Monday, April 16, 2012

oardc again and other stuff

        still having problems with internet access but presently i am able to still post. it is all broadband wireless running off a laptop and is permanently in a fixed location so if it works great one time why not all the time? guess its because its the american way. american business has conditioned us to not to expect anything or get excited because it is is just a glitch. and if we don't like it we can get even more frustrated with their indian telephone operator who is schooled in broken english at best . now if you were not frustrated before you will be now and only 15 minutes after you sit on hold waiting on tech support. 
       would rather poke nails in my head than talk to them . so i end up spending hours of my life trying online fixes to a problem i am not sure i can fix.could be left over solar flares, could be shitty programming, and then again it could be a loose nut behind the keyboard , looking for quick fixes. but some how it all welds itself back together again in this cohesive blog you see before you now. the only thing different is me , it is now the morning after , and i am not suffering from sleep deprivation trying to make self imposed deadlines as i was busted last night. 
     i am sorry but i was not able to make my blog deadline due to unforeseen problems. that is about the longest apology and still says little as to how i feel when making a commitment to you the readers. it is harder than it appears to be creative and timely, and you had better have backup. 
     the first pic is of some flowering crabs that were just budding on my previous visit 2 weeks earlier
    the second pic is a panorama view of oardc after returning once again to oardc to view the bloomage 2 weeks after previously being there. it was nice but not as spectacular and breath taking as i have seen it.  
frost had ruined a lot of rhodendron and azalea bloom and has burned the hastas among other plants. the early spring has fooled even the plants whose leaves are susceptible to an early frost. this could easily be the way of plants as global warming increases. plants that we are used to see surviving may no longer exist as frosts from early springs wipe out generations of plants. we may have to find more heartier species of plants to replace. mainly these were perenials and i didnt seem to see much frost damage on fruit trees but honestly have not had much chance to get close and check. 
    third pic was through some ground cover and i thought that was a nice shot. and all of these shots are with my new camera . and the panoramic view is easier than i thought. all i had to do was read instructions , imagine that. fourth picture was of old tornado damage showing a new amphitheatre they have installed over there and have incorporated into their new landscape design. the fifth pic is the new stone benches at the new amphitheater at oardc. 

        to catch us up to date on farm happenings, we have received our 500 trees we were originally going to plant on reclaimed strip mine land . some may still end up there but are preparing to pot up all of them to give them a better chance of survival as it seem we should not go ahead with tree planting on strip mine land till all bureaucratic snafus are taking care of. have the area prepared where they can sit and wait and grow. just waiting on pots . some of these we will sell as we intend to go more in this direction of agriculture. it seems to be conservative of all our resources and fits nicely into our plans.
       and will leave you with a crusty kiss from molly whose mommy summer is now taking her off her milk diet and has to now fend for herself. since mommy isnt so affectionate molly is spreading her love to the world.

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