Friday, December 12, 2014

part 2 - will move on now

Part Two
conclusion - its off my chest

seemed appropiate - the pic that is for the blog

       I intend to address the other part of the problem with what we perceive as race problems where one race is slighted more than another and that is in the response of police to questions of race differences and applying the law equally to one class of people as opposed to another and I doubt it has to do with race and more with poverty if anything. If you live in a rich neighborhood and drive a Mercedes and have Dr.’s plates , chances are you less likely to be stopped or put under the scope, to determine what part of the law you have broken. Whether a Dr. is black or white, brown, or another color or may be a female, as is often the case, these folks are less likely to be stopped for a variety of reasons but I doubt race has little to do with it. If you wear a hood and look ratty in a new Mercedes driving down the road with the lights blinking and the horn blowing you may be pulled over.
      If you don’t like living in the hood, move the heck out because this alone subjects you to more scrutiny than anything else. If it is your childhood home and seem to be locked there. Work at making it better, and at same time safer. Bloom where you live. If a drug house moves in next door then call the police, don’t make deals with them. Where you live and the amount of crime in your area has a direct reflection of where the police are going to concentrate their effort as this is also where most profiling occurs.
     No matter where you live a family structure needs to be maintained and it is the parents who must set the standards all children live up to. You play with guns someone will be shot, I just hope it isn’t your family that has to suffer. If you cheat, drink, lie, and steal, your kids will assume it is ok to do the same thing. Although you may do drugs, your children should never have to observe you, the parent in a dazed state, or witness your abuse. Your abuse should never be an acceptable part of a family unit.  A simple thing such as dinners at a set time each night with few exceptions are important to keep abreast of what is happening to your family.
     At first I have described those things are important to a family structure. A home, a stable life, and values you all agree on as you grow along with your kids, as well being more of an individual instead of thinking like a group and not let peer pressure decide the direction of your life and your family. Church has an important part in your religious experience but don’t let them dictate to you what politics or a direction you need to move in for you and the congregation’s benefit. If it is a good purpose and has nothing to do with issues like race, politics, and personal wealth, then use your judgment. All those good folks out there are not all good. Religion has no place in politics and likewise politics has no use in religion as defined by the constitution where they talk of a separation of power between church and state. Additionally churches should not be able to endorse one candidate over another except based on his or her record, and additionally they should never be allowed to support a candidate financially. Again it is hard to not corrupt the thoughts of a politician to lend favoritism to a church where it becomes necessary for the government to make decisions regarding the church’s welfare.
       I am kind of brainstorming here to make ideas come to the surface for further discussion. If none of it is used then at least you had an open mind to read this far and have gave me my due time. There is no profit in any of this for me instead a chance to try and leave this world a little better than I found it. That is always a tough job when more has been wronged in the last 59 years than has been right. The problems existed way before my time and debts have been repaid but still the bar is always being raised higher.
    Again I don’t think race plays such a large part in the proportions of black men being shot or killed, instead I believe it is in the first reactions of both parties as to the outcome of what is going to happen. Maybe if every time we did raise our hands in symbolic gesture of please don’t harm me I mean you no harm ,  then maybe after seeing it awhile the police would understand that this means layoff with the police brutality. Now I would be quite willing to lie on the ground if an officer gets down there with me and I see this as a form of superiority reminiscent of Nazism of World War 2, where people would grovel at the feet of the soldiers to avoid death at the hands of Nazi soldiers. Discontent of any kind resulted in death and supported their belief in being superior humans. The Andy Griffiths out there are far and few between. I am sure there are good and bad in everything including cops and criminals. The police have become the first line of defense or offense as the case may be for the state , a lot of times becoming the judge and grand jury determining whether someone will stand trial and sufficient evidence is accumulated to make the charges stick. They have to much leverage and use it to their advantage to often. It seems the rules are changed on a need to basis determined by the legality of what they can get by with. A lot of times it isn’t based on factual evidence, instead on a hunch. Evidence can only be gathered when all of the facts are known. In 2 seconds after you pull a car into a park, and observe a young adult brandishing a firearm or what appears to be one, is still not enough evidence to justify shooting the perpetrator.
     Time should be taken with safety in mind that would allow more time to ascertain whether it was indeed a regular weapon capable of killing someone and if the person would respond to verbal commands to lay the weapon down at least. Having them assume the hands up position would assure the officer the perpetrator is not armed any longer and is of little danger, and then a dialogue to establish a rapport to gather more evidence should occur. Effort on behalf of the arresting officer needs to be offered as a means of diffusing instead of exacerbating an already inflamed situation. Should it be necessary some basic questions need to be answered by the officer prepared to escalate and take control of the situation. Is the person a threat first to someone else, and then to himself, if you answer yes to either question go to question 2, is he capable of harming the other person. Is he waving the gun or is he have a gun at the head of someone , not moving the muzzle or is it aimed at yourself even with a hostage in his hands. If he I aiming it at himself go to question 3 , if he refuses to follow orders and a hostage situation appears to be escalating to a death or it involves yourself as officer doing his duty , then prepare to fire in a way to possibly disable him from the shock of being fired upon. In the instance of waving of a gun, then shoot to disarm. In the event of a gun to someone’s head or in the case of your own life do the best you can to contain the situation.
       A distraught or mentally disturbed person should be handled with kid gloves but at no time allow yourself or another to be harmed if at all possible. Shooting to disarm or incapacitate is probably the best option. While negotiating shoot off a round unexpectedly to allow yourself an option to contain the situation and scare the hell out of the person with whom your intent is aimed at. Again try to talk the person into hands up situation if possible. Also I wonder if tranquilizing darts in a separate handgun should be used in cases where the person is combative and refuses to cooperate.
      Explain to the supposed perpetrator that they are being held for questioning and their rights according to the Miranda provisions. As long as they are not combative and agree to return to the police headquarters, then they will be allowed to search your person in the presence of your lawyer and a representative of the prosecutor’s office if it is deemed to be necessary. If you are combative then whatever necessary restraint is necessary can be administered by the arresting officer as long as there is another officer present and agrees to the restraint.
      I was talking to a person who had went through the police academy or had taken courses and actually served as an officer and she had told me that if you use your gun then you are taught to shoot to kill . If it is that serious that you needed to use the gun then make sure they don’t get back to you. From what I have read of the Missouri killing the officer pretty much followed true to form. The theory of the police in using a weapon and unloading it into him is if he gets back to you then he may take the gun away from you and use it on you. So you need to make sure that doesn’t happen. I would think the shock of being fired upon would be enough for most people to stop their shit, and do whatever it takes to get out alive. I would have to wound a person if necessary. Shooting to kill would always be last resort. I would hate to think that is the mindset of the police officers we encounter on an everyday basis. To think that something small could turn into a person losing their life. Cigarettes or cigarillos, it doesn’t matter smoking will kill you if you re black and live in city doubly so.
      Was it racial profiling? I imagine to a degree it was but it is like I said if you live in the city and in an area of high crime or slums mostly populated by people of your own color and an officer is patrolling a high crime area and he is of another color, why wouldn’t he be suspicious of everyone if he wasn’t from that area. We expect them to be observant, if the youth would have went to the sidewalk and did as he was told who knew what the outcome would be. Instead there were words and a scuffle. If he was an officer of the same color or race would it have been different, doubt it. He would probably be suspicious also. We won’t know.
      If he was in an all-white or Caucasian city and a robbery occurred and they said they didn’t know the race of the person and you were a black in town visiting someone and an officer stops you and because of your color arrests you for the theft then you have racial profiling. Because you were black and the only one in town and your race is known to steal then you must be guilty, purely hypothetical but to me that is racial profiling. In the Missouri case the officer had noticed certain parts of his clothes that fit the description of the person who robbed a shop minutes before around the corner and roughed up the owner. He had reasonable grounds to hold or detain him. Still I think he should have waited for backup before attempting to confront the man. I don’t believe it was racial profiling. In the New York case the guy had been known to sell loose cigarettes avoiding the high cost and paying taxes. It was a living for the guy, and for such a petty crime why the violence to take him down. Write him a ticket and order him to appear and leave it alone for another day. Why kill him?
     Still all you hear is it is white against black, we are profiling and systematically stifling the black man. I think it is more an atmosphere of police overkill to say the least. They train the officers to be aggressive from the start of a confrontation and instilling a sense of order to take control of the situation. Also everyone is against them, well yeah , like I have said before if they pull you over chances are you are getting a ticket. And if they pulled me over to say you are doing a good job driving I would probably kick the shit out of them anyway. They have a thankless job but it is the job they choose. They are the judge and jury when you re along the road, they can make or break you, so you need to always be on the defensive and be observant. But somewhere you have to realize that you need to leave the job behind and be a citizen and be out there with the people you arrest. So being an ass may get you in trouble if someone recognizes you.  You always have to be above reproach as that is your job. 24 hours a day 7 days a week , 365 days a year. I couldn’t do it. Darn I would never pass the piss test in the first place, but then again it would be a good way to score some stash.
      And in conclusion I think everyone needs to smoke a doobie a day and we would be much better off. Looks like selling loose joints on the street is coming soon as the federal government has ended raiding of pot stores and says it will quit prosecuting pot cases. Maybe there is hope for our nation. Maybe bring back a Cheech and Chong movie ‘Up in Smoke 3- Smokin with the Prez. From a row house to the White House’. Wonder what is growing in the greenhouse at the White House. I guess I am an idealist after all.

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