Wednesday, July 31, 2013

trip to sequoia ch. 21 finally under way

Ch. 22
Finally Under Way

       I awoke to a beautiful spring morning, daffodils were blooming birds were singing, and all this was possible because I left the windows open in my house . From my bed I could look into my perennial beds outside and beyond to see my raised vegetable beds. Statues I had carved had become depositories for birds and chipmunks to do their daily thing of leaving me mementos of the soup de jour of the day before  as it stains the wood. I look farther past flower beds and one can see in the foggy mist the beginnings of a new day as the sun is starting to rise and burn off the fog that covers the river surface. A few flops of the big catfish can be heard signaling a day of feeding ahead for these giants of the deep. Some as big as a man’s body. The fog lifts and a motor boat can be heard plying its way up stream carrying and early fisherman out to check the night’s bounty from trout lines he had placed some time before.
       I arose and started some coffee, more than usual as Ann and Lee was there to help me drink it.  I also started some breakfast frying up some turkey bacon to add to some pepper stir fry which would be the makings of an omelet. In the relative quietness of the morning I heard the door close on the little house and could imagine Lee or Ann would appear momentarily so I grabbed an extra couple of cups from the cupboard and poured myself my first cup. Then Ann appeared with Lee behind her.
     “Wow old man we didn't think you would ever stir. We had been waiting over here in the house for a while to see your lights come on and see you moving.” Lee said.
     Ann says to me. “Don’t mind him , he is in a hurry to get started  and we still won’t be out of Ohio today as we are going to Corner ,Ohio to meet a tree climber to show us the ropes, so to speak about climbing.
    Lee added, “It is about two hours of instruction and then we plan on heading to Missouri and do it again with another climber. And hopefully by the time we get out there we will be experts our self on tree climbing. In fact I have scheduled one more teaching session out there in the redwoods, where we actually will be climbing. “
    “I see it is becoming quite the thing to climb in trees again. Used to do it in the old days without a helmet or a rope, At times we would just find a low hanging limb and just climb up in and head to the top. Used to get high and sit in the trees. A different world up there. “ I said as I poured them each a cup of coffee and we all sat at my kitchen table . I had laid out the cream and sugar as I knew they would be around soon along with the spoons to stir.  Ann begin to shovel the sugar into her cup taking three huge spoons and then added cream till it looked like a hot cup of dirty milk , then finally tasted it and added another half a teaspoon of sugar and I grimaced and said. “No wonder she is so sweet, my god she is half sugar Lee. Don’t leave her out in the rain. “
     Then Ann smiled a wild quirky smile and said. “Well thank you Guy , what sweet words wonder why Lee never noticed. “
       Lee said, “I noticed just didn't want it to go to your head. But apparently it did via your coffee cup. I will say she hardly ever eats anything sweet but when it comes to her coffee watch out. Reminds me of Ellie Mae coffee from the Clampetts on Beverly Hillbillies where Ellie would pour out the coffee she would make, out of  the coffee pot like black molasses, so thick you could cut it with a knife . “
    Lee and I just laughed and Ann tried drinking her concoction and looked up and smiled as it was just right.” And said now that’s coffee! “Lee and I laughed again.
    “So are you sure you won’t come along Guy?” and again I told them I felt it was better the two of them should go and if they needed anything I could help them from here.” Come out and rescue you if you end up playing tunes on a player piano stuck in a Mexican brothel while Lee does dishes just to pay your way along after you lose all those millions in a casino in Vegas. Remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas including all the money you lose. “
     Lee said. “ Don’t worry Guy, Ann isn't much of a gambler except on me and I don’t have a pot to piss in or a place to pour it, so doubt I will be gambling on  much , but I do understand that you want us to be alone on this trip . Lately we have been getting a lot of alone time and it is great. Still wish you were going. “
      Ann said , “Well Lee was a sure thing and  even though we will be cramped in the old van we still always have room for you Guy. We just want you to know. “
      I said I appreciated their asking and will wait for news of their trip here and they needed to keep in touch with me and they assured daily. Then I finished breakfast we all ate and enjoyed tales of our childhood experiences of places we had climbed, to forts we had fought in, and battles won and lost . They transferred the containers carrying their equipment and took showers in preparation for leaving.
      The old van was loaded to the gills with items needed for their trip. Ann kept going over things needed and Lee kept making mental checks as to where it was in the van for easy accessibility. They were finally ready to go and Ann gave me a hug and thanked me for all I had done. Which was practically nothing and then Lee shook my hand and I said “What’s this , not planning on coming back.” Lee laughed.
     Ann said, “We will be back. “In her worse Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, I convinced her she needed to pump up her muscles before saying that as it looked more authentic. She tried it again and still I wasn't scared, instead just laughed along with Lee as she did look kind of stupid.
    At last they were in the van and heading down my lane, waving out the windows as the vintage van exited my drive and headed out of sight. I turned and looked at Susie and said ,” Lets go”. Susie was Babes new friend  for a couple of weeks, and we all three headed into the house.

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