Monday, May 18, 2015

are you vertically challenged ? here is some help for you

Making your Flower Garden Multi- task

     Going vertical uses up a lot less space , and allows you to locate vegetables close to resources for optimal growing ability, is one of a couple of reasons why you should grow in more containers per se. You can control the weeds much easier if you over plant the variety of plant you are trying to have success with . This will choke out undesirable weeds from the beginning and after a couple of weeding’s or an application of heavy mulch weeding should become non-existent. This is especially true in different varieties like the legumes or beans and peas which can also be companion planted in an effort to allow only enough room for the plant you are trying to achieve a better chance at survival.
       Yesterday I was able to work on and plant my potato tower. In fact I am thinking about carving out Mr. Potatohead to sit atop the top of the tower. Think it would be neat to have one. Have to work on bear for party first as I haven’t even started that, then I will go on to Mr. Potatohead. Anyhow I used untreated wood in the 4x6 and 4x4 inch range, cut in random lengths from 3 feet to the next size down being 2 foot 6 inches in length, to a final size of 2 feet in length and assembled in an Aztec pyramid fashion allowing pockets that will allow plants to grow, then stepping each level in about 3 inches from the lower level. This will allow me to insert potato spuds that I had cut from seed potatoes a few days earlier.

    It took a five pound bag of potatoes to plant this size pyramid. My guess is it should yield around fifty pounds of potatoes. Soil was organic blend being about 60 percent aged organics and 40 percent natural soil and of course not available to everyone but could be if you start composting regularly. Dig that grass catcher out of your garage and start using it as you build a pile of organics in the backyard and assure that is one place your neighbor wont cross the property line.
     Anyhow I digress and will address backyard composting in a future blog. Anyhow it took close to ¾ of a bucket similar to what a bobcat has, or this would be equivalent to almost ¾ of a yard of soil. Smaller pyramids could be built I am sure and it would cost less. The soil can be used again but not for tomatoes or potatoes as it may carry blight and needs to be rotated out with something like strawberries which would also do well in a structure like this. it is kind of cost preventative as you would spend at least 40 dollars for wood , and then another 40 dollars for natural soil to fill it unless you steal some from somewhere on your property. Still it can be reused many times as you rotate plants in and out of the pyramid. If built in your flower garden would take up a minimal amount of space and could be located in an area where you need soil improvement , and after using it , just spread out the pile and plant flowers and move lumber to a new area you would like to work and improve soil on and refill with new soil yearly.

    This is something I saw on the internet and some guy wanted to sell you his idea of how to plant in an arrangement as this. I thought I would try it out as well a new version of doing tomatoes that encourages higher production in cages and I will be working on this today. Hopefully I will have pictures of that and also of bear I will be giving away as I also plan on carving today. Hope you all have plans fulfilled, I need to get moving. I have already said too much, and will have to move to get it all done. 

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