Flu , driver’s seat, and myself
Occasionally I venture
into areas requiring research. Having the flu I can remember one of the best
cold products I used to use was Alka Seltzer cold medicine in the seltzer tabs.
Two of those fancy smancy tabs in a glass of water and you couldn’t wait to
feel the effects of using it. Must have worked to well as they don’t have it
anymore at least in dollar stores where I shop. But then again with all the
L.L.C.’s(Limited Liability Corporations- where we let lawyers and insurance
companies decide which products are safe for us),we have out there, they
probably figured it could be made into meth so we can no longer be able to
benefit from the healthy aspects the drug would have provided. It becomes a liability
to carry the product as well, profits would be down because most is stolen off
the shelf before we could think about buying it.
Where am I going
you ask? Well in debating whether and what to write about in my blog today , I noticed
the side of the box of cold medicine I bought and saw a Bayer emblem there. I didn’t
know Bayer owned Alka Seltzer. I was more aware of their ties to making neonicitoids
used in pesticide coatings applied to genetically modified corn. I just had to
make a trip to my favorite source of facts on the web and found out some
startling news about that white pill with the cross on it. Although I use Wikipedia,
I no way endorse Julian Asange and feel he needs to return to the Swedish
authorities to be prosecuted for rape. I am assuming he is still holed up in a London
Ecuadorian embassy as of this writing?
When Bayer first started out they sold
heroin in glass bottles specifically labelled with heroin on the outside. Then a
scientist working for the pharmaceutical company developed aspirin from willow
bark. Bayer was issued an international patent. This is a German company and
was heavily influenced by both world wars , in both Bayer was a prominent
figure. Will let you read the Wikipedia accounts including involvement with Auschwitz
and the Nazi death camps. Actually the current CEO is eerily reminiscent of the
Aryan models of Hitler.
I was more familiar
as I say with the CCD, colony collapse disorder affecting bees and our ability
to produce enough agricultural products to feed the masses. I would have never purposely bought a product
that contributes to man’s demise. Although
the pesticide and GMO research is only a part of this multibillion dollar
company , its tentacles are far reaching and it has a lot more to do with a lot
of different things , let alone numbing pain as in aspirin.
They have been
sued by the U.S. in regards to
introducing a genetically modified rice into our native rice growing areas prompting
rice producers and the U.S. government to file suit and seek arbitration for
affecting the price of native raised rice varieties causing them to plummet. Bayer
is heavily invested in the U.S. in terms of pharmaceutical and agriculturally
related products. Some which are not even allowed to be used in Europe with the
European Union banning the use of specific Bayer products in the production of
agricultural products in their back yard. They are fighting the suspension but
will probably
never win as bee populations continue to decline.
Now here is a company who had direct
involvement in the genocide of a people, who have helped people overcome headaches,
and now is again working to further isolate and sterilize our food supply as
country after country signs on to no genetically modified corn or soybeans and
repeatedly our product is being turned back at the borders and probably is
unsuitable for the German’s now destroying our food supply. Are we waging
another world war on nutrition as the people starve?
Apparently they
are in the driving seat as I also did some investigation into a nearby facility
I saw one time while travelling in the area of New Martinsville, West Virginia adjacent
to the Ohio River. Guess what drew my attention to the Bayer plant there at the
time was again the CCD collapse disorder and I wondered then if some of the product used to
treat corn and soybeans was actually manufactured there. I did find information
regarding an EPA cleanup at the sight in particular for 2-4D one of the
components of Agent Orange made famous in the Vietnam era. There was a contamination
of soils and it was still being evaluated as to whether there was any off site
leaching of product into the Ohio River. The nice thing about a flowing source
of water the size of the Ohio River it allows for minor spills as once it
enters the river it is no time till the spill is dissipated or mixed into the
river water and are easily diluted. Maybe at worst resulting in a temporary
fish kill. It is common for a lot of chemical refineries to be located adjacent
to rivers and sources of water. Also it is located across the river from a coal
generating facility where they utilize the excess power generated from the
facility there, also the availability of carbon produced chemicals that can be
used to create a variety of products including pesticides with long carbon
chains , highly stable in our environment, meaning they will be there long
after us.
To put this all
in perspective So here I am taking a product made by a German pharmaceutical
corporation , I am sure somewhere else with more lax EPA laws and restrictions
, that also has a toe hold into agriculture through cozy arrangements with ADM
, and Monsanto , and through the use of their pesticides and herbicides have
over 80 percent of our corn crop and up to 90 percent of soybeans under their control.
This is the same company who designed the gas to be used in the gas chambers at
Auschwitz and other German prisoner of war camps to commit genocide on the Jewish
people. They were paid by the German government for their involvement and had
full knowledge of their involvement and profited from their involvement. So are
they the type that just uses an economy and follows the trends or do they have
a master plan for the United States , as sometimes I feel Germany still does have a plan for the world.
Actually my
experience with their new product left me desiring something else . Oh by the
way besides your daily helping of pesticides they also make the Flintstones
chewable vitamins and Cutter brand insect repellant. Who would have thunk they
were behind it all. This is a multibillion dollar company and is out to either
destroy our agriculture or slowly poison and pollute our waterways while
dredging profits off to Europe where their products are less welcomed. Hmmmm . Makes
you wonder why. The old saying seems to be prevalent in Europe more than here. Don’t
worry about strangers; it’s your neighbors you have to worry about.
Guess I need to
read the labels a little closer. But then that is why they have the small
print. In any event this will be the
last Bayer product I knowingly use, and I will try and sort things out as to
how I can avoid a non-intended use of their products from here on.
* the link at the top is suggested reading of Bayer's history.
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