Friday, September 19, 2014

the party is on, i am still free for now.

Eat a Frog

     This was an interesting quote of Mark Twain’s that suggested that the first thing one wanted to do upon getting up was tackle your worst fear and the rest of the day would be a breeze. Eating a frog is doing just that as much as one would hate to eat a frog you should go ahead and swallow your fears of doing so if that is what you must do to get it over with. Although writing isn’t my worst fear and in fact I enjoy writing almost as much as I love my art , my discipline to set down and write isn’t nearly as good as it should be, And if the task isn’t accomplished by 10 am then,generally it isn’t going to happen. I read and absorb all I can on the internet for the first half hour while I let the coffee numb my senses, and generally by this time around 8:30 am I am ready to begin writing.
    It seems to work this way, and next I plan on treating my oil painting on canvas the same way as I transform the back bedroom into a studio that is handy. This I plan on using at night in the shorter days of winter avoiding the TV as much as possible as I try to enhance my painting style with new techniques I have learned. Who knows maybe someday my paintings will be worth something?
     My day in court was enlightening in the worse kind of way. I will get a trial, but it will be before a judge and not my peers. I really can’t see a bench trial being anything but an extension of the municipal court judge’s authority to drag you back into court and give you what they wanted to give you anyhow. Along with the fine of 150 dollars I am facing, or approximately ¾ quarters of an ounce of fine bud, you also get a suspension of driving privileges for a year, even though I was never charged with operating under the influence. Beware all that are out there thinking about taking that joint along on a trip, especially on a plane in the state of Ohio, and never admit you smoked a joint, even though you may be honest. All I can hope for is that somewhere up the chain of appellate courts I will eventually get a chance to be reviewed by a court of my peers. What happened to our justice system where it seems that common people are railroaded into submission while others are free to commit atrocities on mankind repeatedly as if the justice system has one path for taxpayers and another for those hardened criminals the court system  too, has no desire to deal with, so throw them back into society and call them rehabilitated. We are talking less than a gram of pot here that I should have ate or dumped. Honesty has no place in the justice system.
       I have been practicing singing  the song , “Nobody Knows the Trouble I Have Seen “, and only hope that if I yell loud enough they will throw me in jail, although the charge carries no jail time yet, maybe then I can sing it till the roof falls in on their new jailhouse and the people in the state of Ohio will see what ----- ( at this point I will let you fill in your favorite adjective),those in our justice system and those legislators who still refuse to give Ohioans a right to choose for ourselves what is best for us individually, especially when it comes to easing pain from chronic conditions. Just think how much taxpayer money would be available as it is in Colorado, and what our politicians could do with all that extra cash. I am sure the first thing they will do is cut taxes after they build themselves a new jail and a new court house , maybe add some more rooms on down at the statehouse. Who knows what would be possible? Maybe we are better off the way it is. If you are not registered to vote, please do, and vote all that are in, out, we need to have a shakeup in our system of government, this is the only way to do that. If it says incumbent after their name, it’s time for them to go, regardless of party affiliation. Maybe then we can their attention.
      Legally drug free I continue to persevere on the totem and have a few new pics to add to the mix. A little behind on the painting and may be finishing it up tomorrow during the day or possibly it may not be done but still plan on having the potlatch party as planned. Again before there is conflagration of assholes descending on my party with guns drawn wanting to further entrench me in a legal nightmare, this is not a pot party. Instead it is a celebration of the completion of a totem as described to me when studying totems. Please spend your weekend at home, with your so called loved ones, and leave me and mine the hell alone. I have the message, it isn’t clear but will try and understand where our justice system is coming from and will leave pot alone till it is legal. But just like a cop it’s hard to believe anything I say.

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