Sunday, December 28, 2014

managed to carve some today

12-28 2014
No Sense Waiting For the First.

greenie and momma duck(brown one) and a couple of  their babies 

 the whole crew in a poorly focused shot taken today

          This is going to be a chronology of events and will follow along my efforts to remodel myself into a new home. The home as it exists will in some ways still be there but I intend to make my accommodations more comfortable. I made up my mind shortly after being busted for the pot charge that I needed to make changes in my life and start taking care of me. The world will always have problems and I am not the one to fix them all and hardly qualified when I find it hard to take care of myself, physically and mentally at times. I went to Dundee falls to sort out a few things in my life and the end result was a major change in me making myself and my welfare a number one priority. Partially because of what happened to me, but more because it stirred something inside me to change my priorities and think more of myself.

 trees to clean up yet

       By now you are asking yourself what the hell the psycho farmer is taking about. He lives alone and has only himself and his dog and all this shit available to him why doesn’t he think of himself more. No one around to stop him or throw accusations at him, he is in the driver’s seat. I guess for me it has been that I am reluctant to do anything because deep down I would have liked to have made this journey with someone in my life. I can’t seem to find the right person. I know she is out there and would have loved to have had input on what I am about to do. I would have loved to have had a woman here to help me. Guess it was never meant to be and I am wasting time worrying myself about what will or may never be. In the meantime I need to take care of myself better.
     I have also been reluctant to invest to much in this house or abortion as I call it, it could be referred to as a cross or hybrid house trailer combo, or a Houser as I will now refer to it. My brothers are not from that breed of trailer trash wannabe’s but somehow two of them have seen that trailers are a quick easy solution to a living arrangement. In the progress of things, I have eventually ended up in the aftermath of their efforts over time. I have spent hours remodeling and improving on their Houser’s or what they have left me only to come to the conclusion it is still a trailer. Plain and simple cold in the winter with a crawl space underneath that disgusts me to no end to have been under to do anything. I can’t stand spider webs in my hair and face, and snakes and wet damp ground. Also there is usually no room to move when you are as big as I am. Anyhow any reluctance to build could surely be overcome with the satisfaction and knowledge I am in control of what I’m going to build and I need to make those changes to the design to make sure I never have to worry about crawling under a trailer again for any reason.

some of the wood i have harvested so far

      I was also torn about making a decision as to how and what to build. Lately I have been spending a considerable amount of time trying to come up with something unique and yet of the country heritage a log cabin offers. At touch of new mixed with old, still have not thought about all the design parameters as to make it senior proof. Who knows what lies in store with our lives and I want it to be simple and yet something everyone would want to spend time in. I think instead of two bedrooms, one for company, one for myself, I intend to make me a guest cottage that will be included in my plans.
     Again one reason I was reluctant to do much in terms of building or remodeling was that we are in the process of establishing the farm in a trust. I am not really sure how it will all end. All I know is I will have a place to live the rest of my life. This also includes our other farm in Tuscarwas County. Currently I have other brothers and sisters living and utilizing housing there. As well my sister lives in the main house here on the farm currently. t is kind of hard to invest in something you will never completely own but in essence  I have been doing that for years as I have spent countless hours for which I will never be paid working and taking care of our family’s interests and preserving it thus far. It is hard to just walk away and do something else, especially at my age

more logs to be skinned

greenhouse this time of year. 

    So I hope you can see it has been a conflagration of events, a literal firestorm of impending life courses that have drawn me to this point in my life where I have to just let everything be. If this is my destiny then I need to make this mine where I am now. No one else in the family is clamoring to get it, and I have been planted here , I just need to repot and let my roots grow and make this place as well my  mom’s house and this farm a showplace where what we do in terms of landscaping and home improvement becomes who we really are. My main goal is to leave the place a lot better than when we found it. It will also serve as our grandparents and parents have always desired a place to fall back on in hard times.
     In regards to that, just the other day someone asked to go deer hunting and I had to refuse. We have coyotes and deer here in this area and from what I have seen and heard from hunters I would say our wildlife is somewhat in check or balanced as it must have been a hundred years ago before man. The coyotes are eating the young deer and limiting the deer population. The coyotes are around us everywhere and yet we never see them and only hear of them as they bay their presence at us over a shrill sound or the call of the night. I like the idea of having wild life here if we ever should need it to survive to me is priceless. To be able to go out your door and bring food to the table if necessary is something everyone should have.

carving i am working on

    We have never saw the hard times of depression or never had enough to eat, but what if we should need to eat. Is it worth someone filling their freezer now just because they like to hunt our deer?  Isn’t it worth letting nature win for now so I can assure it may be there later? Our family has a history of getting by and doing with less. Oh the miracles we have performed with almost nothing. Given that we utilize all we have then the possibilities may be endless. That is what I intend to do with what we have here on the farm look at what we have and make the best out of it. Bloom where I am planted. It is my hope that everyone can do this in your life. Make the most of any situation you may find yourself in. if you are sitting in a pile of shit let the warmth surround you and then plant some seeds , get up and move one . We all have those days. Think yourself out of that box.
     Well it is my intention to do that as I take you the reader on my venture of building myself a better way of life with what I have available to me.

my loan goosey 

     I started out not knowing what to write and mainly to tell you I had the chance to take another load of salvaged limbs off the downed black walnut to my storage area to be processed more later. The brush I am placing around  the perimeter of the farm to prevent people from trespassing, trying to give them a natural fence excluding them from entry by only one way,  and that would be from the lane coming into our property. Well I need to get moving and I may not post every day but will try and do my best. If interested in helping me with my quest. Email me and lets see if we can work something out.  Would enjoy the company. 

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