Saturday, May 16, 2015

got milk?

This Was Missy

      She was the first I stickered. I happened to be eating a banana the night before this pic and she wanted to be in my chair along side my leg in my easy chair. I was working in Cleveland driving five hours a day and close to 250 miles on the average a day to pay the bills. So whenever missy got a chance to sit beside me in the chair she would weld herself to my side. It was no luife for her ort my other dog bud , but I felt I had to pay the bills and at the time the job was great , it was the driving and the distance that sucked.
    It required both dogs to stay in the house, but I had a back porch area I fenced in and they could hang out there in the shade during the day , and I would let them run when I got home. It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. I had no one to help me with them, so all I could do was the best I could do. Both Bud and Missy ended up in my possession for the same reason, as they were hand me downs , Bud being a  pup and not trained, crapped on the carpet at my girlfriend’s house and ended up at my place the next day. Her daughter dragged him home from school, and bud being the smart dog he was, knew just what to do to get him out of that place. They never had an idea he was going to be such a great dog, and I couldn’t care after I had him for a while. He wasn’t going anywhere.
    Well it wasn’t too long after that and we were over at my sister’s house and she had a dog that this same girlfriend was going to take home to her house and make it hers since I had made Bud my dog and he wouldn’t have a lot to do with her anyhow, and he saw her even less than me. Well apparently Bud and Missy had a talk somewhere along the way, and it wasn’t long before Missy moved into my house for the same reason. Funny thing they never had an accident that couldn’t be attributed to sickness and that was so infrequent that it never mattered. It just took time and be able to let them out on a regular basis.

     Missy had a little story behind her as she was my other sister Belinda’s dog and she couldn’t keep her for some reason and passed her on to my sister Sherry and then Sherry passed her on to my girlfriend, and then she crapped on the floor and ended up with me. Missy was initially found wandering down the streets of Massillon and my sister Belinda picked her up and I am sure attempts were made to find the owner, and with no success, then Belinda named her after her friend Missy.
    It isn’t the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that is a winner. This an old adage I borrowed from wherever and I am not going to be politically correct and try and find original quote but I am sure many a dog owner has seen or heard it before. The littler the dog the more of a pain in the ass they can be at times. Also it seems the littler dogs can run the fastest and do stuff a lot quicker than the big ones at times. Missy was no exception. She was such a sweet heart when lying beside me in the chair, but let Bud my German Shepherd whom has now passed, as Missy has also, years ago, let him come up and want some loving or want to play while she as there , and she would do a Jekyll and Hyde routine and become this terror on short legs, a mouth snapping piranha of land animals where all you could do was hope your fingers wasn’t in the melee that was going to follow.
    One of the funniest fights happened one night when an event much as I have situated before happened where Bud came to me and put his head between my legs thinking Missy was somewhere else. He couldn’t see her and the normal growl from her didn’t get him to back off until she came up beside my leg and started climbing right out his back snapping at him, as his back was even with my legs making it easy for her to step over from my leg to his back and out his back she went to the tail, and fell off and rolled under him and without even a flinch or a hesitation in her barking, she came snapping up off the floor, her mouth snapping air and  headed  right for his nads. 

i have lily babe red and of course whitey. red and whitey are the retired chickens 

     Now I never saw a dog do a front leg stand before but Bud learned real quick as there was nowhere for him to go. his hind end went straight up in the air as he had unleashed the predator from the belly of the beast and she was going to make him a he - she at the rate she was going. Old Bud managed to get away on his 2 legs with his butt in the air and managed to save his virility and his ego for yet many more events such as this in his life. Missy just hopped up in the chair and plopped herself beside me and stared at me with those eyes as if to say what’s the problem? That little dog had just put the fear of death or worse yet being neutered by mouth, in a German shepherd. I couldn’t stop laughing until my sides hurt.
    I know I kinda wander sometimes, but to know Missy was to know her character, and the sweet little thing you see in the picture has a story to tell. As you see that cookie between her legs was what I gave her every morning before I would leave for work, and she knew when she received that cookie I was going to work and it would be a while. Now I never knew what happened all day long while I was gone but when I came home, she would still have that cookie. And she wouldn’t eat it till I walked in the door. And I swear it looked like she sat there and guarded that cookie all day long but the minute I walked through the door and before she would greet me she would eat her cookie.
    Now Bud also got a cookie but he wasn’t quite so careful with his, and chances are it was gone before it left my hand and I had to watch to make sure it lasted that long. Why she kept that cookie I don’t know, I thought it may have been that if I didn’t make it home she would always have a cookie to eat, but then I don’t know and have often wondered.
     So now you know about Missy and the cookie between her legs and now the banana had a ‘got milk’ sticker on it, this was a promotion to ell bananas to go along with your cereal in the morning, and I had peeled it off to eat the banana, not that I had to, I guess it was habit and anyhow was looking for somewhere to throw it away when I had the idea of stickering missy with it. I know stickering isn’t a word and my word program is blowing up with nasty red underlines at the thought of it, but that was what I did I stickered her. It was too cute and I had to take a picture, just as I was leaving to go to work.
     Yesterday Babe was bugging me for attention and I remembered seeing some stickers that the bee club gave me that said ‘I love you honey’, and I thought I would give her one also, and so I stickered her also, and after about 30 pictures, finally I was able to get one with the words and her head in the shot. it seems when it isn’t her idea , Babe doesn’t like to get her picture taken , otherwise she hams her way into the shots if she thinks someone else is getting more attention than her.
     I just left the sticker on and didn’t tell mom or Sherry and then Babe went visiting at mom’s house and Sherry thought it was cute she had that sticker on her forehead. Apparently the other dogs never told her I was having fun with her as it stayed on all day, and would make me smile when I saw it. But by the end of the day the sticker was a mere reflection of what it used to be. Now as for Missy years earlier, I left her sticker on, but it wasn’t on her when I returned home from work, so she must have done something during the day, but the cookie was still there. It was a miracle she lived as long as she did as Bud was a huge dog compared to her and could have ate her cookie anytime as well as her, but never did. She deserved a sticker, as much the same for babe. 

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