Wednesday, April 11, 2012

april 11th, 2070 - journal entry
      yes i am back writing in my journal again as it seems as if it has been a week since i was to the doctor. the nanobots not only did the routine stuff but were also used to help alleviate some of my back pain i suffer from . as soon as they enter your bloodstream they go with the flow to their pre programmed destination. this time i was in traction and allowing my spine to elongate and then the bots began their work of repairing and reshaping the old disc site and eventually returning the disc to its original state in a non invasive way. and although the bots work intravenous their are no knife scars or resultant infection to deal with. some will remain in the affected area on a permanent basis , other bots will simply pass through bloodstream and renal system and eventually be disposed of. 

       a requirement to living in the city is that a sick room be attached to every dwelling with the primary purpose of using as just that , a sick room. a doctor would determine that you needed to be admitted , instead of going to the hospital , you simply went to your sickroom. this is the area where your doctor would examine you . chances are he really wouldn't have to see you again as the doctors and nano bots become more sophisticated , and actual doctor presence is no longer required as most illnesses and injuries have become somewhat routine as nothing has changed much since the introduction of nano  technology into medicine. little machines as small as a blood caplet with legs for propulsion and guidance sending short wave communications from and receiving instructions back as to how to care for patient. so under doctors orders, a patient would check into the adjacent sick room to his house and depending on the severity of his illness or injury may be monitored by a family member or in more severe cases be monitored by a visiting nurse. this move resulted in far fewer communicable diseases , such as measles , mumps etc.. one reason is that children visiting waiting rooms tended to become more sick than when they stayed in the sick room. 
     a parent of a child showing any symptoms would sit down and contact the doctor at their home computer center. at this point a cuff would take his blood pressure and a probe for his temperature and then he would stare into screen to check his capillary response to see if it something that would signify an emergency. after doing a checklist of symptoms ad gathering information the parent would then be told to prepare the child for the sick room and a doctor would be dispatched. never does little johnny with the runny nose grab the highlite magazine and run his nose on it and then pass it off to little susie. instead little johnny takes a shower and hops into bed and awaits a less than eager parent or sibling to fetch them things. furthermore it tended to not be fun to be sick so that curtailed the practice of seeking sympathy. 
    with 16 billion people on the planet and some with no healthcare what so ever , it now required all individuals to request health care minimally. to step in and do what nurses and other staff care people and in the end contributed to a greater overall bond of family members.  
     the sick rooms were attached to your house but were a public property, meaning if you needed an extra room then your doctor would allow you to use your neighbors. it is a requirement that each house in the city have at least one sick room. video cams and monitors are standard equipment in  each sick room . they are stocked in a uniform manner and the room is designed to withstand an earth quake or suffer through a blizzard or out last an epidemic. mans last tribute to perpetuating the species. all rooms were built the same as standards were uniformly accepted. 
      health care suddenly became more affordable besides which patient is going to sue his mom or wife for poor service. old age passing's have been eased as family members have an informal chance to meet up with the loved one before passing on , this sometimes makes life easier for the family. a doctor / patient ratio of 1 doctor to 200 patients is fully expected as life moves on. if a patient simply could not handle a patient , or wasn't able to cope with their illness then a nurse would be appointed before taking the final step of moving the person into rehabilitation care, and this required removal to an institution designed primarily for that. 
       it is a win win situation for all as each is entitled to the best health care , and the cheapest. hospitals still existed as it is sometimes was necessary to go to the hospital for certain treatments or surgery. but recovery would be in the sick room at your house. 
     and people are cremated and buried in the building walls of main street to honor past members of society. this is to serve as reminder the sacrifice they made for others. 
     the city has come a long way in efforts to curb the rising cost of healthcare, to curb pollution and in crease peoples respect for true leadership. that is to to legislate for the people , and not a select group of individual based merely on profits. since the city is a business to an extent run by the people, and who by them only are members of this business , it would be of no special interest to harm the said political base. 
     people are cross trained on jobs where by one person is capable of performing as many as 5 different jobs. as different skilled jobs come up , a person could simply bid on the job with first priority going to highest bidder. and your work day is now only 5 hours long as it allows you to havean hour for lunch but then when you return to work it wold be at a different job. this reduces boredom allows cross training and increases employee awareness . 
   so one day you might be a welder , and the a legal secretary in the afternoon. or a painter, then a farmer. different variations of job duties allows one fulfill their desire to learn and experience all jobs. and at same time in the case of emergency , another employee could  step into your shoes should something happen to you.
      the city and society has grown a lot since 2012 when i first started writing a journal and has a lot further to go. people are changing all the time as technology has changed. but i feel that the technology bubble has changed for all humans as we try to adjust to what we have . 

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