Sunday, May 17, 2015

Yockey Farms Open House - Saturday May23, 2015.

Open House Next Saturday

The Tin Man 

     So far everything is looking good for the open house next weekend, if there are any changes, check on Facebook or give me a call to see if there are any changes. I still plan on having a hay ride and will be giving away a free bear I plan on carving this week and will have available at the open house to take home with you, so this way everyone  will be encouraged and will see that the bear is actually gave away.
    This will be your only chance to get a carving from me this year, and unless you plan on attending next year’s open house, otherwise you will have little chance of having me carve you anything. Sorry I’m not taking orders, and plan on outfitting my new house with my work while I can.   This will also be your only chance to watch me carve publicly this year or next, as I have no interest in diverting my priorities anywhere else but to the task I have assigned myself. I am not getting any younger and have only so many carvings left in my body and have other priorities I need to take care of before my back will limit what I do. Not asking for sympathy, just some understanding.
     I would have loved to give everyone a carving, or at least tried to sell you one, but I started too late in life to accomplish that and only after hurting my back. This isn’t therapy for a bad back instead it is probably the opposite; instead it is therapy for the mind, knowing I can perform a skill few have achieved. I am happy to have been able to do it, and it gives me credibility to my artistic talents. I told mom I should have went to art school. I imagine her argument would be it would have been money wasted as she knew I had talent all along, why pay for something when you can have it for free.
    So this is your one of two chances to get a carving yet for a while. Along with the free carving I will be offering a much smaller assortment of plants. I have a lot less bedding plants like tomatoes and peppers, instead I have more perennials like iris’s and swamp lilies, and some ground cover. I also have a nice assortment of trees I plan on selling cheap to get them in the ground as well as arbor vitae, all of which seem to be doing real well showing great growth. All of these will need to be planted or at least repotted, and this is the reason I am selling them cheap. All trees will be 7.50, regardless of species. Some I will have reserved for myself, but for the most part will have over 400 trees at this price. If you choose to buy a quantity, then I can cut the price more.

    Also I will have some exhibits and updates on some special projects I have been working on. Hopefully you will come and enjoy and maybe learn a thing or two or be quick to tell me when I am wrong. I always love that. I can’t say I know everything or have done everything there is to do. So I am always open to constructive criticism. Any other criticism needs to be handled by Babe my executive director in charge of bullshit. She will take care of you in a heartbeat.
     Anyhow I am just kidding about Babe and hope that everyone just comes and enjoys themselves. Buy if you want, but don’t feel compelled to purchase anything. I would rather you want to take something home, if nothing else maybe a free bear.
     Starting at 10- whenever, sat. may 23, 2015. Drawing for free bear will be at 4 PM by Mom. There will be only one entry per person attending. must be present  to receive bear which will be available. Yockey Farms - 7528 E. Sparta ave . Magnolia Ohio. 44643.
    Directions from Canton- from I-77 take Cleveland ave S.(st. rt 800) through construction 5. 0 miles south past concrete bridge , Begin looking for Pike township building on right and immediately past this building look for first E. Sparta ave on left. turn left. you will pass several E. Sparta ave's do not turn till you get to the to\township hall. 1st lane on left at carved tin man.Google all other ways needed to get here or give me a call at 2345213984-kev. 


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