Wednesday, April 4, 2012

april 4 th, 2070- dear journal

(  authors note- i had told you at times i would attempt fiction , as in the case of my futuristic journal),  headed into town today as i needed platelet intervention done again today. it is amazing how  those mini bots repair the arteries and veins , and only in the places you need them. we have come so far since total body scanning . and its the bots that remove the plaque and keep the blood flowing virtually eliminating aortic tears,  heart problems , and strokes allowing myself to live longer than i ever expected and at 114 still seem to be learning new things i ride the train into town and look at the wide open expanse of green i wonder if the farmer will ever be able to retake his share of the land . 
     agriculture become ever so dependent on corporate farming in the 40's and 50's , that the influx of new wealth was used to snatch up every available piece of property and force more and more people to flock to the city where cheap housing and jobs allowed them a comfortable routine life. the only problem was that the average individual had no room to grow any crops and were even more dependent  on the major food companies to provide for them. this went on until all land was so expensive that only the biggest producers could afford to own land . and homes that were worth a fortune were being eliminated as the real estate they sat on was more needed to raise crops to feed the ballooning population as it now approaches 16 billion people. 450 babies a minute are being born in russia as the siberian region is the last real estate to be devoured , and really the only frontier left. 

     forced birth control and the 2 child per couple rule is in effect, but still widespread starvation is still 
rampant in poorer neighborhoods. mm's or maintenance meals are distributed to the needy to help try to stabilize their nutrition needs. our region still receives ample amounts of rainfall and is still prime growing area. the melt down in the 20' caused a lot of concern about our use of  petro carbons to power vehicles and led to the global warming that melted the polar caps till florida and other low lying area of our nation and other were inundated with continual flooding forcing us to abandon these areas. new orleans experienced several floods that at one time covered over 80 percent of the city and major loss of life and finally the government called it quits on trying to save these cities and gave them back to nature . along with it went major portions of lower mississippi river basin and half of texas. to stop the cycle of the meltdown, we had to do away with unnecessary auto or gasoline engine use. we also stepped up construction of mass transit lines to accommodate the new riders. vast swaths of land uninhabited, stretch for miles as mechanical harvesters creep across landscape weeding, feeding planting , or harvesting crops as needed. laborers do menial jobs as sorting and packing of produce as necessary. still these jobs were the elite jobs of the community to have as it allowed to be part of the agricultural community. something the city dwellers would never understand.
       i was lucky enough to still own our family farm having survived the tax rate scam as the corporate farmers attempted to tax the small guy into non existence. raising the land tax to rates only they would be able to pay. then after the people all left the area , they would return the rate to unusually lower rats , making it more affordable to them. we had successfully sought in the supreme court the true definition of a business , and whether it had a right to vote or influence politics. and the answer was a virtual no.this allowed some farmers to keep their farms and since the tax needs were reduced , as you suddenly have less infrastructure such as roads and electric. these were reduced as corporate farms bought up urban sprawl and tore down the houses and made fields out housing developments

          so i sit here at the doctor as they program the nanomachines as to their use location in my body. the scan revealed some arterial damage to fix with the platelet objects. to counter the effects of aging some will be used to fatten under my eyes and reduce the sunken look associated with age. a small growth was also detected but really is no problem for these early onset machines that cancer one cell ay a time and waste it in your bloodstream . people living longer is also contributing tothe population explosion as hardly anyone dies of anything except old age. and that is till you are 150 at least. you hardly know your family any more. 
      well one thing hasn't changed as i write this and that is naps, still like to take them and as i sit here writing this i continually try to shove the sleep aside but it is of no use, i surrender till tomorrow journal.

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