Wednesday, February 5, 2014

mudder slipped away for now

 Wasn’t a Good Day!

       I had some unfinished business from the last couple of days and I’m sure some of it is probably going to last awhile as it still remains unfinished. I had one heifer escape the cattle loading operation the other day and despite our best efforts, avoided being moved out with the rest of the cattle.
      Her name was mudder and when I woke yesterday morning and looked out at the barn and watched this young heifer defiantly looked at me as if she could hear my thoughts as she was definitely on the wrong side of the fence as she casually grazed on a bale of hay as the rest of the herd stared on as she went on picking out the best hay for herself.
     As I came out of the door and headed to the barn she made short work of getting where she was supposed to be for now. Still it was as if she knew what was up. It was hard for me as one by one we loaded the cows to be removed to another waiting trailer. They were going back to another farm where the farmer had plenty of cattle and hay. Of all the cows or heifers I wanted this pain in the ass to go first until at last she avoided being tapped in the barn. We tried to drive her but that just ended up being a lost cause as she easily outdistanced and at times outsmarted us as we tried to figure out what she was up to next.
    With the impending storm and the need for the farmer to take off and head home with what he had. We gave up trying to get her back to the barn. She ran around looking for the others after the truck left but finally just went off and sulked alone. I felt for her and left her grain and hay in the barn and was glad this morning when I saw that she ate the grain while looking for the others. Today she was in several times and actually came around me after I dumped some grain in for her. I would have rather she went with the others but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. She has a reprieve for now I will miss them all but know I am too good a farmer and an animal lover for my own good. She just postponed the inevitable.

     I was hoping to have all the cow business behind me but guess it isn’t so, just yet. At one point yesterday while feeding the cows hay with a pitchfork I stepped back and felt my boot gush through a pile of fresh cow shit and I looked down and sure enough, I was there smack dab in the middle of that pile, and while trying to wipe my shoe off I remembered that heifer standing there with that mean look on her face. I felt as if she was listening to my thoughts instead what she was really doing was that she just had a turd crosswise and was dropping me a present for later. Kind of ironic it is this same heifer who gave me shit is the one that is left. Maybe I do have bad karma. Nahhh just mean heifers.

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