Friday, April 6, 2012

bloom report from oardc

         oardc(ohio agricultural research and development center) Wooster oh. , has finally informed me that blooms will be the best this weekend . this picture was taken on 9-08- 2011, and although you will probably not see Japanese maples like these tomorrow or Sunday .  i choose to include this picture as there is always something to see at the secrest arboretum as there is always something to learn by visiting there and strolling through the gardens.

           this sculpture picture was taken in june of 2010, so chances of seeing fresh flowers planted is going to be slim. so far the blooms are arriving almost a month earlier this spring due to the early warm spell we have had.  in massachusetts so far this year they are experiencing an early bear foraging where the bears are just coming out of hibernation and heading to town to forage for food. as berries and other grub is far and few between . sounds cool but is still dangerous. maybe it is time for junior to clean up the yard. they are experiencing similar early springs in the northeastern united states. 
         still heading myself out to lisbon and beyond as i am headed to hellbender park to plant some trees . sounds like a pretty good time getting out and enjoying the fresh air and seeing someplace new. i will take plenty of pictures and also have links to a couple of articles . the first article has to do with oardc and secrest arboretum and the second has to do with the tree planting at hellbender park respectively. i plan on checking out the bluffs over there as i heard they are a sight to see. i also plan to be taking pictures of that and other things too tomorrow . maybe a couple of surprises. anyhow this is easter weekend and so far it looks like it is going to be a good one. drive safely and happy easter everyone.

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