Tuesday, January 14, 2014

hidden treasures

Spam Ads Online- Don’t You Just Love Them?

   Have you looked in your spam folder before deleting? I do at times and I am amazed at the number and variety of emails that confront me there. From telling me how to improve my sex life to offering me money from such a thing called rock star loans. Yeah like Tom Petty is going to loan me money. Most all of these go directly to your spam filter and really it is only recently I have been checking out what is really going on there as I also advertise my carvings on craigslist and was afraid some the emails may inadvertently end up there. So I didn’t really want to toss away some business in the process.
      One of my favorites though is the Extense ads where they promise to take the worry out of falling short on my man hood. I am sure some men have a hard time, (emphasizing hard),measuring their success in the bedroom in this department but I doubt a pill will extend your lack of worry. And that it is genetically impossible to correct a situation as being short on one end. Putting more lead in our pencil at our age is like trying to straighten a wet noodle, once it’s cooked you might as well forget it.
    The other one that always get me is how they are going to fix my raging hormones as I reach menopause. Cure those night sweats, and help me have a healthy and safe sex life as I reach my golden years. First off, hardly think I will be doing too much of anything when I am in a walker or shuffling my way to the mailbox when I am in those golden years. Possibly forgetting to take any pills will probably be the norm so fixing my menopause problems will be out of order. Oh wait!  I must be female to have these problems; it seems as if they never direct an ad to go to a specific gender by way of name classification. So they send it to everyone regardless. Thinking maybe they hope I will let a woman know she is having problems with her hormones. Well as dad would say I would rather pour hot butter up a wild cats ass than mess with that subject, (don’t ask me about the saying it is a West Virginia thing). Last thing I would want to do is suggest to a woman she is having a hormone problem, I might get bitch slapped to show that, yes she has a problem. There is a reason spam ends up where it does.
    Viagra, and a host of drugs are all available in your spam folder, and free cash till you have to pay it back to Lucky Louie , who will come to your house and help you make those easy payments they offer. One never knows what you might find in the world of spam. I actually think a lot of spam ends up where it does because: one-it is not solicited, two- has key words of extend, and Viagra, or menopause, and three – will have the phrase of help you improve your sex life, four – will help you find a date after you improve your sex life. And finally five – will help you get out of debt.

     Pretty much that sums up the majority of the emails in my spam filter. If I was the worrying type I might grow a complex if I visited the spam box and took it seriously as I am sure they have identified a whole host of problems that may be wrong with our world , or then again are they playing with our emotions and feeding us what we want to hear?  I mean without sex drugs and rock and roll stars money , where would our generation be? 

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