Think I Screwed Up my Fan Box Account- Oh Well
I don’t know if anyone out there is
involved with this fan box account thing. Where they give you pretend money
and add it to your account and then charge you fees and take it back . Never
really understood what it is all supposed to mean except that by pulling in
peoples email addresses, it allows fan box to sell those to other advertisers , kind of a
pyramid scheme in some respects, only no one but the creators ever makes
anything unless you play their game.
I am not a game person and have no desire
to let anyone lead me around , but have on occasion been irked at the
persistence of these folks to attempt to hook me in to their BS. The last
correspondence from themn told me that since I didn’t pay my IPL processing
fees ( of which I am sure they would gladly accept a check) , so instead
of paying me the supposed 1000 they owed me , instead they are going to charge
my account 500. Or something like that so that they can pay my success coach to
keep hassling me.
I was fairly nice in my response to them
since this all started by an online friend suggesting my name to receive their
emails. It seems as if I cant get them out of my inbox as they keep weaseling
their way in. My response was that they had no intention of ever issuing a
check to me for my supposed earnings in my account , and that basically since
they controlled everything they might as well shove it up their ass, I no
longer wanted to play their game and really wished my success coach would just
leave me alone.
This wasnt enough for them so they
decided to have my success coach smartie as she is called , write to me and
encourage me to pay my IPL fees and that I needed to play their game and all
would be fine, maybe someday I would see money come in the form of a check to
my paypal account which I have never shared with them by the way, even though
they asked.
My response was this: look smartass( oh
excuse me I meant smartie), have no desire to fill my inbox with your shit and
promises , and as an apparent sheep that you are following in the process is not
for me . Please quit harassing me and instead quit sending me emails to my
inbox. Any money i make will be by honest endeavor and hard work on my part,
and not by suckering people into believing your shit really works. Do what you
want but leave me alone. kevin in Ohio , ps. Ohioans are usually not well known
for such long and cordial refusals to buy into your horseshit, and tend to
answer in shorter terms like f--- off.
Above is a copy of a link to my account ,
you are more than free to view my account and answer the 47 emails I have
failed to respond to. Who knows maybe you can collect the 1000 dollars they
supposedly owe me or maybe send smartie an email telling her what an ass she
can be at times . especially when it comes to dealing with me .
Anyhow if any of your friends think they
are doing you a favor by hooking you up to some free cash , hopefully they will
remember nothing is free , including friendship at times . Sometimes the
payment is putting up with the shit they get you into sometimes. As for smartie
she is probably a loser anyhow , especially someone who insists on calling
herself smart ,or a form of it, as that alone makes me wonder. Smart is defined
by action and not an adjective one uses to describe themselves. It is not
something that one uses to describe themselves but instead a friend’s
impression of your deeds.
Anyhow have fun with my account , visit the link and generally disrespect
them as I could care less if smartie ever has a life. Who knows maybe they will
send me my money to just get them off their back. Have fun.
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