Thursday, October 31, 2013

a pretty pic for you all

On a Roll Trying to Finish Carvings

An old pic from OARDC in Wooster but still love it 

     Don’t know what it is that has made me make carving a priority for now. Part of it is the weather. It is much more enjoyable carving in cool weather as opposed to hot sticky weather especially if what sticks to you is the sawdust. I have had people say to me where is that pine scent coming from? Not realizing it was the real thing as it was sawdust from a real pine tree and it was stuck to me. I felt like one of those trees you see hanging from a mirror in your car at times. Well I imagine I do as long as you don’t get too close. It is a lot of work and one does sweat at times.

    Today was spent working on sanding down the Santa and I did trim his feet so he will stand better and I also signed the bottom of the carving. Had some more glue work to do on the carving as well I finished sanded a lot on the carving. Today is a little more of the same and then I will begin painting it as well as the Indian head with derby. That is what it kind of reminds me of,and is the direction I am going with that carving.

Indian w/ derby and fungus growing. 

   I did get a chance to get back to painting on the eagle and have some more paint on it and it is looking better also. Looking forward to finishing these up soon, maybe by Saturday if the weather holds out and if it doesn’t will move to garage and finish painting there.
     Had a pretty good year raising snap dragons. I sold a lot and still had a bunch that I finally planted in a flower bed close to the house along with some impatiens I had left over. I am in awe of the soft pastel colors of these delicate flowers yet still are able  to with stand frosts and are holding up well here close to the first of November in Ohio. These are definitely going to be on my list of flowers to have for sale in the spring.

    One reason I am trying to carve a bunch is because I am trying to buy a larger wood heater capable of heating the greenhouse sufficiently. I lost quite a few plants last year and don’t intend to go there this year. Also I will be raising a lot from seed this year and need to have the greenhouse toasty in February when I need to start the seed. I have been getting some new exotic plants and I am pleased to announce a new leaf on the elephant ear plant and will try and get a time sequence of it opening. This should be interesting to view as the leaves are quite large and really don’t come out that often, or at least that is what I am told. It is fun seeing some of the exotics and just using the greenhouse for something other than trying to make a buck.

Looks like a four legged shit bomb just waiting to blow doesn't he? Mom's new dog Buddy

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