Monday, April 20, 2015

so much to do, so little time

Time is Slipping Away

     A friend I sat beside for years in grade school, jr. high, and then some in high school as teachers much prefer an alphabetical system of seating as they could methodically go through their absentee list, this in turn forced my friend and I together to sit beside each other in classes for years. It was inevitable that we would have conversation and some camaraderie exist between us. She will be missed and only hastens me to try and accomplish more in the time I have left.
    Another Facebook friend said he looked forward to the day when he could sit and do the art that he would like to do. My response is that I have the time but still never seem to get to that point that I am doing exactly what I want to do but instead what needs to be done. I guess it is a matter of making time each day and maybe not doing a lot but instead a little each day. Or maybe devote one day to just doing one thing. A little experiment I have been trying here at home to no success.
     I have wood to clean up before the grass becomes too high and then there is the lawn that needs mowed and it seems as if mother nature is out to get me at times. The greenhouse is getting hotter forcing me to water more and plants need weeded and did I forget to mention chainsaw carving, let alone oil painting or finishing some projects put off to a later date, or better weather. I have a house that needs built. , thank somebody I don’t have a regular job, and I have come to the realization I am getting older and soon I too will be an obit. Not that I want to, but it is reality.
     Many my age have come and gone and I can’t count on two hands how many people I know who have passed that were my age or younger. Nature had her way with them and somehow they didn’t make it, which is the way it goes. Death is one thing we can’t escape. No matter how many trips we make to the health spa, or pass on the greasy food in favor of vegetables, we may post pone but we will never get out of this life alive.
     Kind of depressing way to look at things and you may wonder why it is important to keep trying, because you just have to is the simplest explanation. If you give up and try to take an easy way out it may never work and instead old mother nature will be there the next morning , wondering why you even try.  An empty handful of pills and headache may be all you have to show for it. You still have the same problems and solutions only became harder. I say embrace your life as it is , whether it is being confined to a wheelchair , then go for a ride, if its breast cancer then wear pink, no matter the hardship , you always have two solutions, do something or sit and bitch about it. I would rather think I would try and make the most out of it. I know I am going to die and that is ok, so making peace with that fact should help me prepare for it. Part of that preparation is to make amends and to also live each day as if it is your last as you never know when that may be.
    Make time for those things that make you smile, spend time in nature as it teaches you lessons you will never find in a computer or a cell phone. It will make you smile when you see a bloom or a bee pollinating a flower as these are beautiful things. You need to make peace with yourself, first and foremost and forgive that one person who is most important to you for their shortcomings. You know them well and are constantly reminded by them daily as you set the standards by raising the bar a little higher, and why?  You still end up in the same place as everyone else. Forgive yourself and have some fun even if it is by you alone. Do something only you like to do and don’t feel guilty. It may be your last chance.

   A bucket list is nice but most people don’t have enough good health or money to do all they would ever want to. Instead do what you can and enjoy it while you can, even if it is just sitting in the sun. Most of all disconnect from the TV, and cell phone and get out and enjoy life doing whatever makes you happy at least once a week it will make your life a lot more worthwhile. Pick things you can do without money and see how rewarding it is to get back at nature, to be able to enjoy your environment and not cost you anything. There are lessons to be learned relaxing in nature sitting alongside a creek lazily watching the end of a fishing pole awaiting a dance with destiny. Just look around and nature will teach you. Watch the ebb and flow of waves lapping the shore as they bring bits of flotsam and jetsam here and there as bugs skirt the surface of the water as if magically suspended. Why is that, and have you ever wondered, get back to nature and see what I am talking about. Time is wasting. Besides that is where you will end up no matter what you think. The rest is all small stuff.

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