Wednesday, January 22, 2014

a new goal reached-365-days blogging, last for awhile. bear with me.

Time to Pat Myself on the Back Again

    Again another goal achieved as I reach 365 days of blogging and now I head into my second year of blogging. Sorry this wasn’t consistent blogging as it required me over 2 years physically to achieve this goal starting on 1-7-2012. A little while ago I achieved a goal of 20000 hits, and late last year the goal of writing a full length novel. To say the least I am on a roll that is beyond my expectations. Again this wouldn’t be possible without support from my readers. My new goals, of 30000, hits and 2 years of blogging, are in front of me. In fact I spent the last couple of days searching for the right words to say and avoid the off the cuff remarks that have brought me this far, and try to improve the quality of my writing.
     Well off the cuff has brought me this far. And after careful consideration maybe some of the raw writing is what appeals to the writer. Home spun tales seem to do good, as I watch the old stats to see what works best. So you will see more of these as I go along. Also I know people would like me to avoid issues of the day that affect us all, but sometimes this is where my passion in writing is. Environmental issues, and how they affect us here at home are important to me and hope they are for you also .
      I can still remember Mr. Piccard’s enthusiasm of the first Earth Day back in I believe it was 1972 as he tried to make our biology class more aware of our world around us . It worked for me and I am sure it worked for a lot of other people. Numerous college biology courses and related science courses and readings have instilled in me a desire to try and make a difference if through nothing else but to inform you the reader what I have found.

      I encourage you the reader to respond to me and let me know what you think of what I have done right. The stats tell me some but it is the readers that tell me the most. Feel free to contact me at the reader response on this blog, or for that matter at my personal email address at I would like to hear from my friends  and I will laugh at my enemies out there, tell me what I am doing wrong , or right, but don’t expect me to quit now. Hope you continue to enjoy-kev

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