Saturday, September 13, 2014

a potlatch party?

What is a Potlatch Party?

the Tin Man before being vandalized

     The potlatch party is where the receiver of the carving or totem has a party for the carver, to pay him for the successful completion of the carving. It is a time for neighbors and acquaintances to come and celebrate the addition of the new carving to the prospective buyer’s collection. How does this apply to my carving of a totem?
     In many ways it doesn’t but I am trying to follow the tradition of carving totems and in respect I figure having a party for myself is no feat compared to carving the totem and is easily accomplished. I also wanted those that have followed me a chance to view the carving or totem up close before it is sent away to the new owner who has no idea he is about to receive this carving. I doubt if he follows my blogs and probably figures I have forgot his request for a carving by now, and only hope he will be surprised by what I have done for him.

Andy Armadillo

     I owed this man a debt as he helped me out when I needed it and provided me with a car when I had just wrecked my last one. I have to admit I had a drinking problem at the time and this was in part responsible for me being in a wreck. It was wrong and wasn’t my first time, and after some agonizing reappraisal of myself, decided that should be a turning point in my life and I quit drinking. That was almost 1992 I believe, and for the most part I have stayed away from alcohol for 22 years. I am an alcoholic and I admit it freely. My finances were a mess as only a drunk would understand. I never went to AA but would recommend it to anyone who thinks they have a problem. Admission of a problem is the first step to liberating yourself from alcoholism.
    Now all that behind me and over the years this kind man has been silent and never asked for the money I owed him for the car. After a while, I too forgot about the money and though it wasn’t much it was still a debt I never repaid to someone who I have known since I was young and even rode the bus with him. At times it would haunt me when I would see him here and there, and then he figured I was the wood carver of the Tin Man at the end of the lane, and then he began asking me to carve him a totem. He said he would pay me for it, at this point I was perplexed at the thought of receiving compensation from someone who was patient and understanding and never asked for a dime of the money I owed him, there was no way I could take money from him and so I became determined to pay back a debt I owed in force, giving him more than he would ever expect.
     Out of respect for this person, and only with his permission will his name be revealed, this is the reason for the potlatch party, as I have been paid for this carving some 22 years ago. Paybacks are a bitch, but this one will be done and it will give all my friends and enemies a chance to see it before I turn it over to him. The totem is a sober reminder of the talent I was wasting back then as I am older and my body doesn’t work as well, but back then my mind was cloudy and I wasn’t thinking well, but my body was in a lot better shape. I had the talent back then, but was unsure of myself and my position in life, a regret to have wasted all that time on negative energy in my life. The eagle is a symbol of a phoenix rising as it embodies my transition from drunk to artist and also as I transfer a lifeless log into a totem worthy of displaying for its own uniqueness.

     And although I have no intentions of inviting the receiver of this totem, and since he has already been paid for it, then I guess it is up to me to celebrate the completion of this carving. I have one more carving I promised to finish for a friend of mine, and after that one can make a suggestion for a carving they would like but I intend to never again do a commissioned carving. Instead I will carve what I like and if you want it and it is for sale then I might sell it to you. I intend to be picky and try to sell quality carvings when I want to. I also want to carve for myself as I am the one I have to please first when carving. I would like to surround myself with my work and I currently have several pieces I doubt I could part with. Maybe I am being greedy or whatever you would like to call me, still I believe I receive immense pleasure as I walk around the farm and observe my carvings as a symbol of my inner strength and talent. Knowing I have produced a carving worthy of generating a smile when I sometimes need it the most, you can never have too many of those.

     Over the next week I intend to provide more information on the potlatch party this next Saturday the 20 th. At our farm here in front of the greenhouse at maybe 5pm. I will have a bonfire and its byob, byow, and byow. If I have to explain then you might as well stay home. Would like to formally invite my friends, enemies, classmates from the class of 1974, and anyone without a real purpose in life to come and enjoy the surroundings and a portion of the carvings I have done. Buy a tree, as I always have them for sale and it is becoming an ideal time to plant a privacy fence if you like. Tour the farm, and take a walk down the lane if you like. Just have a good time and enjoy. Remember I am the chainsaw guy if you would like to cause a problem. Carving an arm or a leg, or doing a little cranial surgery is not out of my limits as to what I can do if given the chance. 

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