Wednesday, October 23, 2013

time for a short road trip

The Next Day

     I am having a premature meltdown of some plastic I used to form the ends of my greenhouse. At first the cost of the plastic I used to form the ends of the greenhouse seemed good and they said it was UV.  Resistant, and in the end lasted a little over one year.  A little tear ended up a major rip in one end of the greenhouse, fortunately only on the outer layer.
     This forced some decisions the first is that I replace the window in the storm door. Not sure what took the window out, a falling meteor or a kid, either way it is gone. Maybe the increase in air pressure exerted due to broken window caused undue pressure on the inside of the greenhouse maybe causing the failure of the plastic . After getting up there and testing some, it ripped way too easy and surprisingly I have had few problems till now with it.
    The second choice involved what do I replace the rip with. If I use the same stuff I may have to replace it again too soon. So I decided to go with regular greenhouse plastic. I bought a piece large enough for the repair and a piece large enough to work on other end or roof if I have to. I know the greenhouse plastic is UV. Resistant and is flexible enough to with stand the constant buffeting of the wind. I think it has more to do with the sun though, and this end received more sun than other end. Hopefully though this will make repairs easier and last longer.
      Anyhow this necessitated a trip to just outside Mt. Hope at a greenhouse supply place and  I picked up the plastic I needed then Mom and I headed around Amish country driving the back roads through Holmesville and then back through MT . Hope and Apple Creek at times. I ate too many Troyer’s donuts and had dinner at Amish door restaurant in Wilmot, as we were headed home.

         I did work on the carving I was refinishing and just glued those cracks so carving will be ready to finish sand tomorrow. Next I will begin to recreate the iridescent paint job. Plan on using a new air brush set up I just bought. I have 2 air brush guns and hope this one is easier, but doubt as both need cleaned and it is a pain to change colors. I also did some grinding on the bears.
      And at some point, found time to cut some firewood and split a whole bucket full tonight as the sun set on a cold night coming of many more. I have to embrace the cold and appreciate its benefits if there are any. But after a few cold ones I find it hard to appreciate much.
     So I figured out what I did to bring this latest cold snap on and that was precipitated by a sale at the Magnolia Mill of some nice wool gloves for a dollar. They looked cool and I can’t remember the last time I got a deal at the mill so I bought into it. It was 70 degrees so I hauled them all over Pennsylvania as I listened to reports of cold weather and possible snow. No worry I was prepared as I had gloves with me. Imagine that an Ohioan with gloves when he didn’t need them. But then I returned home and the weather went south so to speak and this morning as I was getting ready to head off to Amish land, I began searching for those gloves that had already been on a tri-state adventure and never were used. I couldn’t find them as I searched high and low. I had begun to think that possibly I left them in a motel room along with the body wash I took along and forgot also. I remembered to grab all the free samples of shampoo and hand cream, but maybe I forgot the gloves there. Couldn’t imagine leaving them behind, but I did remember shoving them away in an inconspicuous spot in my luggage. I retraced my steps and finally found them in my coat pocket. Who would have thunk?  Oh well I was finally able to take advantage of my gloves and feel they are what brought all this early misery on us. Maybe if we didn’t buy gloves or umbrellas or rubber boots, maybe it would just be nice and beautiful and everyone will be smiling. Screw that this is Ohio and we are real if nothing else, snarling is as friendly a gesture as we can expect at times, along with a middle finger salute. Saying nothing but welcome to the real world in the land of gray, we are buckeyes. What did you expect from a nut?

      So this is what I did after the glue sets, I just keep on living and trying to be a little more than I was yesterday. Some days I win, some days I don’t care. And when I lose I still win, as I am alive, and always have tomorrow.

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