Tuesday, February 18, 2014

another last hurrah for winter!!!!??????

Just One of Those Days

       Awoke to a pretty good snow fall and felt hurt almost immediately and it didn’t get much better. I think a lot had to do with the weather as that is what I am blaming it on today. Can hardly think that age would make much of difference, or the fact I overused my body when younger and didn’t use my head enough.  Heck I always figured I was right, and to heck with anyone questioning it. So it is the fact I didn’t plan on a lot of this stuff earlier in life, and this might well have had a lot to do with why I hurt today. Or it could very well be the weather. If it didn’t hurt so bad maybe I could write and make sense, now that’s an idea.
      Was kinda hoping that was what i am doing now , but the pain has me so wrapped up it will be almost impossible to make any sense out of any of this . Blogs are whatever you make them.  I can make mine philosophical, intellectual, artistic, however I want it. I choose to shoot from the hip as I just need to keep going with the process and keep writing. It is tough to concentrate sometimes as the pain does interfere. Not looking for sympathy, as I believe we are all destined for some kind of ailment as we get older.  I started way too early as child doing heavy labor. And now I am at this point where I either take prescription meds to handle pain or instead choose to deal with it.
       And deal with it is what I am doing, and as an analogy:
       It’s kinda like the guy asking how you carve a duck from wood.
     Well the carver told him it is easy, just cut away everything that doesn’t look like a duck and this is what you will have left. It isn’t so much about the carving but it is doing it. Actually carving away everything that isn’t there, and being active is just doing something. It is so much easier to sit around and do nothing, but the pain is still there and now it is what bugs you the most. Keeping active helps you forget all those aches and pains. Sometimes nothing helps but to change what I am doing. And that is what I did. I lay down for a while and just relaxed. It helped and in reality I could have laid in bed all night except I haven’t fed the animals. Well I did have dry feed out for George the cat and Babe the dog, but that is never enough as they along with all the rest of the animals have come to expect more.
     This time it was up to Babe to come and wake me up as George seems to know better and can seem to always encourage Babe to come lick my fingers of the hand hanging over the side of the bed. I was awake and heard her moan a dad you forgot something moan and as soon as I felt her cold nose brush against my hand I had already been prepared and extended it over the top of her head and she pushed hard against it petting her self . Knowing food and supper was still in the works she seemed happy when I finally stood up.
     Had some problems from the duck and figured I might as well catch you up, so anyhow I purchased a water pan I could dump a five gallon bucket of water into and give the duck a place to swim and simulate her former pond experience. Though her first day inside I found her wedged up against some pallets and looked like she had been there awhile. I felt bad since I was the one who placed her in the greenhouse to save her life and now this. Well I was able to get her out and she limped away and her bill had a hunk torn as if she was using her mouth to try and right herself. She was sore and hurting, and that was when I knew I needed to find her a mate besides the chickens, and also some place to get some water. Well the pan works well and the duck gets all excited about me getting her water and talks to me letting me know what she thinks, and how she really feels about me. Those words of remorse I will have to save for another time and I in turn tell her to find someone else who can try harder, and of course as soon as the water hits the pan and food gets dumped in, you know that special fish food (hint- fish food) she loves so much, after that she has nothing but words of praise for me. At times I would think she is glad her friend became coyote food, now there is more duck food for her. Also she appears to be healthy as long as keep the water coming.

      I would hate to see the day when the feed bag runs dry when there is no more feed and just how precarious my life really would be,  if and when that day came around. Leading the list of those heading out the lane to greener pastures would be that damn heifer Mudder, following up would be Babe chasing her on down the lane. Next would be the duck and chickens, then the birds hundreds of them in a cloud as if they were searching for Noah. Still not done with the list of animals chasing each other out the lane and that would be some huge black crows that seemingly have the ability to find something on our farms along with the possum who cleans up left over feed, the deer of which I would have to estimate at least fifty of them, along with about 10 squirrels and some groundhogs too, would also have to be in the mix headed out the lane. It’s more like, I am their ark and as long as I am feeding we have calm. Let something mess up the food chain and the trickledown effect is felt with a resonating ripple that may end up with the feeder, me in this case, somehow becoming the food. 

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