turn it into housing developments, especially here in Ohio where the moisture still drops out of the sky on a regular basis. The people in California are not going to take the high real estate prices and lack of water very easily, as high fines for water wasting and lack of agriculture in an area where water has been used to irrigate for a long period, and help provide food for not only themselves, but for the nation and the world, will be hard for residents to take after living in the lap of luxury for years. I see a mass exodus of people realizing there are bargains in the Midwestern states creating a building boom where again real-estate will compete with agriculture for precious land resources. This in turn will drive prices for land up again.
     In the end I can only see higher prices for food in the long run, include spot shortages due to avian bird flu and there will be a lack of fresh produce from arid regions of the desert southwest, and increased prices for beef and pork. Soon enough, we the average person will hardly be able to afford to eat nothing but GMO corn and wheat products as they will be the cheapest produced. The poor will essentially be in the same boat although they will have assistance in their plight. The rich will bend their silver spoons under the loads of profits at everyone else’s’ expense. Things will not have changed much. But hopefully maybe having a charity off set some land now, will yield a cushion to buffer some of the effects of the new old economy.
      Off my soapbox and back to the project at hand, as I will finish getting materials rounded up , choosing to use what I have here in terms of second hand wood,as opposed to buying new. Recycle repurpose and reuse, when you can. It isn’t always advantageous but when you can you spare a tree‘s life if for an instant in time. It will allow others more time to plant to make up for what is lost. Well need to get moving and tear that soapbox apart and use those materials to get those little big chickies out of the greenhouse.


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