Wednesday, December 17, 2014

its a zoo out there!

What Could I Say? 

      In the end it wasn’t my decision and several times I tried to talk her out of it , and especially after we had learned that she was further along than she originally thought, this required us to travel to New York city and make arrangements with the Bronx Midtown Hospital or something like that, as the name escapes me, to have the abortion she sought, but it wasn’t really so much of a hospital, as it was a butcher shop to some degree.
         Mona and I had to arrange alibis for each other to cover the fact we would be gone for three days. I had 74 VW, I had just bought and it was a cherry red without a spot of rust on it, and even back then I was getting 34 miles per gallon out of it and it ran flawlessly. I told Mona’ s parents we were headed to our fishing lots in southern Ohio, and I told mom that I was spending the weekend with Mona’s parents as they were headed out of town and we were going to stay at their place and watch the animals and work on cleaning her horse stalls out as she had horses. Plausible excuses to get away and no one except Mona’s mom seemed to notice that Mona was starting to show, and had gained weight.  She never confronted Mona but instead let her deal with it on her own. It had to be that weekend, or never she told me as at last we came to the conclusion we needed to get it done and over with.
      A hurricane, I think it was Camille, had moved up the east coast and we were headed into the heart of the rain and madness as we set out. It just seemed as if it was another one of those trials in your life to show how determined you could be. We were both nervous as Mona was only 22 and I the same, still youngsters, although old enough to make our own decisions. Mona and I had plenty of time to talk and discuss what we were doing even though we still in uncharted territory. We had some information about the hospital, the costs and where we could stay the night we arrived in New York City. Neither of us had been there before so this was all new to us, and would have been exciting if it wasn’t for the underlying theme to it all. Add pouring rain and darkness for six of the eight hours driving, and speeding idiots the closer to the city you get, and we were glad to just get there alive in the little red VW.
     We found our motel and it was just a few blocks from the hospital and we had a 2 o clock check in the next day at the hospital, so we just settled into our room and listened to the nightlife in the hallways just outside our room. Apparently a roomer had decided to overstay his welcome in the room beside us, and eventually this led to the police banging the guy’s head into the outside of our door, as they extricated him from the room with accompanying shouts of profanity and then finally some silence. When we could hear the commotion we thought of little, except making sure we were safe, now it was quiet we were left to our thoughts of what we were to do, and believe me I would have rather had the noise. Again I tried to persuade her to give us a try and she insisted she could do that better if we didn’t have this hanging over us. Feeble logic at best, but when you are young and don’t know how things are supposed to be, or are going to turn out, that young intuition is all you have to run on. Fact and flawed you still just have to run with it, and we did.
     We didn’t get much sleep, and soon we found our way to the hospital the next day and I paid the fee and received our receipt and we sat in a waiting room as the nurse would take the young mothers to be, as they called them , up to their room , and us expectant fathers would wait till our mother to be, was settled in their rooms, and then  we could visit one last time that night before they were shooing us out the door , and locking it behind us as they tended to our women in private. Someone had asked if he  could stay with his girlfriend who was visibly upset over all that was going on, and even I could sense that in Mona, that she too was hesitant about all this, and this old haggy nurse said “Hell no , she says you are part of the reason this young girl is here now. Look around, there are fifty girls here tonight to do the same thing, you don’t think we have our hands full.” She said as she ushered him out the front door. Just come along tomorrow and be a good daddy and pick her up and take her home. And buy some boots before you go wading in this mess again. The message hit home.
      I didn’t know what to do after I left Mona in the room and headed out the front door, I walked the streets and came upon the Bronx zoo and walked through park observing little, besides empty cages , their inhabitants temporarily moved to other quarters for the winter with the exception of an old bear who looked awful uncomfortable as a snow had started to fall on the heels of an easterly heading north and pulling cold air from Canada on its heels into lower reaches of New York, and was just coating everything with a virgin layer of snow covering the dirt and trash of the city,  including this poor old bear who looks like he was left behind and that  no one cared. I stood and talked to him and found him the most amicable of all types of inhabitants in New York City at the time. I talked and he listened as I told him of my troubles and he would sigh as if he had heard it before, too many times. It really wasn’t so much like he had a choice as the iron bars were thick and if he was to get on the other side he still had to go a ways to go before he could actually say he was free. The snow was clinging and wet and soon I felt he was tired of my company as he made a move for his manufactured den , and soon was out of sight leaving me standing there mumbling to myself in a city of millions, alone in the crowd. I sloughed off the winter and made a hike for my motel and found a liquor store along the way to buy me a small bottle of whiskey to help me drown my sorrows in, as I headed back to the motel hoping that Mona was alright and soon we would be headed home.
     Another night at the motel , only it was me alone this time in the room,  but soon the whiskey numbed my brain as it and the coke and ice, slid down way too easily, leaving the noises in the night just outside my room. A small inconvenience at best if you had the TV up loud enough, and even better since the voices in my head that had been screaming, “This is crazy,” soon ebbed off into a gentle song lulling me into a false sense of comfort, but still remained just under the edge of my skin.
     A phone call from Mona the next morning,  assured me all was done and over with, and that I needed to get the fog out of my head as she really wanted out of there, so we could begin to heal ourselves from this ordeal if at all possible. I will continue this tomorrow as I still have plenty to say, and maybe by breaking it up into the exact amount of days it took me to do the deed, will give you some insight as to how big Hell must be. If it takes at least 3 days to cross it and start to recover, then it must be a big place, for me it was huge. The biggest I had ever seen, but then I was young and the trials of life were just beginning. Some say that Heaven and Hell exist here on earth, as it is the trials and tribulations we experience as we move along that defines us in perpetuity. At times I believe this, this was one of those times. If all things happen for a purpose and no one even you knows what that purpose is, then how will you ever learn to not make the same mistake again, or stop another from doing the same? We need to understand and by writing about this so many years later, I am finally starting to understand, though I will never know for sure why it was her and I  that had to go through this. What lessons can be learned when fate takes its dirty hands and walks all over your life, except to not do that again? Fate has made sure that it will never happen again as this severely had an impact on the both of us, and our paths have never crossed since.

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