Saturday, April 14, 2012

damn writers block

        last 2 nights i have been having some problems getting started with my blog and i am sure you have noticed. actually i have been working on a cartoon or joke made up of several panels and i figured the best way to do it and still believe i it is , and that is to use my new pen-tablet and do my editing directly on the computer and quite possibly save myself some time. that last part of that idea is out as it takes me longer, as i have to learn how to use the pen -tablet properly. to be honest it is killing me but think i am starting to understand somewhat what is going on. 
        some features i just have no clue how to use but know it would help me in doing the drawings. things like the fill feature. remember when i was in college using cad program and it had a fill feature and it was nice and easy to use. not like this one. then there is the you cant teach an old dog to do anything concept. hmmmmm , most of the really good stuff i learned late in life , so why stop now. i always like a challenge be it trying to come up with something different for the blog, or learning a new concept in drawing. this is something i need to do as i can pick up computer keyboards all day long compared to lifting chainsaws. 
         and i can be as creative on a computer as i can carving. its all in my head and it is just a matter of getting it out so people can see. and when it comes to being creative i like all forms. would be nice someday to do a bronze statue, as i have done a clay bust of sherry n. back in high school art class. although it was larger than her in real life, it was a very good likeness of her. mrs martinelli explained as you are in creative process you tend to make things in your scale. me being a large person made a plaster-cast larger than real life. that was a fun time in my life as i don't know how many times i broke sherry up as she was posing for our art class. 
      i don't use models much anymore having felt my way through female anatomy a few times , i would like to say i have become familiar with a woman's body. think i could draw several of them from memory. but i did struggle at times in my life when i was younger and would become frustrated at drawing anything. now i know some days are good days and some are little better than that. i have just learned to take it all in stride and try to do something in art everyday and i usually do. 
    on the web i belong to a couple of chainsaw carving guilds and they frequently post pics of their work. it is a fantastic link and gives you some insight into the minds of chainsaw carvers. oooooohhh  what a scary place to be. daily i listen to their advice and look at their pics and at same time i look at their pics i size my talents up compared to them and feel i am in the upper half of carvers out there. i have seen some outstanding work and will try to show you but don't know if link works-   anyhow this is the link and don't know if it will last after i post it but will try anyhow. 
      but seeing this guys work and several others on here lets me know i have a long way to go if i ever do plan on being in the top ten of all time. really doubt if i will achieve that , but it still doesn't stop me from thinking about it. and maybe it isnt carving  that is my life's purpose. 
     even as old as i am , i know 56 isn't ancient but remembering when reese cups were a nickel and gas was 28 cents a gallon at old web fetters union 76 station, will still get you aww come on , that must have been a long time ago , looks of amazement . and yet through all this time i still wonder what i am going to be when i grow up . i guess dead. 
     the carving above was just the head but i felt he was to low to the ground and decided to carve a pedestal for him to sit on and it ended up being his body. he is cut in 2 at the neck and needs to be rejoined with gorilla glue and then shaved off to fit the statue. now the knots on top are actually pointed downward ,while the lower knots point up. i used the same original log for both . don't ask me why i didn't just carve one big head out of whole log. i am clueless and guess i just need experience joining them up. 

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