Thursday, February 27, 2014

check out the pics on the hyperlinks

A time for carvers

        This weekend and part of next week is the annual chainsaw carving exhibition where carvers of all kinds make a trek to Ridgeway Pennsylvania to showcase their talent and to pick up pointers for the next year. I have never been there even as a spectator but I always try and follow the events on my puter.
      I would like to go, but I am not sure about the accommodations and have no desire to sleep in my truck in subzero weather as it is always held in February. A camper wouldn’t be bad, but still I have to haul all my equipment and drag along some carvings, to join in with about 150 plus carvers, in a free for all competition to sell. Over 300,000 people will probably view the weeklong event.
    I occasionally like to feature artists with talent, and will post on Facebook as well as on my blog works of other artists. It inspires me to try harder and to stay on top of my game when I am creating.
    Anyhow we are not that far away so I thought I would provide some links and you could possibly drive over this weekend and view the various works, and possibly buy something at a bargain as competition will be tough when trying to scare up a dollar. This will give you a chance to view various carvers and carvings, and give you an appreciation for the amount of work involved.

Another local carver in Ridgeway is Grandpa Elf from Massillon area (Jerry France)

    I am in no way authorized to speak for any carver and all I am doing is promoting an event that I wholly believe in. I feel chainsaw carving is an art form, some say it is folk art, but I believe the effort is more worthwhile when you consider the effort involved to create some of these works. Some are just mass produced BS. We have that in all forms of art. Walmart is full of it. But some really are worthy of mention and the artists who are producing the work may not have come from educated backgrounds but still know their craft better than any professor out there teaching , or as well as any student in art.
    I may get some flak for the unauthorized pics but hope that the carvers and the organizers of the event see it as free publicity in an area accessible to those being featured there. That what I may say, will have an effect on the attendance at the event. I believe it is just a couple of hours away and if you are up for a road trip , the weather may moderate enough to make it all tolerable and a fun event as well as something to do. Check it out. I will try and provide links on my page as to where it is, as well how much it will cost and driving directions as well as a few pics . Enjoy if you may.

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