Saturday, April 28, 2012

new arrival on farm

       above is  summer  the mother cow(69). and her new baby. i went out of house to feed the ducks and was looking around pond when i heard summer bellow and knew that bawl wasn't right and so i went and checked and found summer having just gave birth to  her newborn, and another heifer( molly), summers last year calf all around in a circle. separated molly from her mom , and watched as the new born calf  would try to get to his feet and stumble and rolled down the hill. apparently summer had not thought this out to well as most cows dont. the calf would try and gain his feet under him and fall head over heels forward , one time banging his head on to a tree. i couldn't intervene yet as i try and let nature takes it course. eventually the calf ended up on a cow path and was able to get his feet under him and get up in the end he was only about 30 feet from where he was born and she had must have given birth when i heard her bellow. 
      the baby on her feet now and summer the cow less anxious began to calm down as at last the calf found a tit to hang onto for that nourishing  first milk and mom licked at the baby calfs rear end and settled the babies  smell into her senses and licked her dusty slimy body until her fur shone in the light. mom bellowed and started moving her baby away from where she gave birth. as if instinctively moving her baby out of danger,from the smell of the birthing process that might draw other animals. she would move a few feet and bellow for the calf and the calf would be trying to suck and so inch by foot they made their way up to a level spot. 

     in the meantime i allowed her daughter molly to slip around me to join her mother as well as obama the bull, who upon smelling of the birth, rolled in the ground and jumped up and bellowed as if to proclaim his virility , a new addition to the now herd. he raced to one end of the field and hit a large round bale shaking the daylights of any field mice that might have sought refuge there sending up thunderous cloud of dust and raced back at me who had now found a good size obama stopping club that would make any republican happy. and i proceeded to to warn him the butcher shop is always open. he came to his senses and relented to caring about the newborn and sniffed the new arrival. i guess to assure it was his then, nudged the baby a few times and mom stepped in to make sure he kept his distance. then things to settle down some. the baby began to nurse more and mom started to move her baby to some needed shade for both her and her baby to rest some. i have seen the baby this morning and have fed summer and they all seem to be fine. the only notable exception is that molly seems to be at odds with her mom. and summer is making her keep her distance. obama is allowed close enough to nudge and smell, but molly isn't but i am sure mother knows best. i hate to intervene in all this as number one that is how people get hurt. cows could care less about humans , and will at any opportunity hurt you when it comes to their babies, and secondly , if i were about to do anything it would have to involve moving them to a building to handle them and protect me somewhat. so it is better to let them do their own thing when possible, it never ceases to amaze me how it all works out sometimes. 

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