Thursday, March 6, 2014

its a typical day in dogpatch usa.

Dads old pickup

       Well the   last couple of days have been dedicated to getting dad’s old pickup back on the road. Seems as if it has its own mind when it comes to letting me down,  little things here and there punctuate my history with the truck , and a couple of days a go again I had another day from hell.
      By now you must think all my days are from hell and I must be some hellish person for putting up them or in some cases causing them. Well I am not a hellish person or a devil in disguise but instead just a person out there trying to get along day to day with the minimum of crap so that I can concentrate on other things I feel are more important like chasing Mutter, who after watching us, (being James and I working on the truck), decided to take off again when I wouldn’t stop long enough to feed her.
     A couple of days ago I left the house to have my blood checked, a fasting blood test where I wasn’t allowed to eat, so I had no breakfast but did cheat with one cup of coffee, but I was up and out early and heading up the road with the old pickup, which struggled to start in the bitter cold but relented and soon I was heading up the road. I stopped grabbed 10 dollars’ worth of gas, not wanting to put more in as I have 2 tanks on my truck and both have issues with leaking, so I just put in enough to get me where I am going that day. Plan on fixing them both but not now in this cold weather.
    I was headed up I-77 and all of a sudden I started seeing steam and heard truck noises of a belt screeching, and I looked in my rear view and saw a trail of steam blow out behind me and I was looking to get to the side of the road as soon as possible. I had an exit coming up and I wanted to get off the interstate so I maneuvered the truck down the ramp and before I was at the light , pulled it over as far as I could to the right side of the road , allowing people to pass me easily as I figured I might be there awhile.
     The truck had been making noises since the first time I had it down, and it sat a while. I had a problem with the slave cylinder on my clutch that took me almost 9 mos. to fix last time due to bolts being tightened too much, anyhow when I finally get it back on the road, then it develops this noise coming from the water pump and it kind of sounded like the clutch fan, but it was running so I figured I would go along with the noise till it reared its ugly head, well it did and alongside the road is where I sat.
   I looked under the hood and realized I would never make it home so I called AAA and soon I was on the hook and heading home. Thank someone for free towing and cell phones, two of the best inventions. I soon had it sitting back at the house, and was soon heading back up the road for the blood test, and then breakfast as I was now past noon and the hole in my belly had grown much deeper by now. Priorities.
      Yesterday was devoted to fixing the truck and even though changing a water pump isn’t really that hard but coupled with the cold and cold wrenches, and the miracles of the modern automotive research into more ways to keep you from working on your own vehicle I was soon faced with finding a special wrench and spending twice as much time to remove the water pump than normal.
     What would have been a couple of  hours job in a Ford garage soon became an all-day affair , with no real cost savings but instead the satisfaction of knowing I can really get along with a lot less skin on my knuckles as before. I swear all this vehicles are designed with tolerances way to close to accommodate my huge hands. I like writing much better than playing mechanic. Less skin removed and frustration is eliminated. I have the money to let someone else fix it but have a problem parting with it when that same money can go to help my friend and help him learn how to do things for himself if he has to.
     But finally in the dark last night with the help of a flashlight and James  I managed to get it back together , and running while Mudder my heifer,  watched the two of us in the waning daylight. I mentioned to James that I needed to feed the heifer but when I turned around she was gone. I grabbed her feed and headed to the barn and she was not there and so I stood in the continued cold and called for the calf until I finally decided she was nowhere close and probably over the hill. Whether she was out I don’t know, I realized later I had turned off the fencer so it is a possibility, anyhow she was gone. I went out a couple of times and called later but still no heifer. Woke up this AM and went out to barn and she was back again. I swear I am going to strap a cell phone and a GPS locator to this little bitch just to figure out where in the heck she is when she gets these moods for a walkabout.
     Anyhow all is well, will check fluids on truck again and check for leaks, then head out and grab a hay bale for my errant heifer as summer still isn’t here and the need for hay is still there, as it is just another day on the farm.

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