Thursday, January 9, 2014

an actual readers response answered

It Is Only a Dream!

Friend James helping me finish bears , and yes i do have one friend at least. 

      So for all you dream interpreters out there , I dreamed I was running alongside a 800 pound grizzly sow bear with flapping lips who really wasn’t into eating me but instead just keeping up with me. There is a saying and that is some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you.
    My interpretation is that by carving bears all the time alive, the bear was just a symbol telling me what I was doing was good due to the fact it didn’t eat me. The reason I was running is they always told me I was big enough to hunt bear with a stick but last night in bed I had no stick and I was just running to get the heck out of there. But as fast as I ran the bear caught up with me.  And in the end when I slowed she slowed and just looked at me with adoring eyes and large flapping lips . The trouble with a bear it is kind of hard to differentiate between kind loving eyes, and sucker you in closer I want to see if you really taste like chicken eyes.  
      Anyhow if you get a chance and see much more in that dream than I have feel free to enlighten me.
     In response to a reader’s question, I was asked what my take was on pot legalization.
     In response to that question I needed to light up and ponder my correct response. Hmmmmm. It is good for a lot of reasons.
    Number one is that it feeds black market activity and hence supports a police state to enforce a lousy rule to begin with.
    It was used by the U.S. in World War 2 and was planted around Missouri and other states and used as a source of fiber for which it is a weed and will grow rampantly in most conditions. Alaska weed is as prized as Mexican and Acapulco gold. Once planted outside requires hardly little maintenance if used as a source of fiber. And it is believed it could reduce our dependency on oil if we were to use it to fuel a variety of green methods of extracting the energy out of it to produce fuel in the form of heat by converting to pellets , or possibly through an extraction process called biogas production. Pot requires little or no fertilizer and its woody stem resembles trees with a much shorter growing season. Also it will produce more tons per acre and could reduce our dependence on foreign oil and may be the answer to global warming.
     Besides that it tastes good when dried and smoked as well the euphoric high only lasts awhile without putting people’s lives in danger from excess consumption much like alcohol which is legal. It is mind expanding as compared to mind altering and you can function if you re high.
     It has medicinal qualities as it is a nausea fighting drug affecting the brain in a way to settle ones stomach after chemo as well it will give you a heck of a case of munchies if you are well enough and just using it

recreationally. For chronic pain sufferers it allows you to get up and get moving and this allows you to work out all those kinks you may have from setting too long. I have a bad back and use it to alleviate or hide the pain as it takes my mind off the pain and puts it somewhere else. To sit and dwell on pain is a bad thing to do if you are a chronic pain sufferer, as it was makes you lethargic and lazy, as all you can think about is relief in the form of narcotics. It has helped me with migraines but would use it as last resort as it does tend to inflame the migraine if it is not administered at the right time which is really only early onset. This is when you begin to tense from the pain.

     They are still looking for negative effects of using pot on a long term basis including scare tactics saying the residual THC targets the reproductive system of males and resides in the testicles increasing the chance of impotency. Well it doesn’t stop sperm production and evidence of chromosomal damage is exaggerated but when you are my age it isn’t like I was going to go out and start a new nation of pot smokers, but then again it might be a better place after all. Congrats to Colorado and Washington state. I always believed those places to have their heads up their asses at times, but this is one time they have it right and it will not be long till we have it here in Ohio, only not soon enough. Damn I just dropped the roach in my pants and it burned a hole in my jeans. Well there is one thing wrong with pot. It is much better smoked than in brownies. I am sure if Martin Luther King were around today he would be toking up on a big fatty saying yes " I have a dream."

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