Wednesday, February 26, 2014

should we worry?

Thoughts about the end?

   Personally I don’t believe in conspiracy theories or in those who believe we need to have a survivalist attitude today as if the end were coming. A Chicken Little theory is what I can compare them to.
     The sky is falling, the sky is falling, and subversive idiots have taken over our government. Really don’t think this is going to happen. Believe those in the military kinda like their job and will go to whatever extreme they have to in order to preserve peace. For the same token politicians who obviously like their job as they have a tendency to spend more to be elected than they receive in compensation have a vested interest in keeping things as they are.
       The survivalist attitude is nothing more than a marketing ploy aimed at those in society that they believe will buy into the rhetoric surrounding issues like gun control, and personal freedom. Rallying cries of they are going to take our guns away. As they have taken away our personal freedoms, then they will open the prisons and all the murderers and druggies will come out and attack the populace, and we will be unable to defend ourselves. So we need ooze’s, and other high power multiple shot rifles to protect our freedoms. Believe it or not this is a high power business that thrives quite well on subversive activities or even the fear factor.
    Statements like - We need to arm ourselves because our local police department can no longer do their job. This statement is crock of crap as well. We pay these officials to do a job and if they are unable to do their job then they need to go as well as the politicians who oversee their positions and fund them. I have no desire to go out and take a bullet for someone who is unable to do their job. Also this is our first line of defense against our own, those that have decided to go against the system as it is established and has worked quite successfully for over 238 years. So is our generation is the one that is going to let this whole system fail? I hardly doubt it.
    Another statement - If there is a major calamity or natural occurrence resulting in a state of chaos, then you need to be prepared. Well if a meteor hits the earth and it happens to hit anywhere around you. Chances are you will be dead. Why do you think you are going to survive when everyone else is going to die? The dinosaurs were not safe. So do you think your gun, or all your survivalist theories are going to provide you with an exclusive pass on tragedy? I doubt it. If you happen to survive you will be just as bad off as everyone else.
      One of the most endearing statements I have heard from a time when the stock market collapsed during our depression era, was that a person said they didn’t know they were poor as everyone was in the same boat and no one had any money. The toys were handmade and people traded among themselves to get those things they needed. They didn’t go out and take over the government instead still supported our government to this day. Everyone was the same for the most part but they survived.
     If there is a military I am sure they will work quickly to restore order as they like having that power over the people. Besides what is an army when you have nothing to protect. We have a protocol in place that would be implemented in the case of an emergency. I am sure none of it involves dealing with a handful of vigilantes, intent on establishing their own form of justice. Marshall Law will be invoked to insure compliance of emergency activities. Arming a bunch of survivors intent on saving their own will only lead to more violence as they take whatever reserves that would be available for their own purpose. Much like African drug lords who intercept grain shipments destined for the poor so they can sell for money later while the poor still suffer from malnutrition. This is a human weakness we have. That is taking advantage of those in dire circumstances.
      I would imagine if you decided to organize your own party of survivors, your first item of business is to protect your supplies as they may become quite short quickly without a marketing system supplying them. Shipments from China would cease immediately, the store shelves of all the Dollar stores would be empty, and we would have very few resources we could readily put our hands on, such as fuel to heat our homes, food and shelter as well as water. So you would organize your gang of likeminded thugs and suddenly you decide to go out and scavenge those things you need to survive. You are a thief and a looter at this point and deserve to be shot. And if you are confronted by an armed representative of our government, then for sure you may as easily be shot for doing what you think is right.  
     So if it wasn’t yours and yet in the face of a breakdown of government what suddenly gives you the right to take what you want and establish your form of justice. This is easily treason at best. When that howitzer goes off you will look pretty stupid with a hole in your chest you could drive a truck through as dead hand clings to your little 357. No one is going to take the time to read you your rights, and instead the people whose duties are to provide security to an area will also be in fear of their life and will stop at nothing to preserve it if things are that bad. And chances are you will be wrong as you acted in a treasonous manner and since they represent authority they will be right and you will always be wrong. In fact the mere presence of a weapon could easily be grounds for your elimination under extreme conditions.
      I believe for the most part that humans are a compassionate lot. That we will band together to reestablish order as quickly as possible. I am sure it will resemble something much like we have today. Under impossible conditions like those suffered by the Jews under the Nazis in the concentration camps in Germany, attest to the survivability of our species as people banded together for the human good when faced with impossible conditions of survivability.  Instead of hoarding I feel most people would share those resources we have. Together will find a way to provide whatever needs for the good of the community till calm presides. I sincerely doubt having a gun will do much for you besides fill the gun dealers pocket full of money right now as he incites you to fear.
          I personally refuse to bow to the pressure of those in society who think the gun is the answer to our problems. A gun never fed a poor child, unless his daddy robbed the 7-11 with it. It only serves to provide you with a false sense of security. Chances are if you are faced with an intruder, how many people would actually have the balls to actually use the weapon in that situation. If you could, then more power to you. But you also have to provide security for that weapon when you are not using it. You have to babysit it all the time. Know for sure it safe and under your total control all the time. It is an item, when stolen can fetch a pretty good price on the black market. Then if the gun was registered to you and used in a crime and recovered you have to assume the risks associated with that. Something I have no desire to do.
      Then there is the accidental misuse associated with kids or even adults with so called knowledge of handling weapons that allow the gun to be in the wrong hands at the right time and ends in tragedy. I have known of two families in my lifetime that suffered a loss of life due to improper use of firearms. One child had his head shot off due to retrieving a loaded shotgun from behind the  seat of a truck while travelling down the road. Why?
     So is this going to avoid an apocalypse or a national calamity. Maybe we can all take our handguns outside as that meteor approaches the earth and is about to create havoc. Collectively we can shoot at it and maybe destroy it before it annihilates us. Doubt it seriously, but then if you believe hard enough in what you think is right. I imagine you may think it is possible.
     I believe in what I think is right and that is a life without fear. It is my right and it is being infringed upon. I have no desire to have that gun happy person who wants to save society whip out his pistol in public to save me. If it is my time to die then so be it. I will take my chances. It is my destiny, don’t deny me of it. But after watching armed police officers fire multiple shots into a criminal and still not be able to bring them down. I doubt if your hyped up nervous little trigger finger is going to be able to drill bullet after bullet into a criminal without missing once. The last thing I want to be is a stray bullet casualty. I have left orders with family members to use whatever resources I have left available to sue someone if this is the case. If you shoot to protect yourself and others make sure you make it work the way it is supposed to. I know I could never be responsible for an accidental shooting. So this is one of the main reasons I don’t own a gun.

       I do own a dog and I have seen the power of dogs on the Cops shows, I believe they are excellent deterrents to even the police if they are to confront you. They are your companions and will usually alert you to danger, as well put themselves out there as the first line of defense. Dogs have a unique power to read people and understand your fear. Even the smallest dog can be a force if it is ever put in a position to defend you. A house with a dog in it will provide more security than a gun locked in the case anytime. They work tirelessly for you.  And they will go fishing or ride in the truck if you want them to. I would take a dog over a gun any day. 

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