Wednesday, July 31, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 21 finally under way

Ch. 22
Finally Under Way

       I awoke to a beautiful spring morning, daffodils were blooming birds were singing, and all this was possible because I left the windows open in my house . From my bed I could look into my perennial beds outside and beyond to see my raised vegetable beds. Statues I had carved had become depositories for birds and chipmunks to do their daily thing of leaving me mementos of the soup de jour of the day before  as it stains the wood. I look farther past flower beds and one can see in the foggy mist the beginnings of a new day as the sun is starting to rise and burn off the fog that covers the river surface. A few flops of the big catfish can be heard signaling a day of feeding ahead for these giants of the deep. Some as big as a man’s body. The fog lifts and a motor boat can be heard plying its way up stream carrying and early fisherman out to check the night’s bounty from trout lines he had placed some time before.
       I arose and started some coffee, more than usual as Ann and Lee was there to help me drink it.  I also started some breakfast frying up some turkey bacon to add to some pepper stir fry which would be the makings of an omelet. In the relative quietness of the morning I heard the door close on the little house and could imagine Lee or Ann would appear momentarily so I grabbed an extra couple of cups from the cupboard and poured myself my first cup. Then Ann appeared with Lee behind her.
     “Wow old man we didn't think you would ever stir. We had been waiting over here in the house for a while to see your lights come on and see you moving.” Lee said.
     Ann says to me. “Don’t mind him , he is in a hurry to get started  and we still won’t be out of Ohio today as we are going to Corner ,Ohio to meet a tree climber to show us the ropes, so to speak about climbing.
    Lee added, “It is about two hours of instruction and then we plan on heading to Missouri and do it again with another climber. And hopefully by the time we get out there we will be experts our self on tree climbing. In fact I have scheduled one more teaching session out there in the redwoods, where we actually will be climbing. “
    “I see it is becoming quite the thing to climb in trees again. Used to do it in the old days without a helmet or a rope, At times we would just find a low hanging limb and just climb up in and head to the top. Used to get high and sit in the trees. A different world up there. “ I said as I poured them each a cup of coffee and we all sat at my kitchen table . I had laid out the cream and sugar as I knew they would be around soon along with the spoons to stir.  Ann begin to shovel the sugar into her cup taking three huge spoons and then added cream till it looked like a hot cup of dirty milk , then finally tasted it and added another half a teaspoon of sugar and I grimaced and said. “No wonder she is so sweet, my god she is half sugar Lee. Don’t leave her out in the rain. “
     Then Ann smiled a wild quirky smile and said. “Well thank you Guy , what sweet words wonder why Lee never noticed. “
       Lee said, “I noticed just didn't want it to go to your head. But apparently it did via your coffee cup. I will say she hardly ever eats anything sweet but when it comes to her coffee watch out. Reminds me of Ellie Mae coffee from the Clampetts on Beverly Hillbillies where Ellie would pour out the coffee she would make, out of  the coffee pot like black molasses, so thick you could cut it with a knife . “
    Lee and I just laughed and Ann tried drinking her concoction and looked up and smiled as it was just right.” And said now that’s coffee! “Lee and I laughed again.
    “So are you sure you won’t come along Guy?” and again I told them I felt it was better the two of them should go and if they needed anything I could help them from here.” Come out and rescue you if you end up playing tunes on a player piano stuck in a Mexican brothel while Lee does dishes just to pay your way along after you lose all those millions in a casino in Vegas. Remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas including all the money you lose. “
     Lee said. “ Don’t worry Guy, Ann isn't much of a gambler except on me and I don’t have a pot to piss in or a place to pour it, so doubt I will be gambling on  much , but I do understand that you want us to be alone on this trip . Lately we have been getting a lot of alone time and it is great. Still wish you were going. “
      Ann said , “Well Lee was a sure thing and  even though we will be cramped in the old van we still always have room for you Guy. We just want you to know. “
      I said I appreciated their asking and will wait for news of their trip here and they needed to keep in touch with me and they assured daily. Then I finished breakfast we all ate and enjoyed tales of our childhood experiences of places we had climbed, to forts we had fought in, and battles won and lost . They transferred the containers carrying their equipment and took showers in preparation for leaving.
      The old van was loaded to the gills with items needed for their trip. Ann kept going over things needed and Lee kept making mental checks as to where it was in the van for easy accessibility. They were finally ready to go and Ann gave me a hug and thanked me for all I had done. Which was practically nothing and then Lee shook my hand and I said “What’s this , not planning on coming back.” Lee laughed.
     Ann said, “We will be back. “In her worse Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, I convinced her she needed to pump up her muscles before saying that as it looked more authentic. She tried it again and still I wasn't scared, instead just laughed along with Lee as she did look kind of stupid.
    At last they were in the van and heading down my lane, waving out the windows as the vintage van exited my drive and headed out of sight. I turned and looked at Susie and said ,” Lets go”. Susie was Babes new friend  for a couple of weeks, and we all three headed into the house.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 21 cont.

        ch. 21 


       Ann hurried around the apartment, went down stairs to the renters apartment below and asked the Wilcox’s if they would mind watching the apartment and that Ann would be in touch with them  regarding when she would be home . They had no plans in the immediate future that would take them away from their home anytime ,  and were more than happy to get the rent reduction for taking care of Ann’s plants and watching over things for her.  Ann cleaned out the frig, and took care of all the minor things necessary for her to be gone for a couple of months. The Wilcox’s would pick up her and Lee’s mail and would let them know by phone what letters was received. Clothes , more than usual and enough for one week ‘s worth of changing for both Lee and her were packed as well as some fine dining clothes were added.  Soon she had 3 suitcases full of stuff plus her makeup. The Winnebago was sounding better all the time .
    Ann still had cameras and a cell phone chargers and not counting what Lee planned to bring. She had wished he would consider renting a road warrior recreational vehicle to carry all this stuff they had to have along for the two months they had planned on being gone. She knew what Lee would say though.
    He would probably say something like, we will spend more money on gas fueling the oil company’s pockets to go out and spend more on exploration into areas best left alone. Maybe we just need to take less. And buy what we need when we need it. n a lot of ways he as right. She just had to be conservative.
   Lee on the other hand had taken Susie to the shop and was tying up loose ends there and closing down the shop and putting up a sign stating he was away , and would return shortly leaving people to not know exactly when he would return , but instead that he would . Hoping that no one would mess with his stuff while on vacation , he did let the local police know that he would be gone and a contact number where he could be reached in case of an emergency. Lee gathered up all the equipment and placed the back packs they would be using in the back of the old pickup and drove back to the apartment.
     Ann was still fretting over things to take and not to take but had managed to gather up some kitchen equipment to make small dinners for her and Lee and of course remembering to bring along a couple rolls of toilet paper for those on the road emergencies. She still needed to talk to Lee about that Winnebago. She laughed to herself at the thought of using the bathroom outside in an emergency. Well maybe after he sees all that needs to go he may change his mind she thought. Ann heard Lee and Susie come in and knew it was only a matter of time before they would be leaving for my place to pick up the V.W. van and begin their trip. She had waited as well as Lee did for a while for this trip and would be glad to finally get under way. They both had asked numerous times as we would talk on the phone about if I had changed my mind about going and I had not as I told them . This is  something Lee and her  needed to share. She told me ok and that they would be down yet today to pick up the van and would spend the night at the cabin before starting out fresh tomorrow.
       I was working in the raised beds tending my vegetables when they showed later that evening. It was still spring and a gorgeous sunset had us cruising down the river in the pontoon boat in no time enjoying the new green of spring. As it is a much lighter green color and always accentuated by splashes of bright yellows as blooms of spring flowers would poke their way out of a winter’s sleep and announce their presence in a showy display. We enjoyed a short visit and a cruise on the boat and then tied up and sat around a fire, recanting their tales of preparation and making sure all bases were covered for their departure the next day. I listened to Lee’s enthusiasm of building the ball launcher and how well it worked and Ann updated me on all the company takeover business. They retired to the little house for a restful and well deserved sleep and I too slept soundly that night.

Monday, July 29, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 21 getting ready to leave part 1

Ch. 21
Getting Ready To Leave

     Ann hurried around the apartment  watering her plants , cleaning out the fridge , washing clothes and all those things one would do getting ready to be away from the house for a month or maybe two if they  decide. Susie’s bowl would be packed as Ann and Lee decided to take Susie with them on their trip. Getting a motel room might be a little harder but in the worst case Susie could sleep in the van or they all could if nothing was available.
   Lee was at his shop and he was gathering up all the equipment and double checking everything including going over his tree lines to make sure there were no cuts or nicks that might affect the integrity of their harnesses, and all this had to be stowed in the backpacks he bought for Ann and himself to carry their equipment into the woods once there.
     Zip lining was out as it required a cable that would be way to heavy to carry into the woods and it also required some heavy tensioning equipment, instead they found a place close to the park where they could experience the same thing only in not so tall trees but still would be quite an experience and less cost for something they will probably only use once. Instead Lee purchased descenders they could use on rope lines, cavers use them for quick descents into large chasms, this would allow for a quick and controlled slide from the trees in the event they need to exit quickly. This was another small hand held device that added little weight to the back pack.
     The tennis ball launcher worked better than Lee’s expectations. His experiments in the park with Ann and Susie had him shooting balls with fishing line attached,  at the highest limbs with ease. Recharge time by air compressor just took minutes and was easily accomplished by the battery packs and they were recharged by the solar panels. Lee was able to shoot balls with pretty good accuracy and height to achieve what he wanted to, which was to be able to put lines in some the tallest trees in North America so they could climb. Lee found a website with information on other trees and features of the Sequoia National Park including topographical maps that Lee down loaded to his I pod for future reference. These maps included features and elevations of certain parts of the park and would be invaluable to them in their quest. He also scoured the web looking for information of anyone else attempting what they were going to do. And found several stories, some good and some bad about experiences others have had. He also found out that most national parks are described as no climbing zones and that would also mean the Sequoias for sure, in addition there are very sensitive organisms that attach themselves to the bark of redwoods and sequoias making their ecosystem fragile. He was still trying to figure out how the arborists for the national parks would get around that problem and he still had no solution except rope protectors attached to the rope and slung over the top of branches. Lee had no intention of harming these giants as he would be no different than the loggers of old if the end result of his climbing efforts led to the destruction of the trees he so prized.
     Ann’s efforts at getting ready to go on the trip involved visits to the local health food store and a camping outfitter place that specialized in water bottles and dehydrated foods they could take along and rehydrate into an impromptu meal to recharge them if needed. Lee had given her specific weight limits of how much she could take along. And food was selected for its ability to energize the body, and yet be compact. Lee didn't know how far they may have to venture into the forest to be remote enough to not be bothered by the park rangers, or the general public. He wasn't looking for publicity but instead a chance to commune with nature.
       To not make any noise but to listen to what nature has to offer you. A chance to turn off the I pod speakers and just enjoy what comes to you. The beauty of a soft wind blowing through the trees, the birds chirping in the distance, a locust signaling a mate or a cricket calling to attention how lonely he is or where food is, were all experiences for the taking. Squirrels playing on the limbs you are now equal with wondering why humans just can’t leave well enough alone. With that thought Lee said to himself, it is humans quest to find beauty and understand nature no matter where it exists , just something we need to do. Ann and he were going to do it. Lee was excited and cautious at the same time.
     He had decided after reading horror stories of others who had attempted similar events that lack of experience seems to be the biggest factor in accidents happening while climbing. They planned on heading to corner,  Ohio and undergo a tree climbing course where thy would teach Lee and Ann the techniques of knot tying , transferring limb to limb in a tree , getting in and out of a hammock and other techniques including tree transfer which would allow Ann and Lee to hop trees in the forests once there. Lee felt for Ann’s safety and his it might be best if the practiced their way across the U.S. climbing trees in obscure parks where tree climbing hardly exists or authorities may not be aware of the interest in the sport. It had taken off in recent years and plenty of certified tree climbing schools exist. Youngsters as well as mature adults enjoy going out and gearing up and taking advantage of a different perspective of nature as we know it.   
    Lee was excited, as Ann was a little hesitant and scared of the heights yet but with practice Lee hoped to change her attitude. Anyhow she was a willing participant and only seeks to gain Lee s approval and would have followed him anywhere. Ann was excited that Lee was finally subscribing to allow himself to be taught the proper procedure of climbing and not allow his ego to stand in the way of their safety when it came to understanding tree climbing.   Hiring an expert to teach them was what they needed to become skilled enough to take on the giant Sequoias.  (to be cont. )

Sunday, July 28, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 20 anns phone call

Ch. 20
Ann’s Phone Call 

        My cell phone rang one day while I was sitting on my deck staring down the hill watching the early spring come with its daffodils and crocuses coming up and sweet smell of springtime in the air. It was Ann and I figured that Lee and she must be about ready to head out west to California to see the sequoias. It caught me as kinda strange that Ann would call as it was usually Lee who made the call.  First thing I thought was something was wrong with Lee and he couldn't call but Ann assured me that nothing was wrong with Lee, it was a call she had to make as it concerned her and me .
     Ann says to me. “First off Guy we want to know if you would like to come along on the sequoia trip as it was your idea and we feel you should be able to see them as well?”
  I replied that it was nice of them to ask me but I would have to think about it . it would take money on my part to make it happen and really don’t know that I could afford to do it , and besides Lee and her  needed  time alone together after Lee ‘s dad and mom had died and now Lee was free to do whatever. Maybe he should save this first trip you had planned for yourselves to mend, a chance to do something alone together.
     Ann then said to me,” Well guy there is something else I would like to mention and that is I found Leann and she is doing fine. “
     I had almost choked on that one but replied “ I am glad but whatever possessed you to contact her in the first place?” I said and then thinking paused and continued,” she left me years ago and never made no effort to try and get in touch with me, why are you bringing this up now? “
      Ann replied, “Well Guy it’s like this. You have been so helpful to Lee and I, helping focus our relationship on each other.  You provided us with a place to stay when we are down there. I just wanted to do something for you. So I hired a detective to check on her. “
     This kind of irritated me at the thought of her hiring someone to check on Leann without first asking me about it. Even though I wanted to know how she was getting along, I still would have never done that in a million years. I said “Ann I wish you hadn't.  Did anyone contact her yet?”
      Ann said, “No we didn't, but we know she still has her job she works at, and her son is still with her, but she appears to be doing fine. “
     That’s good I replied and then continued, “Leann made it quite clear she never wanted to see me again. I knew she felt something for me, but our differences were overwhelming. I loved her and cared for her and only wish her the best but I apparently wasn't the best she was looking for. Why she could never pick up the phone and call me I will never understand, but I do understand that I have a moral obligation to respect her wishes, and just let it be. I have been trying to do that for years until now. Thanks for dredging up old memories there Ann. Oh well que sera sera , whatever will be , will be. I can’t do anything about her now, to much time has passed and I will always have a place in my heart for her but don’t think I can travel down that road again . I hope you understand Ann. “
     Ann said,  “ Listen Guy I know how you felt about her and how this was supposed to be your trip and I just felt that maybe the two of you still may have something together if you could just find something in common to settle your differences. I didn't mean any harm and no harm is done. But I would like to see you with someone instead of sitting alone done there with your carvings. “
      “Well Ann I appreciate you thinking of me but really don’t think that is the answer for me. I read somewhere you shouldn't burn bridges as you never know when you may have to cross them again, I never burned the bridge instead I tried before her operation to make things right between us and she wouldn't hear of it . I tried to contact her after the operation and she wouldn't let me see her, then her son took over and I was supposed to relay my messages through him. Which he never answered after the first couple I sent to him so what was I supposed to do. I was beside myself, tore up, but I just had to let things be. And it is no different now. Please don’t contact her for me. And I really think Lee and you should just go on this trip alone, and heal anything you have wrong between you. Trips are good for you. I wish I could have taken mine with her. But Leann is stubborn and proud. Pride is nice but sometimes it gets in the way of a good relationship. Knowing when to walk away or when to give up instead of standing your ground till you have nothing left at all has something to be said for it. What is past is past. A lot of water has been down that river that the bridge has been burned on since I saw her last.”
      Ann again pleaded with me , “please Guy consider my offer , and as far as the money goes , I am loaded and wanted you to go along and I can pay your way , you just need someone to sit your house while you are gone . “
    “Ann I appreciate what you are saying and will consider going but would feel like a third wheel and by no means look for someone to go with me to make me feel better. It just won’t work. Besides I can support the two of you much better at home in case something happens I will be on this end to help you anyway I can. But I will think about it though. And how is Lee doing. Did he get his ball launcher working? That almost sounds crude by any imagination?” I laughed and Ann chuckled on the other end of the line.
    “Well guy he is tearing things up to get ready, covering all bases as he usually does, while trying to get his shop in order. More people are stopping in daily to b.s. with him and buy at times. It keeps him busy and helps his environmental beliefs. Not at all bad.”
     “And you Ann what are your plans since you have sold your share of the company?”
    “Well I want Lee and me to take this trip and then when we come back I think I am building us a new log cabin to live in as well as a place to show case Lee’s carvings. Maybe build him a new shop with the latest gadgets, and then go from there. I think I will have an environmentally sensitive company involved with cleanups of the environment. Maybe buy old strip mines and reclaim them, partially for government grants and as a tax write off. I could use both. Just know I need some time off and then I will get back to work again doing something. I am going to ask once again Guy, won’t you reconsider? “
    And again I replied,” not at this time Ann but may reconsider before you leave, and will leave that option open. Still think you should just go and have a good time with Lee. Bring Susie down here and I will watch her while you are gone. Tell Lee I said hello. “As I sensed our conversation was nearing the end, then she replied.
   “I will Guy and you take care.”  and with at she said bye and hung up the phone.
     I sat there and digested all she had said , and still came to the same conclusion what was done is done and can’t be the same as it once was, for some reason Leann just didn't want me . What was I to do, but accept it as I had,   and move on and I did that.  As much as I would love to see the sequoias I guess that is a trip I never will make.  

Saturday, July 27, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 19 cont.

Ch. 19 (cont. )

    Lee was leaning over his shop table when Ann showed up, he was working on the new tennis ball launcher and just about had it together. He tore through his boxes from the farm and found most of the parts required to build the launcher as it was shown. Susie and him piled into the old f-150 and headed to the hardware and were able to find what he needed, as for the plastic pipe lee had those pieces he brought from the farm, not knowing what he was going to need in the shop to get it going. . Susie immediately fell in love with the tennis balls as Lee gave her one to show everyone who happened in. First was Ann,  and Susie was making a point of showing her a new ball but  just staying out of arms reach so Ann couldn’t play with her. Lee tossed another ball to Ann and Susie immediately dropped the other ball and ran to Ann wanting her to throw it and Ann did and Susie ran after that one ,
    Lee said to Ann. “see now you can have her other ball, she is selfish and wants all the balls for herself , typical woman . But will give one up to get the other.” Ann looked at Lee with a smile , and then  played with Susie for a while as Lee worked on the launcher.
   Ann finally came in from the parking lot where Lee had already displayed some of his carvings and announced that Susie had lost one of her balls down the sewer drain , and was coveting the other. Lee suggested they wait to play ball till he finished his ball launcher, as he needed enough tennis balls to see how well it worked . Ann was tired of chasing Susie down to get the balls anyhow and stood and watched lee for a while finally saying.
    “Well you could always use yours, you have such big ones,” laughed Ann and she continued , “ imagine I could use that thing if you ever decided to cheat on me .”
   “Don’t think there would be much of a chance of putting them back on after going through that thing.” remarked Lee. “Besides you are scaring me with your thoughts there dear. A man prides himself in those things, calls them family jewels for good reasons. Just need to keep them safe and warm. ”
     “Well you had better only let me play with them or I guannnteeee you I will be looking for this ball launcher.”
      Lee laughed but hesitantly returned to his work and asked ann if she worked out where they were going to visit along the trip to California.
      Ann returned with. “Well I think we should head straight out there with the van and accomplish what we wanted to do first, and then we can go from there. Maybe Yellowstone or head south to the grand canyon all places we would like to see , I think we should just become gypsy's for about a month and just travel around out west while the weather is good. I have all kinds of money just waiting to be spent and I am looking forward to seeing things I haven’t ever seen in this country. Sure you don’t want to trade in the old V.W. van for a Gulf Stream  Road Warrior with a.c. and all the creature comforts like being self-leveling , and laid out front to back luxury , oh and did I forget the tinted windows.” She laughed at this knowing what Lee’s response would be.
       “That is a gas guzzling behemoth, this type of thing managed to get us all into the type of trouble I am trying to fight against. No way am I going to be a part of that scenario, for one month of travelling we would have to plant so many trees that is all I would get done the rest of my life. And now I don’t even have a farm to plant on. So would have to sneak them into parks and along the roadsides just to find  a  place to plant. “
     “Calm down there rocket man was just making a suggestion as a.c .out west would be nice , but if you want to smell my pits then it is ok with me . Just find me a motel at the end of the day. Did you ever think of taking Guy with us?” as she asked about me.
     Lee said .“Yes I had thought about it a lot, he is a good friend and has extended us hospitality at his place , never taking a dime when he could have rented his little house out to anyone for the weekend  . And he has helped us so much with the van and even gave us the idea to do this in the first place. Yes I would like him to go but thought I would talk to you first. Was hoping you would bring it up. What do you think?” he asked.
     Ann replied, “It just seems the right thing to do , in fact I have taken the liberty to seek out Guy’s old girlfriend Leann  and was going to ask her to come along since it was the two of them that was going to do this in the first place. I hired a detective and found out some stuff about her and he even watched her for a while and said she was still single and living in the same place doing the same job. Maybe she would like to go along also. ?’ Ann said finally explaining for the first time what she was doing behind Lee’s back , and totally unknown to me.
    Lee said calmly,” I don’t know if that is such a good idea playing cupid for Guy, he may not want her in his life now. He knew where she was and before you contact her , I would talk to Lee and see if he wants to go along  Something happened years ago and he really doesn't like talking about it much even though he cares about her. I still think you should promise me to speak to him first before doing anything like contacting her. Miss busybody. Don’t know about you since you have no work to go to. Is this what you are going to do now play cupid for Guy. Who knows maybe he is waiting for a young thing top come along and steal his heart. You never know what he is up to.”
     “Ok. ok I get the point , I just see a lonely old man sitting down there who is still waiting for the love of his life to come along. Maybe we can make another trip down soon and ask him before we leave. If he agrees then maybe I will contact her for him. “said Ann.
   “That’s a lot of maybe’s. Let’s try this thing out.“  Lee said as he applied air pressure to it checking for leaks where he glued the gun. Finding none he took it up to 65 pounds of pressure and inserted a tennis ball into the upper tube and pointed it at the wall of the inside of the garage  and Ann said .
    “You aren’t going to shoot that in here are you? “  Ann asked
   Lee laughed and said yes and with a pull of the trigger let loose the tennis ball and it blew out of the chamber with such force striking the other wall of the garage ricocheting off that concrete block wall and out the garage door with Susie chasing after it.
   “ I think it works. “Said Lee laughing.
    Ann says, “You are crazy aren't you. You could have hurt us both with that thing.”
    Lee laughed and said “I had it all planned dear.” As Susie came back to the garage with the ball in her mouth only slightly worse for the wear, Lee continued. ”I think we need to head to the park and try this thing out. “
     Ann said,” To bad we don’t have two, we could shoot at each other.”
   “No need dear I am half shot anyhow,” Lee said jesting. “I think we are ready to go to Sequoia National Park ,   just need to check with Guy and see if he wants to go.”  Lee said.

Friday, July 26, 2013

trip to sequoia - ch. 19 lee's new idea

Lee’s New Idea
       They awoke the next morning and Ann decided to take a few days and just get caught up on cleaning around the house while lee was busy carving and doing his thing. Ann felt as if she needed a new project and would spend some time on the internet looking for something to get into next. In the mean time it was refining the itinerary for their trip to the Sequoias .
     Lee felt as if had something pressing he needed to do, there was still something missing he needed to take with him to see the sequoias .he still needed  some way to send a throw a shot bag 130 ft. into the air with some degree of accuracy. Lee considered a couple of options and one was using a crossbow with fishing line attached to the arrow which would allow you to shoot over the limb. Hopefully the arrow would be retrieved and then you could pull a rope into the tree with the fishing line. Once a climbing rope was established then you could pull the second line in if you want with the first line pulled in.
     Next option was to try and throw a bag high enough to get over a limb but even if a person was at peak physical health this may take a while and expend a lot of energy trying to get the shot bag over the limb. A shot bag reminds one of those little bags one uses to play corn hole with. This is a game Lee thought must have originated in a prison somewhere . Today's generation of youngsters must have never heard of corn holing, because  when we were kids as it sure had a whole  different meaning back then as it referred to anal sex between 2 consenting adults .otherwise if non consenting then it was rape anyhow back to the corn holing.  Now it means throwing corn bags threw a hole. Well both have to do with stuffing a hole and the similarities exist  and surely wouldn't be a game that my kids would play had I had any . I have seen them playing this at family and church gatherings; they even have competitions where I guess you see how many times you stuff the hole. Just didn't seem right to me, but then life changes meaning of things and I am sure the naïve thinking of church groups sees no problem with stuffing holes . In fact the catholic priests have been doing it for years to young altar boys without batting an eyelash.
        But let’s say if you had one of these bags and it was shaped like the inside of a plastic pipe and again attached to a stout line and when air pressure was applied to an air chamber at the base and then instantly released the bag would shoot out of the cylinder flying the through the air dragging the line with it. A small 12 volt air compressor could provide the air pressure . The same solar panel and batteries for the winch could then provide the power for the air compressor. If this was set up at the base and angled at a sharp angle one could determine how much air pressure was needed to reach the limb you were going for. It would also need  a stand to hold the pipe firmly and to aid in sighting in the limb you aiming for . this could be no larger than a 2 inch piece of plastic pipe along with the air chamber could be broke down into a couple of pieces and stuffed into the backpacks . Once in the tree other limbs could easily be reached by simply tossing the bags and pulling new lines then moving the ropes.
   Lee likened it to a those pumpkin shooters one might have seen on TV launching pumpkins 300 ft. or more. Same thing only using shot bags, as Shot bags are usually filled with lead and are smooth so they are  less apt to hang in trees but heavy enough if they are suspended over a tree limb , a little shake will usually dislodge them and then they will fall back to the ground where the fishing line would be attached to the climbing line and pulled back over the limb the fishing line was just suspended over.  Lee searched the internet and found a tennis ball launcher that could be used for the same thing and was compact in design. He sent me the pictures he was able to retrieve off the internet and asked me if I thought it might work, I looked the pictures over and realized that fishing sinker lead could be used in the tennis balls and a line could easily be attached by drilling into the ball when you added the weight, or one could use epoxy to fill the balls but this should definitely work and the bright green balls would show up good against the forest line so aiming could be additional gun sight and fishing line reel would be handy to have to retrieve balls.  Lee just needed to build one and see just how well it worked if nothing else it would be fun for  playing with Susie. It would give new meaning to playing fetch with Susie. And a great safe way to chase kids and critters out of your yard, but looked like fun to me. I told him to go ahead in the email I sent to him.
   These are the pictures and a diagram he sent me of the launcher he intended to build. You can see how compact it is and even though this plastic doesn't look to strong, it is capable of withstanding up to 150 lbs. of pressure. In comparison, your car tires only run on 32 lbs. of pressure, so you may never have to worry about it blowing up in your face. It was perfect as you could easily pack it in the back pack and probably only weighed about 10 lbs. at the most. The batteries and the solar panels and compressor and climbing ropes and gear would all weigh in around 100 lbs., and this would be shared 60lbs. for Lee and 40lbs. for Ann as they had to pack all their equipment into the tree they were going to climb.  They  doubted that the forest rangers would allow them to get that close with the old V.W. van to allow them to climb in tree ‘s they shouldn't be climbing in anyhow.

      The cross bow works well but has to much power and could possibly hurt a tree if the arrow was fired into a limb accidentally. This launcher thing was non harmless.
    Lee only wanted to feel what is like to climb a massive tree like a sequoia, not harm one little bit of bit of it at all. Climbing wouldn't hurt it, as long as he had everything well thought out.  Lee was trying to do that. Going over every detail in his mind, imagining every possible scenario so they would be safe was the most important thing by far. Getting arrested for climbing these giants if that  happened to be would be a badge of honor Lee would proudly wear the rest of his life. If this was the worse Ann could ever get into then he would be glad to drag her to jail with him.  
   Lee looked around his new shop and realized it was getting as cluttered as his last one, and now will be getting even more cluttered as he set to work on the tennis ball launcher he found on the internet. Ann sent lee a text and asked if he had plans for lunch and could she bring something by the shop if he liked. Lee was on a mission now to build a tennis ball launcher , damn the torpedoes , full speed ahead as he texted Ann back with that she quizzed herself with his text and assumed he meant yes when he said full speed ahead and so she texted back ‘ok cu later, me loveu.’ Lee laughed and knew what that meant. He started to get busy.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 18 part 2

Ch. 18 (cont.)

  Ann arrived at work as she had planned, fashionably late as she called it as she hurried to her office with already a hundred things to do. First off , and before she forgot she slipped into  her private bathroom and slipped on the new pantyhose , there she said to herself. ‘Flawless.’ Ann’s secretary came into her office and announced her ten o’clock appointment was there. Ann gazed at herself in the mirror and felt that Lee was a lucky man to have such a great looking woman for her age.
    She hurried out to her desk as this short pudgy non assuming man was led into her office and sat before her desk. Ann asked “Well how s the investigation going? “
    The man’s voice was squeaky but matched his demeanor as he replied, “Well Ann , Leann still lives where she did and appears to not have anyone in her life, except her kids who visit frequently. She still works for the same place she did before.”
   “It also appears as though she may have a slight damage to her nerves on her right side of her face but one could hardly tell it if I had not known. You asked me to find out if she was still around and I did and I believe that completes our agreement and if you will pay, I will be glad to get out of your hair.” The man said
   Ann replied, “No problem, I can handle it from here , my secretary will have a check for your full expenses and also a small retainer to forever keep quiet about all this . It is really none of my business and less of yours. Let’s keep it that way. “And at that ,Ann ushered the man to her secretary as she took on the next big thing of the day and that was the final acquisition of Gunnite Corp. which was expected to commence at noon this  day here in the office conference room where the acquiring party was expecting Ann and her brothers to sign off on everything , and accept their initial payment of an electronic transfer of funds to each family member  , to finalize the sale .Then it was time to finish cleaning out her office and some of the office staff planned to meet with Lee and her  later for a party to say goodbye to Ann and wish her luck in her new adventures.
      Ann went around the office collecting mementos the Gunnite Corporation had collected over the years. Pictures of her Dad and mom standing behind a cement mixer as they started to pour the foundation of the office building, another picture  of the plane as it looked when it crashed in West Virginia that took her parents’  lives, all of these original pictures and plaques for jobs well done or superior quality were being removed and stored .
     Some of the employees who had been with the Gunnite Corporation were retiring and accepted the generous buyout of their paid pensions and chose early retirement rather than take a chance with the new management. Ann could understand why they may be hesitant to not stay with the new owners. Yet others were hoping that the newly opened positions might lead to promotion from within and so stayed to see where the chips may fall so to speak.
     The new owners’ top management officials had been in the office for the last 3 weeks and was expected to take over all operations at one o’clock assuming all papers would be signed by then. This arrangement of women and men had been a thorn in her side and to say a source of irritation as they would constantly pry Ann for information on who the contract people were at various businesses owned by the Gunnite Corporation. How efficient these people were at their jobs, and at same time overburdening Ann with constant questions about this and that. The last couple of days had been easier as it was now the vendors who supplied Gunnite as they were most interested in and what type of agreement Gunnite had with each. It was now eleven o’clock and Ann thought to herself, it will be all over soon.
       Ann’s brothers finally came out of their respective offices and held an impromptu nostalgia trip with fellow employees , recanting tales of when they did this or that in the milestones leading up to this day. This seemed to help the tense mood of the employees knowing the uncertainty associated with what the new owners would bring to them as they settled in to a period of readjustment after the takeover.
     Finally around twelve  and as if on cue the choreographed line of lawyers and owners reps and new bosses paraded into the conference room and were followed by Ann’s family lawyers and Ann’s brothers as the show finally looked like it was about to start. Ann freshened herself and prepared to enter the conference room and took a seat beside her brothers at the head of the long table. A short speech by the lead lawyer, describing the instruments of transfer prepared and already accepted by Ann’s family lawyers as well as a description of the transfer of monies and how that would be executed to close the deal. Basically a bank would be called and a transfer of money already agreed to would be transferred electronically.
     Papers were presented to Ann and her brothers and soon the lawyers were assuring that the money transfers to all accounts had went through the holding banks as agreed and now Ann was unemployed and rich . She text-ed Lee and told him ‘all was well’, and of course Lee as he looked up from his cell phone knew what she was talking about as he had been expecting that text for some time. He took the grinder he had laid down earlier and continued working finishing down the bear he had turned his attention on. He needed to finish before meeting Ann later at the party.
     Meanwhile champagne and caviar appeared at the end of the conference room arranged by the incoming staff to celebrate their takeover of the Gunnite Corporation, and with that a name change was in store as Apex International was set to grace the name plates of all Gunnite holdings within the next year. It would be a conglomerate and would serve as the lead business into increased mining interests in third world countries based on Gunnites experience in mining here in the United States and would supply the Gunnites list of buyers of raw ore product already established. Apex intended to increase their market share of rare raw ore products such as titanium and such. Ann was just glad to be done with the nightmare of federal regulations they had to wade through to do anything here in the U.S.. Let alone worry about third world countries. Time for new blood, Ann  thought as she sipped her champagne and exchanged small talk then excused herself and went to her now empty office and just sat there wondering if this was such a good thing.
    She imagined the  main  office would soon leave , as it would become nonfunctional to most of the new employees as they would want a corporate center to be closer to major airports and the modern facilities associated with a larger city , citing convenience and accessibility as key factors in a corporate headquarters. Their building may be used as a processing center or a maintenance facility but Ann knew their would be changes and she asked for none of it . It was something her family had and was now gone. People would lose jobs and some would replace those who left early, but change happens. She just sat there in the quiet knowing all was done and she was ready to move on. She grabbed her nameplate off the desk and Lees picture and added them to the small box she had to carry out and then walked out with the box and handed it to her secretary to add to the things headed for storage . At this she fought back tears she tried to hold back knowing that it was over.
       Her secretary Ruth had never saw tears in Ann’s eyes and soon threw her arms around Ann’s shoulders and comforted her and took her back inside her empty  office to avoid others staring at her. Ann composed herself and took back Lee’s picture and her name plate and was soon out of the building and in her car again snagging her hose as she got in the car.
   “DAMN,” she said loudly as she not only snagged them but also cut her leg this time.  
     It was a small cut but it stained the stockings around the cut with blood but it soon stopped.
    Ann started her car and laughed. Two times in one day, oh well at least she could afford another pair now she thought as she headed for Lee to comfort her.
     Lee was unaware she was coming and was covered in sawdust when she showed up. He saw her car pull into the parking lot and sensing something wrong, dropped what he was doing and met her at the car door where she was checking her leg to see if the bleeding had stopped . It had an Lee offered to kiss it for her and Ann declined saying it would take to long for the quickie afterward, as she knew Lee would not stop kissing till the whole leg felt  better and in fact Ann herself was better. She didn't have time for that  and she needed to go to the party later . So no time for that but she would take a hug and use his restroom to again change her pantyhose.
   “Don’t know if you can afford me at this rate. Twice I snagged them what’s up with that.?”
    Lee laughed and held her tight and everything was good. Ann was content in his arms and the rest was just that,  all filler in her life. They went to the dinner the employees were having later and ended their day at Ann’s apartment just lying on the deck in the sun, doing nothing but enjoying each other’s company and listening to music and planning their trip to sequoia.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

trip to sequooia ch 18. -anns last day

Ann's Last Day

     Lee woke up next to Ann’s body and try as hard as he could to not wake her as he needed to get out of bed to relieve himself.  It didn't work to well as she had a sleeping grip on him that when he tried to pull her hand off her  hip she hung on selfishly until it startled her awake as she lost her grip. This  didn't last long as she never even acknowledged Lee, instead just flipped over in bed, assumed the fetal position and held on to herself as she wrapped her arms around her legs and  immediately  fell back to sleep. Lee thought she looked out of it but would let her sleep till the alarm rang, and then she would ask for 10 minutes more when Lee turned it off because of the irritating buzz. So she would get that 20 minutes and want 20 minutes more, and then jump out of bed and rush around like a fool because she was late and hated it. She was so predictable that Lee never offered her that cup of coffee till he tried to stir her up the third time and then would meet her at her bedside to offer it to her. Ann was getting use to Lee being there all the time. Susie would also wait by Lee at her bedside to get her morning ‘hello’s’, from Ann and it was off to the rat race.
    Something was different for Ann today as it was her last day at Gunnite Corporation. So it was time to take the money and run, so to speak. Practically her lifetime spent at Gunnite working at one job or another and now it was time to do something else as the buyout was happening today and Ann would sign papers and receive a check and it would be all over for her . She was cleaning her office today and saying her good byes to the staff that supported her so well.
    She rushed around the upstairs apartment like a fool trying on a couple of blouses then settling for a conservative business one, then ran around looking for shoes to match her outfit and then she realized , screw it if I am late. All the time she had worked at Gunnite,she had been on time to everything or tried to be. Back to back meetings sometimes took longer than they were supposed to. But one thing her uncle said to her and her brothers was it was important to never be late in business s it is the owners that set the example for all to follow. So Ann was always in the office at 9 am , every day since she started working there except for time off like everyone else. She never tried to take advantage of her position or family ties, and in most cases one would think she was a regular employee there. Ann had  a rapport with her fellow workers and they did it out of respect and loyalty and because they liked her as a person. She wasn't a boss but more a friend. So today she was going to be fashionably late and told Lee so. Lee suggested they go back to bed and make it official but Ann laughed at that suggestion, but would secretly think about it all day long.
     Lee was much more relaxed since he started selling his carvings at the old gas station. He could imagine the place with its retro look of an old full service gas station where old pop would come waddling out of the garage with his wrench shoved in his pocket smoking a tobacco turd he would chew on at time and smile through yellow worn teeth and say ‘filler up sir’, as tobacco juice would dribble out of the corners of his mouth and then he would grab a squeegee and wash your windows making sure he got all the bug shit off and making small talk . This was the place where leaded gas fumes would seek your nostril’s as you sat in your car and waited to see if he asked to “check yur oil’. It seemed only fitting Lee would take and transform it into a carving studio. It had a large bay on the garage with a hydraulic lift that was handy for lee to set his carvings on and then he could raise and lower it as he wanted to. At times he missed the farm but at the same time he was secretly enjoying himself after losing a load of worry. Worry weighs you down faster than anything and sometimes you have to shed that weight, sometimes you choose how and sometimes it chooses for you as it did with his dad and mom. The farm was still a farm for now and appeared to be bought as part of a local farmer’s estate so it wasn't lost to the Realtor. Lee was glad for that. His brothers and his sister were happy to have received anything and Lee finally got a life with Ann. He couldn't be happier. He felt for Susie though as no longer she would run in the fields chasing him as he would run this piece of equipment or that around the field. She would run and follow as long as she could and then sit and rest and run again. She just loved being out there with him. But Susie was getting old and maybe all that running was finally catching up with her. Still every morning when Lee would say ‘let’s go’ and then she would be right there waiting to hop in the truck and drive from the apartment to the old gas station or as it is called now’ A Cut Above’.
     Ann finished dressing  and wore a black skirt,  black hose and white semi open blouse with a flap over the buttons giving it  a seamless look very professional looking blouse to be matched with a black blazer that matched the skirt. This along with a small handbag would serve her today. Having said good bye to Lee earlier as he tired of waiting on her and was eager to get to his shop, Lee left when he realized his advances to her would never  realize themselves into anything. So he was going to get out of her way as her mind was somewhere else as it should be. She had a lot to think about.
      Ann looked around the apartment and to see if everything was as it should be and that the coffee pot was off and she had her car keys and put all her makeup that she needed in the small handbag along with her purse. She was all there but not really. Her mind was elsewhere as she felt a knot in her stomach as she was now going to be unemployed yet rich beyond her wildest dreams, to never want for anything no matter how big or small. Yet what a responsibility is being rich beyond your wildest dreams ,to be able to spend money recklessly all day long flying here to there and  yet never being able to spend it all in one day if you so desired . Ann thought about it but she also had in the back of her mind images of her father and how he worked tirelessly to get his business up and moving. Once he had money flowing in he would again reinvest in something else diversifying his portfolio and never letting a business just sit on a shelf. But instead her Dad would learn everything about that business and at times would go out and do every job of every business he owned. This kept him busy and that was the reason for the small plane that he was piloting was that he could fly from place to place sometimes meeting with 5 plant managers in a single day. He felt he needed his presence seen in all plants to inspire his workers.
     Her dad took it upon himself to always pay prevailing wages for whatever type of work was performed and was able to stay ahead of the unions as his employees were satisfied. But eventually he had to accept the unions and so he used journeymen in the trades only when he needed them and they knew that. He wasn’t keeping them any longer than needed. His other faithful employees not skilled that way or were in management were taken care of also with steady work. This drive to always expand his business and to always be on top of things landed him on a hilltop in West Virginia  dead along with Ann’s mom in that plane crash .  Then it was up to Ann’s uncle to make it all work, plus raise her and her brothers. He had his hands full but was already working for her dad in a management capacity and was privy to most goings on and soon slipped into the role of president easily. Leaving in place a lot of what her dad had already established as a working profitable business and all he did was tweak the model and expand. At the proper time he passed it down to Ann and her brothers when they come of age. But the offer to buy was to good and couldn't be passed. Everything comes to an end,  for some it is a little quicker, and some a little later ,  but there is one thing you can count on in life and that was change , and Ann’s life was about to change .she was hesitant and thankful at the same time.
          She locked the door and climbed in her car snagging her hose on the corner of the door. She would stop at the convenient store and buy another pair she thought. She could change later in the bathroom at work. She thought so much about things she didn't realize she never had the radio on as she drove in silence listening to the voices in her head, and sometimes answering. (to be cont.)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 17 cont. part 2

Ch.17 (cont.)

     Am I ready to shun all modern conveniences to live totally off the grid. Yes I would be ready to do that in a heartbeat and have been looking at a lot of housing that is geared in that direction. A smaller house, some as small as three hundred sq.ft. , are being built as they require substantially less energy to heat and maintain at a certain level of comfort to humans. They utilize passive storage systems where energy is stored in heat saving vessels or in rock storage or in the ground below the house and is removed by circulating air or water, or it could be the use of a heat pump. With the heat pump drawing in the warmth of the ground and transferring in a reverse air conditioning system to the inside of the house, warming the house. Then in the summer it reverses itself to cool the interior of the house.  The small house Ann and Lee stays at is heated by same stove to cook on and utilizes wood for the fuel . It stays toasty in the cabin as I call it.
    Electric cars have been around since the beginning of the century but never took off as a viable form of transportation till recently. Being able to move from one place to another, is part of the American dream , the freedom to own the road and explore as one sees fit or wants to do reliable electric transportation has not found its groove in today’s economy but I do see multi- fuel cars as being a viable option. Most people live within 40 miles of work and drive an hour or less one way. Having a vehicle that could be charged as easily as making contact with the bumper to a pad in your garage would increase the selling ability of an electric vehicle. This would serve as the charging point to your car, and then it would not be necessary to handle cables or plug it in. In fact these charging stations could be in city parking lots or wherever one would park their car. Then operating the car on electric and when the batteries are low switch over to electric generated by a small engine and recharge the batteries as you drive. This allows you the freedom to drive further. Eventually a standard battery charging system should be developed so that even in remote areas a solar grid could be set up, waiting for that time when a customer needs a recharge and simply pulls in and sits and listens to music as he is charged by a solar grid and continues on his journey. Solar electricity will be the norm.  Fuels , such as gasoline will be a standby source of fuel for small engines associated with charging.  all  energy efficient methods will be employed causing the least effect to our environment as compared to present day systems of transportation .
       We need to treat electric cars as a race option in the future much as they do stock cars of today. Have races where fuel efficiency and battery life or the ability to charge on the go is more important than horsepower except in the sense one still needs to win the race. This racing venue will not only stimulate interest in racing electric cars but will also stimulate electric car technology. If we could do for electric cars, half of what we have done to further technology of gasoline engines, imagine where would be in 20 years. Let alone the 100 years of racing, the gasoline engines have seen. Imagine torque applied to each wheel on the track, more so on one side, than the other so as you advance around the oval the outside wheels actually are spinning faster than inside wheels making turning far easier as the car would do this automatically through a computer controlling each wheel independently. The driver would just sit and override as necessary. Cars so quiet that all you would hear is a humming sound coming at you and a swoosh as it went by. And smooth to drive. Component systems allowing you to swap out a drive motor on each wheel as quickly as you change a tire. And with the added weight of the batteries even higher speed could possibly be achieved as the extra weight would increase its road handling aspects. Solar panels would adorn the exterior of the vehicles increasing their onboard battery life. But all in all till we embrace electric car or alternative car racing as a norm we will always be lagging behind conventional systems. The technology that can be gleaned off alternative car racing could easily be applied to all transportation systems in the future.
    This all helps the environment and trees in general when we reduce our need for conventional fuel sources of the petroleum type.
     As I would go on with my spiel and occasionally hop off my soapbox to further enlighten Ann and Lee on where our future should lead when it comes to reducing the effects of greenhouse warming and how it is affecting our planet, they would ask me questions about the finer points of my big plan as they called it. They always said I was to big for my breaches and that my big head got in the way of the big picture, but my big ideas had some merit in the scheme of things. I ignored them and went on a rambling about energy storage as it relates to solar power. They were lucky it was only a short trip between Beverly and Dolly Sods or else their ears would have melted, or possibly I might end up in the bottom of the Ohio River with some pretty concrete blocks tied around my ankles. But they were a captive audience and with Ann and Lee I try to to take advantage. We kid each other and they listen as that is all one can do to an idea from someone else. But even that is learning process as the person you share with will always have a pre-formed opinion whenever faced with the same situation again in life whether it be me or someone else. This shared idea will be passed along and this is what we need to solve problems, the human race will see in the future as we face hunger, overcrowding and depletion of natural resources. They are not making any new earths and if they were I am sure they wouldn't tell me if they were, as they would want it all for themselves whoever they may be. There is no plan B for Earth. We have only one shot at this and so far we have made a few mistakes, so now it is up to the human race to figure out how to make it right again so we can perpetuate ourselves into the future. I shared what I know with Ann and Lee and hopefully it will have an impression on them and I think it has. Lee has become more and more observant of the interrelation of man and the environment and has helped Ann make decisions in her company that will have an impact on society as never before. Her company actually took steps toward a greener path by utilizing some of the basic things like recycling as they moved from mining into recycling of metals.
     Gunnite had also invested in a cd construction demolition landfill where they would receive industrial waste streams and process it through their facility and send out toxic substances to be reclaimed at other facilities, but all the rest was either composted or if especially difficult to utilize would be buried in one of their old mining pits.  The composted material was used to cover the slopes and protect the drainage off the C.D. fill area. This was quite a profitable operation as they provided a service to the industry and in the process utilized their waste streams to improve the environment from what ravages man had inflicted upon it. This was one other  reason Gunnite was being bought out as they appeared to leverage themselves into a larger share of the waste industry long controlled by underworld  interests. What would the underworld do if they had no place to dump a body? Anyhow Ann and her family were set to finally capitalize on their fortune and liquidate the Gunnite corporation and Ann would be rich, as if she wasn't already.
   Ann was very humble in her handling of the rich thing as you would never know she was worth as much as she was. She lived modestly and nothing extravagant was ever shown. she never flashed her money and was perfectly content to let you pick up the bill and yet always being there to support those things Lee loved as much as she did. They both had a keen interest in the environment and understood the importance of healthy living. The money was nothing to her as she had a higher value placed on friendship and love. The money was a tool to accomplish more and she was working in the back of her mind the best way to make her new found money do the best for her. She would possibly buy a new business and head in a different direction as far as the company’s path. I said something to her about energy storage and she was looking into that possibility as means to utilize her money for the benefit of human race.
    But first she had things about me she needed to know and was going all out to find the answer as she had hired an investigator to check into my past, all this without telling me.  


Monday, July 22, 2013

trip to sequoia ch.17 the lights are on

The lights are on

       Ann and Lee felt great about their trip to Dolly Sods. It was on the way back I informed them of the environmental blunders perpetuated on that area. It was said that the first settlers to the high plateau set about a slash and burn program for establishing more cattle on the rich soils which were a result of natural ferns , a combination of weather features unique to the area , and an almost eternity without man’s influence. This combination yielded some of the largest trees on the eastern seaboard of what is now the United States. Trees with diameters of up to 13 feet in diameter and of the eastern redwood variety were commonplace according to early pioneers and loggers accounts. A rail line was established to help bring this new found source of raw materials to the eastern seaboard where the lumber was in plentiful demand for use in  sailing ships and construction of new housing for a burgeoning new society of the new world.
      The high plain area became home to more cattle as the forests were pushed back to the edges of the high plateau. Repeated forest fires eventually caught the organic material that was left from the decomposition of the forest and the ferns specific to those elevations,  that in places ran over ten feet deep. This same type of fern growth is similar to the highlands of Canada and it is here in West Virginia it is seen again at the lowest geographical point closest to the equator  in the lower 48 states and is only due to the specific location of Dolly Sods initially. The weather with the rainfall as well as the snowfall are unique to this area and allowed the ferns to grow uncontrolled till man came along.
    Having depleted the forests with repeated fires the humus and topsoil were soon reduced to nothing and resembled a desert at one point as observers of the time said, with barely anything growing on the plateau on top of the now rocky features. Environmentalists suggest hundreds of species of animals and plants unique to this high forest area was also lost due to man’s intrusion into this part of the world.  Eventually, and before coal companies were allowed to complete the destruction totally of the area, wheels were set in motion to first reforest the area through the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) of United States after the depression as part of the effort to get the country working again. They had turned this area from an environmental nightmare into a new national park and with it added more lands in later years and stepped up their conservation efforts. Cattle were removed from the high plateau area and with time, and a lot of it,  the forest will heal itself, as nature often does without man’s hand.
       Now once again one can see the fern s repopulating the plateau area and trees of the same variety of eastern redwood are once again growing on what was once decimated hill top land subject to extreme erosion. The result of returning this land to nature has had many effects including reducing pollution in the air as well as runoff from the area flooding the streams and rivers of the watershed’s below the plateau. Bear are said to once again roam the area as well as other animals seeking relief from man’s onslaught destruction of nature.
      That was the story as best I could remember of this area, and it seems as if one would have an understanding of how to avoid what happened 100 years ago instead of seeing how fast we could destroy, then man and nature both would have been a hell of lot better off.
   This same philosophy of slash and burn are destroying not only the habitats of many an endangered species but are now letting us play amateur scientist with our weather as we have cut so many trees in the last 100 years we are seeing spikes in our temperature and a resulting loss of polar ice caps necessary for not only generating ocean currents but also to lock up a significant portion of water in our ice caps. We are seeing a rise in ocean levels and will need to move to higher ground.
       At the same time as we destroy the habitats of endangered species as everyone in every third world countries jumps on board the money train. We see more technology moving into these areas making them even more efficient at what they are doing. Our quest for energy is also taking us to new areas of the globe as we are now entering northern Canada and extracting energy from the tar sands to fuel our vehicles.
    There is no limit as to how far we will go to make e a buck. And basically that is all we are doing, Is filling someone else’s pockets full of money. Without investment much of the exploration into fuel sources wouldn't happen. Trees wouldn't be exploited to build fancy houses, and we would be living the same as we did for the thousands of years or more that man had been in existence, or before.  We existed on a whole hell of a lot less than we do now. There was always plenty of work and wars were not as deadly as they are now.
     We had an agrarian society that depended on limited means of transportation to serve locally those individuals who lived within that region. Now we produce food in China for sale in the United States. And unfortunately we have no control over what chemicals are needed to produce this food. Subjecting ourselves to more global warming and a poisoning of our foodstuff with chemicals and pesticides now banned in our country but legal in China where they still produce those chemicals due to their lack of environmental control. We need to stop this vicious cycle of exploiting profit. And how do we do it?
    Don’t buy into the hype first off. Because we can stay up all night burning the midnight oil so to speak do we need to ?  No is the only answer to that. Do we have to have fancy cars that depend on fossil fuels , and again no is the answer to that. We can grow our own food, at least enough to eat virtually anywhere on this planet without anything more than sunlight, water, and soil. We need to eat and have a place to lie down and something to do when awake. Beyond that we need nothing. As one person so eloquently put it to me years ago all we need to do is to eat, sleep, and screw, all other things are options. I also think death and taxes were the other basic necessities and that is to die and pay taxes.  We want other things like the new car, or the gas to put into it, we don’t have to have them. To travel and see other places is part of our problem of never being satisfied. Mount Everest could go millions of years more without man’s hand to conquer it and survive a hell of a lot better off than now. We want exotic foods we can’t produce here, but we would if they were no longer available. Bananas for example would be grown here locally if suddenly we no longer had them available. Man would replace those items he wants in one way or another if forced to. Bananas grown in tropical regions are replacing habitat of some endangered species and then when you couple the loss of habitat with the energy required to get the bananas to market , are they such a good deal ? The little amount of nutrition they provide is small in comparison to widespread damage caused by bananas on the whole planet. Bananas are just an example. But if taken away suddenly, you mean someone wouldn't grow them in a warehouse someplace? The energy required to grow them locally we be far less than what it takes to get them to market and then there is always the destruction of endangered animal’s habitat we could all do without. You may not eat bananas every day but at least you would eat.
      We live in a society that prides itself in long term energy abuse with vast amounts of energy doing what the sun does best. And that is shine. For millions of years we have had steady sunshine and never once have we failed to have the lights on every morning and we have this till dark, when we have a period when it isn’t. But not once in all that time has the lights never been on. Yet we can’t say the same for our power companies who would like to turn the night into daytime to generate better profits for the investors who depend on your utilization of our limited resources. Numerous times we have lost power and frequently still do, despite the latest advances into technology. And as the world heats up we turn more often to electricity to cool our homes to make us more comfortable while other animals on this planet become subject to our increased heating from our use of hydrocarbons and our exploitation of our natural resources.
     If we did something so simple as go to bed and shut out the lights everywhere, we would be much better off. But we don’t. We think we have to be able to go twenty four hours per day, seven days per week  in order to do what . Same thing we could have done when it wasn't dark outside. You can drink beer in the dark, we want to have lights on we don’t need the lights on. We don’t need street lights. But we want street lights to make us feel safer . It is an illusion we have that it will change our life. But it doesn't, in fact we may be better off without street lights as criminals are subject to the same thing we are, lack of visibility at night. They stub their toes, they step on the dog guarding the house, they are scared of the dark also. If they didn't have street lights to tell where they were at, or what tree they would run into in the dark. Then maybe there would be less crime. Sometimes we get more than we ask for with technology.
    We existed as a human race for thousands of years with nothing more than solar power as the main influence on our lives. Solar grew the trees that lit the fires that cooked the food, provided light and fed the animals we need to sustain our lives. We existed and the world or earth as we know it was much better off. Now we have technology to harness solar and we still hardly ever use it to our advantage. Instead we choose to light up our night with carbon sources that heat up the planet and enslave those people who feel it is necessary evil we must have to exist anymore. And those that provide it like where it positions them, at the top of the food chain . So they have the ability to control our lives with an artificial incentive known as money. When something is free everyone can use it , when it costs , only those who can afford it have it, and all the rest are oppressed.
    We need to change this cycle of use and abuse, and make humans an understanding creature of nature instead of being the widespread raptor of destruction we have come to know that is driven by profit. This is what led to the destruction of the ecology of the high plateau and what is going on around this world even today. Ann and Lee understand as well as I do what we need to do, but it is hard to educate the masses. Instead we look to our business gods to lead us down the next path of destruction. Man needs to learn to think for himself again. And respect nothing.
      To respect nothing is anti-social in its extreme definition but is what is most attainable to some degree as it costs nothing. Doesn't enslave you to anyone else, and allows you the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest if you allow yourself to think in those terms. The poorest people in Americas society alone are probably the ones who are In some regards the least neediest and easiest for our environment to absorb. They pay no bills they live off the human race, are happy with the simplest things, and when they buy, they buy locally.  They also serve as reminder to the rest of us how much better off we are or are we?
        The sad part is they are not the model of society, where looks is everything. If you look healthy, have good clean skin, a bright smile, and some wealth you can parlay yourself into the next Bill gates or Le Bron James offering to society your own form of what wealthy looks like. To be able to serve as model by which everyone else buys into the hype. We make legends of the wrong people in society. Because you have nothing to offer society does not make you less of a person. It just makes the world a little better off because valuable resources were not wasted on you. You didn't go on a cruise, you never bought the mink.
      We need to know and learn less is more and we can’t take it with you so why try. There are only 3 basic things we have to do in life, live eat and sleep. I try to eat as little as I can and enjoy what I eat more. Live all I can within my means, and not harm anyone or anything, and sleep till I wake up, trying to eliminate those demons in my mind that occasionally haunt my sleep. Everything else in life is totally up to what you want,  and what you will accept. It is an option, but not what you really need to survive.