Wednesday, January 8, 2014

do the pics of abused animals help?

So What If?

      So today I will do an update and let everyone know I returned the screen door to the store in the original ripped up box. This will probably end up in the discount rack after a digital pic is taken and a letter is sent to the manufacturer describing the problem. Oh well , not my problem as I did the best I could to make the right purchase and if more information was available I could have avoided the whole mess. Went back to same department  and walked past the same salesman and bought another screen door, same model and this time didn’t bother asking salesman anything assuming he didn’t know shit anyhow and of course being invisible I walked right past him and he never even noticed me again. I did update the woman at the service desk about how rude and ignorant this man was, and she took note.
       I installed the door on mom’s house in the freezing weather but managed to get that job as well as putting up plastic on the windows in the room where it was still needed. Watered plants I have wintering over in there and everything looked good as the room stayed warm during the sub zero wind chills.
     This wasn’t the first time I have had experience with my cloak of invisibility as I walked away from two Sears’s salesmen one time while buying a washer and dryer because they refused to acknowledge me, but instead tried to entertain me with their own personal stories as I stood directly in front of them. I tried to be polite and not butt into their personal conversation but after saying excuse me twice, I just turned and walked out of store.  A 500 dollar sale for them down the tubes, wonder how they like working for K–mart now. 
     The next thing on my bitch list is the pics of sick and abused animals on Facebook. Sorry folks you are preaching to the choir. The people who do these horrible acts probably aren’t on Facebook anyhow and could care less about socializing, and are probably too stupid to read or learn anyhow, even if they have pictures.  The rest of the people with a conscious and a heart have to sit through heart wrenching pictures of animal abuse that makes me quiver at the thought. There is no warning instead a picture of a dog frozen in its cage and looking like you wouldn’t imagine. Sorry folks I refuse to go further with the description but I would like to thank who ever left that on Facebook to share with me. I really didn’t know what I was going to write about. Now I do. I could have described the dog in detail as the image is burned into my mind.
    Posting these pics as disgustingly impressive as they may be does not raise public awareness as you may believe. I myself have buried a dog frozen in its box when I was asked by a supposedly good Samaritan who took troubled dogs in and would feed them and water them but when it came to vacation time never thought a minute, or maybe he did utilizing exactly one minute, as he asked me and another friend at last minute to feed his dogs. When we arrived there one of the dogs was frozen in its box and when we were able to get him on the phone, his response was that’s Ralphie guess you won’t have to feed him. Duh wonder what made him think of that? Could have been because he was dead and apparently he had been sick and anyway I buried him after digging through frost and snow in the cold. I buried another dog that didn’t belong to me that I think was a victim of dog fighting and do the fact our lane is in a remote area and there are parts I can’t see, someone had dumped a dead dog on the side of our lane, this happened not once but twice with another dog in same fashion, and I am sure there may have been more. Anyhow I try to keep the lane mowed and check any strange or suspicious cars, taking pics of their license plates for future reference. So to all the would be Dillon’s out there, I am watching for you.
      Do all my efforts stop the dumb shit? No. the idiots that perpetrate these sad inhumane acts are just plain idiots, that are only concerned with their own little world and as I said could care less what you or I think, let alone what happens to the animal. A horse with half its face ripped off and a dog frozen in its cage is sad, believe me. I try to run past those pics on the Facebook crawl but they still haunt me no matter. Maybe just hide them behind another pic or something or other. I don’t want to be ignorant and say I don’t want to see them it’s just that I have seen enough. Unfortunately I wonder what effect it has on the young ones who view it as a form of sensationalism and seem to find it is an ok part of our social structure as we seem to have a fascination with abuse of pets, but when it comes to our elderly or those in our lives who are disadvantaged as we don’t see too much of that. I don’t know that we want to do too much of that either but instead try to educate our young ones in the proper care and maintenance of our companion animals as well wild animals of all types in a humane manner. At least if your young have learned a conscious about abuse of animals then maybe by peer pressure your children may stop abuse by others their age, in effect nipping the abuse problem in the bud, as Barney Fife would say

     Maybe as each generation goes by and public awareness becomes greater, then we as a society will finally minimize the problem.  What if we lived in a society when deviant behavior was not the norm but instead nonexistent. I know dream on, when that happens I might find a salesperson that actually knows something about the product he is selling as well as servicing.  


Anonymous said...

I'd like to shoot the ignorant fuckers who abuse their animals.

Anonymous said...

What's your take on the legalization
of marijuana