Thursday, February 13, 2014

will miss my quacker.

Had a bit of bad luck with the Ducks

     Lost a cherished duck and one of the last two I had here. The white male drake has disappeared and that only leaves the female of whom I had captured and placed in the greenhouse till spring or until the ponds are unfrozen enough to allow her a chance at escaping the predator who keeps making the farm here a smorgasbord.
   The only thing I can think it would be is a coyote as whatever it was completely removed the duck as there are no traces visible where there are feathers or blood. It saddens me as he was quite a character and always very alert. If anything I could imagine him sacrificing himself to save the female.

     This has been a hard winter on all animals especially the ducks. They refuse to be part of any attempt to domesticate them like being in a building, preferring instead to over winter in the ponds in what I thought was a safe area where they were sheltered and the spring water coming out of the hills provided them some warmth. It was overhung with trees and briars also protecting them to some degree. But apparently their cove of security had been breached as something stumbled across them in the daytime. I returned home to hear the yells of the female and when I went to check on her. Found her alone and wanting her companion. Their hole in the ice had shrunk significantly and allowed them no escape by water. I should have put them in the greenhouse before this as I did the chickens who took to roosting in the tree in the front yard by my window as something had been bothering them also.

taken just a couple of days ago. 

    Catching the female duck proved to be quite a venture and resulted in myself ending up in the pond with a foot soaked as I busted through the ice. I am sure I was intimidating to her as the only thing I could find to shoo her away from her hole and enclave was a pitchfork. I would bust twigs and toss them at her eventually getting between her and the pond I was finally able to capture her in a snow bank. I was completely winded after the ordeal and she was to, but relented as if she had a choice to the capture and allowed me to place her in the greenhouse . Conditions there are much more favorable as the chickens can attest to.

     The chickens have found a favorite roost and enjoy all the creature comforts from their perch high above. It is neat to walk in and here them cluck when talking to them. They always let me know they are alright. I figured they would provide companionship to a point to the duck till I can find her a replacement. The farm would never be the same without the ducks daily journey from the pond to the house seeking their duck food, alias fish food. I just loved how they would talk to me as if I was going to forget them as they would waddle ahead of me to take their place at the feeding table which is the surface of the pond. The male duck had a good life and will be missed. That’s the trouble with pets , so soon they are gone and you are left with memories. I need to focus on getting her another mate, as I am sure she will miss him. I already have. 

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