Sunday, April 8, 2012

babe knows mc trash

       babe and my self have been known to accumulate our fair share of trash in the truck from mc donalds and other fast food places. this is a pet peeve of mine , hence the pet for the peeve. my complaint is that although there are as many fast food places as you can imagine and almost every restaurant has jumped on the take out bandwagon, very few have waste receptacles for the trash they generate. in fact mc donalds is the only one who universally accepts trash with out question . i have seen people stop there and just clean out their car in the trash bins so that regular patrons would have to walk inside or out of the way to throw away their trash. the amount of trash generated by a fast food meal at times almost equals the weight of the meal. and no one seems to be cutting back or recycling. my hat is off to mc donalds though as they do deserve recognition for dealing with their own problem. 
   i have no intention of showing you what road waste or trash is , instead will show you other pictures including the defacing of stone at nelson ledges.  
       now , what started me off on this rant was looking at the driver side of an off ramp at dover on i 77 today as we drove by. apparently the state has made that the place to dispose of all your unwanted trash in your vehicle . and why there is that a good spot. mainly because you have to sit and wait for the light , while doing so i guess it is time for for some seedy individuals with absolutely no morals , to take time to tidy up the inside of their car since the driver is sitting alongside the guardrail while making a left turn. then they go to more fast food places . also the fact it is hid fairly good then  i guess it is no big deal to just toss over the guardrail. may leprosy rot their arm off. around the corner not more than an eighth of a mile away was a mc donalds which would have taken the garbage without throwing it on the ground. 
       you think it is no big deal as prisoners and volunteers will clean it up. you could easily be one of the prisoners cleaning it up if you get caught. be able to get your self a nice shiny orange vest and paper sticker and go to work dodging cars , while a policeman stands over you. i believe the fine should be 40 hours cleaning up alongside roads when you are found to be guilty of littering. blind crippled or crazy , is no excuse. you have a bag the food came in and since you shouldn't be distracted while driving then after eating you should be able to easily slide your trash into the bag it came with . or simply throw on your floor and clean it up when you get home. 
       now my next big pet peeve comes from those businesses that decide to sell consumables that may be thrown alongside of road. and i will give you a partial list of those who are responsible for litter if they make a profit off of it. soda pop bottles all makers and water bottles the same. fast food places except mc donalds , and taco bell never has any cans , pizza boxes , kentucky fried chicken, and just about every other fast food place . i have seen some at burger king. next up is all beer manufacturers as beer cans in a car opened constitutes a misdemeanor charge of having an opened container so they are usually chucked after opening, and in that case have seen them deep in woods and everywhere. beer bottles should carry a deposit . pop cans also have a responsibility. tire manufacturers are guilty of polluting also . having seen a lot of road gators or casings along the road of blown out tires or simply someone trying to get rid of a non functional tire. peoples shoes are another strange item to find. and once while in football and walking to school found 69 dollars in  a bag with a couple of dollars just floating along. now that was something i could pick up all day long. and also given is the fact i have seen people numerous times searching along the road for aluminum cans. none the less it only serves to demoralize a person to scrounge for cans. 
    any and all businesses found to be guilty of aiding littering should be imposed a tax to account for cleanup of all roadways and any area affected by illegal dumping. and like i said before instead of a fine all violators need to be punished by forcing them to atone for their sins by cleaning up after themselves . and the sentence needs to be harsh from the beginning. 40 hours first offense. this is everyone's planet , and that includes all living things. we need to be respectful of our space and act like a human with a brain. i know it is hard to imagine such a principle , especially when it may affect big business' profit , but as we say on the farm oh well. 
     things happen and litter will still get away , blow out of trucks or out your car window and these are accidents. tossing a beer can out a car window or hurtling a fast food dinner over a guardrail , baits varmints to become roadkill from your spoils. defacing and in general being a useless hoodlum and painting on natural features as well as anything you really don't own is unacceptable in case nobody ever told you. i was in nelson ledges earlier this spring and found where some degenerate defaced a rock wall with spray paint. how may years did it take to make that rock and grow the lichen that covered it so some idiot with a spray can could put something totally illiterate on it in a permanent way. if you want to balance your local police department budget or county government , then start making these idiots pay. the ones that sell and the ones that make a profit off of it. maybe then we can see a real change in human behavior. and i guess in the case of juveniles then make the parents work out the sentence and see how things change.  
      a simple thing to do is to require all new take out businesses to provide trash cans at all exit areas of thier establishment , and to reduce the amount and type of food handling material that will break down in the environment provided there is no chain gang to pick it up. this is a simple item to do and would greatly reduce waste being thrown out along with stepped up enforcement . 
      as a farmer who has made hay alongside a busy state route , you would be surprised at the trash that ends up in your feed supply even if you pick it up beforehand. since most building permits are issued by your local township or in the case of commercial institutions by the state , then it is necessary to contact your state representative and see if something could be done to eliminate this growing problem . 

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