Tuesday, October 29, 2013

finally finished with fish

Yesterday I Finished


       Yesterday I finished the fish I was working on after refinishing and repainting and sealing, my guess it is at least 7 years old and is probably good for another 10 or more depending where I keep it. I used my new paint sprayer to apply the sealer giving it several coats, especially in the areas where cracking will occur. The tail appears to be firmly attached and all is well with the carving. I will place a before and after pic as well as a newly carved pic to show the process well.

7-11-2008 pic with Zoey 

      I was also able to finish 2 bears I have been working on also and they are cute. In fact after being newly sealed, the little cute bear decided to take a roll in the gravel and dirt. He is no worse for the wear and in fact still has a smile on his face. A little clean up and he is good as new, and he is  ready to go to a new home for Christmas if anyone is interested.

    I have been working on a Santa Claus or at least trying to do an old fashioned one with long robe, etc.. This is still a work in progress, and so far I have been able to cut most of it with a regular chainsaw. Saving the more intricate work for my carving chainsaw, and If nothing else he will make a cute wizard. Doing this with a regular chainsaw with a regular tip, shows what can be accomplished with just your average chainsaw giving yourself time to be accustomed to what the chainsaw is capable of before buying into a more expensive setup with a smaller bar, new sprocket and chain. This will add an additional 100 dollars to the cost of your regular chainsaw. The whole secret is to try and find a smaller tip if you can, hardnosed or sprocket doesn’t matter to much. You are more interested in finding a smaller tip to carve reasonably well. Always be safe, and if nothing else come visit me for some pointers or lessons if you are truly interested in carving. 

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