Thursday, January 30, 2014

buddy had a moment


     Well today’s events kinda center around Buddy. I had an amusing experience with him as I was elected to take buddy to Rita’s , for his shave and shower. Upon arriving at Moms house Buddy greeted me as usual , not like he had not saw me earlier as I was feeding cows and he joined in for his favorite thing to do with the cows and that is to  find frozen green morsels of goodness , he can’t necessarily find in the house thankfully.  Just what we needed a shit eating dog , and hence the reason for buddy to go have a bath.
    Well when Buddy found out that I really wanted to pick him up , he did his best to avoid me. I am ok to go outside with but he has hesitations when I want more from him I am sure for good reason as I don’t allow Buddy to kiss me and I guess for that reason we haven’t bonded yet.
      All for good reason I am waiting for the season when Mr. Buddy gets eating crap out of his system. I had one dog who disappeared but was crazy about horse crap and  he would run for miles carrying turds in his mouth. All I would have to say’ is that my horseturd?’ he would suddenly  grab it up  and take off, whether it was mine or not, as it made no difference as I would never get it. So when buddy took an affection for cow turds, I have to ignore best I could as he maneuvers his way fearlessly into the pasture to procure his frozen treats. Maybe when the flies come they won’t be so tasty and he will move on.
   Well buddy did his best to avoid me when he found out I actually wanted him for something and immediately sensed something was up. I had to have Mom snag him and then I grabbed him up and headed out the door. I had to shove him over in the seat when I got in . It wasn’t until I turned the truck around and we were headed out the lane. I let Buddy in on what was going on.
     I said to him “ Buddy it’s like this , we can’t afford license and although you are a small dog I am taking you to the pound” of course joking all the time and even though I was talking to a dog he looked at me like he really screwed up this time. And to assure he was right I mentioned the trouble I had getting him into the truck was minor compared to some of the offenses he has been guilty of. Running away from us, crying like a baby, and just looking so damn pitiful much like he was then. At this I felt a cold shiver run along his spine as I pulled up in front of Rita’s. I turned the truck off and told buddy it was nice knowing him and I tried to grab him. Didn’t know a dog could slink so well as he practically backed out of my hands and slid on to the floor just as I took my foot off the clutch , and it was then i realized the truck was rolling backwards in the snow and I had one leg out.
    Visions of buddy making it out the door and onto the ground only to be run over by out of control pickup flooded into my mind , as I struggled to not kick buddy out of floorboard area, and  to stomp on brake and stop the truck . I reached down and grabbed Buddy by back of neck and held on firmly as I had to start the pickup and return it to its former position. I held onto Buddy tight through it all , and then when we parked  I got out and went up to her business place and she wasn’t there. I managed to get Buddy back into the truck and finally to Rita’s who chastised me about scaring poor little Buddy about the pound thing. It was so funny to see the ‘Oh shit’, look in Buddy’s eyes though when I broke the news to him.

      In fact Rita said he did good for his first time and Buddy I am sure would easily give up some toenails and loss of dignity or dignity, as they like to call it to avoid the other possible consequence I was scaring him with. He was glad to be back home and to see Moms smiling face, after the few minutes of hell he spent with me

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