Wednesday, April 18, 2012

gee this is nice

      and you wondered why gas prices are so high. now that i have your attention , as this thing surely caught mine. it is an awesome truck i might want to have in my garage if i had one , i do but have so much other junk in there this behemoth surely wouldn't fit. but still it would be nice to drive once in awhile to car wash to wash bird poop off of it from storing in garage , and to gas station so everyone could say i am glad i don't own that thing and back to house as that is all i could afford to do. but is it necessary? could imagine one person driving this to heal an ego problem they just cant satisfy. the bed is undoubtedly never used . and probably comes complete with door ladder to help driver get into booster seat. and for what?
      oh well boys and toys. have ran bigger noisier things and is all behind me now as i have that urge satisfied. my goal is to leave this world a little better than i found it . part of that is planting trees to offset my dependency on oil since i was born. it is our generation and our parents generation who have benefited the most from using hydrocarbons or cheap gas to make our way of life easier. when gas prices were low we had no thought or inference to global warming. how we thought we could just go on forever drilling and refining and utilizing this resource or any energy source with out some kind of repercussion is beyond all we have been taught about the most basic physics notion. scientific principle states as well as newton does that for every action there is a reaction. that all things in nature seek balance. how did we think that humans and our actions were any different. oh well. 
      well i found the other duck nest behind my house and yesterday worked on an  incubator  to attempt to hatch out some duck eggs. seems the ducks have chosen me for this project due to all the eggs that will rot in summer heat if i don't do something. the incubator design i choose was one that was cheap and yet works. commercial incubators are available but are costly and not much more than i have. i have a total of about 20 dollars invested in mine. i used a water heater switch and a styrofoam cooler and 2 light fixtures i mounted to a board in top of cooler lid . the board supports the fixtures and the top is removable for egg turning. 
     building the incubator was ok as i tend to be victim of newtons other laws of gravity. and that is everything you drop hits the floor and you have to pick it up. to say the least i drop everything as i get older. psychosomatic it is, as i have a bad back and short fuse, and i tend to get hotter than incubator that isnt built.  other than that it is a matter of wiring it up and fixing the elements needed to the incubator. i will go more into operation of the incubator as i go along. it is a learning process for me. and i will share information with you and with no hope of success as the cart is leading the horse so to speak. i am behind in this process . but hopefully not to late to achieve some kind of success. we will see. it may be all for naught. 

      but so far the incubator is alive and working as it should cycling on and off as temperature increases and decreases. my goal today is to finish assembling and start putting eggs in . it takes 28 days to hatch duck eggs and requires daily turning of at least 3 times daily and constant monitoring of incubator to assure that temperature is constant. it would be nice to get some use out of these duck eggs and hopefully see more duck chicks around here, or will it . 

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