Tuesday, April 10, 2012

spring has stalled 

          the dogwoods are in bloom and seem to be in sequence as normal and weather although it is dry is beginning to act more springlike . maybe by the time you read this there might be a trace or more of snow on the ground overnight according to the forecast. this is normal for this time of year and we still have a month of freezing opportunity before we can safely plant . you can plant trees and shrubs with out any worry. any thing else might require checking to see if freezing may be a problem. the days are nice and cool and it was easy to work in yard as it was quite refreshing being out side working. 
        having a bad back can be a hindrance in a lot of jobs we take for granted. mowing the yard is one i love to do but kills me as riding around in that tractor seat is like pounding nails in my back. i have to take breaks and change activities to be able to complete the task. i have to constantly push myself to set about doing anything after awhile as the pain intensifies. at these times i just have to take a break. but a clean mowed yard  is always a treasure when landscaped properly. well i am no expert when it comes to landscaping but i know what i like and know what i want to accomplish , sure would help to be able to do that. so instead of working harder i try to work smarter. use a machine where possible for heavy lifting , or repetitive tasks such as transporting bulk materials etc.. some things still have to be done the old fashioned way so it takes me longer and will work at it a little at a time. and over time i have accomplished a lot in the yard. 
       my sister brought in some trees and shrubs that needed planted today and that was the task at hand. no sooner had i started did the ducks show up and began to hover around quacking and next thing i knew they were in the hole searching for earth worms and grubs. and so as i went on my tasks around the yard  today , the ducks shadowed me . leaving the hole for a few seconds would result in a duck fervor as beaks made snapping noises as they looked  through the soft tilled soil.
        the ducks have reached new heights of accomplishment as they suddenly have been more brazen in their travels. i now have to call them in for dinner nightly as they are usually in the ditch below the houses a full 600 yards down the hill from the pond. don't know exactly what they are after but they sure are down there getting it when not chasing me around. but a couple of wack wacks, will usually send them running in single file to the pond to await there daily supply of fish, i mean duck food. 
       now i feel especially honored as one has suddenly decided to make a nest outside my door. i noticed the nest last night and took pictures of it. at that time it had only 2 eggs in it. this morning i heard her clucking and decided to climb out of the bed and hurry to front door and beside the door behind a ladder propped there is a nest. and she had just finished laying and was checking to see if all happened well. i didn't open the door and she never knew i was there . i checked the nest later on and she had 4 eggs. now i don't think she laid twice but cant say for sure. unless 2 ducks are using the same nest. would be nice to see some little ones here. 

        and it also appears as the mother cow is beginning to wean her calf. her bag is full and she is has the calf bawling for her at times. need to separate her soon from mom and pop.  as mom is soon to be ready with calf. i would say 3 months or more yet. the baby molly is now about 10 months old. its amazing how nature when left to their own devices seem to do a better job than we can of taking care of them selves, ducks and cows alike. 
         finally a shot of the day as seen when looking at the farm from atop the hill closet to the house. not a bad day , but  ended up better as i understand i have a lot to be thankful for. ducks, dogs,and cows, still make me smile. 

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