Saturday, October 26, 2013

continuing with the refinishing of the fish

After The Glue Sets Again 

   Again I am waiting for the glue to set as again I am filling cracks, some old some new. Some just a smear of glue will do until you have a smooth finish. It is possible to eliminate most cracks on a sculpture but it is time consuming, and will not guarantee that when you invest all this time into something like this you are determined to make it last.
      So at this point you decide to change where it sits or treat it special,  by the meaning of  keeping it in a dry place or changing its environment. Care must be taken to not drastically change that environment by bringing a carving inside. This may make it crack more. Instead try to modify its original placement. The carving I am working on has been around 7 +years I have been carving. That is a long time and will last longer since I am in the process of refinishing. This carving may well last many years more. I gave this carving to mom for some reason her birthday whatever, as I tend to forget. Anyhow sometimes it is because she makes a fuss over it and then I couldn’t sell it if i wanted to.

        If you look in the pics I am showing you, you will see the cracks being filled again and also a pic of the base. I am using my new air brush from Harbor Freight. It is ok but may end up going with my double action air brush. I started painting the blue on the base indicating the water. I found the new air brush to be hard to get the right mix of paint and thinnner to get a consistent covering. And some places I want it thin as in a wash to let the grain show through and other places heavy. Multiple coats will do the same thing. The trouble is I am always in a hurry to get something like a carving done just want it over with after I finish carving. But the finish is half the sale of the carving, as it completely changes the look of a bare carving. Finish is important as you want it to last for a time. I would like to think it is a legacy of ones work, and would like to think I do quality work. At the same time I am not afraid to stack my work up against others and feel proud for my unique vision. I’m not the best but hopefully representative of my fellow carvers. I also give to the people information on how to do the work I am doing as I never had the benefit of any training in what I do.

       So in the process of learning how to care for a carving you are also learning how to carve. You are learning how to fix your mistakes. The old adage of you can take it off but you can’t put it back on is in reality hogwash. Some will tell you a lot of things but in the end it is hard to find a piece of wood large enough to carve an elephant out of if you wanted to but you can glue enough pieces together and carve a large full size elephant if you wanted to. Knowing how to fix your mistakes is important. You will make many if you plan to chainsaw carve very long.
        But in the end you can realize that the information I am offering can be used for a lot of other purposes. As wood is all around us in our lives,in the cabinet doors that can be fixed and reused like new, saving a tree somewhere.  Wood can be forgiving. Re-sanded and smoothed it can make the high end floors we admire so much. There is a big market in tearing down century old barns and salvaging the wood to make flooring and siding for one’s home. This process of stripping the land of old barns is forever changing our landscape as barns once ruled the rural area as farmer’s took pride in their barns . It is great to see the wood reused if the barn is down, but in some cases these barns could have been salvaged.
      Anyhow recycled wood is always better. And preserving your carving will only make it last longer so it is in your interest to make it last. Will start painting on the fish itself today. Hope you enjoy the pics of Obama and his son Trouble.

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