Tuesday, July 2, 2013

trip to sequoia

ann ( cont.)

        pierce junior was not much different in his youth but in his adult married life he had something happen to him that forever changed his life and took some of the cockiness out of him and probably saved his life. he was driving down the road returning from columbus one night and started to feel tired. unaware to his wife, darleen  he was slowly nodding off behind the wheel  of their suv, until he he suddenly drifted off  the road and he lost control plunging over the side of a hill and slamming into a culvert where half of the car as submerged in the cold swirling water of the tuscarawas river.he was unconscious when the firefighters pulled him from the car with a big gash on his head , and his wife darleen  and daughter kayla  drowned in their seats unable to loosen the seat belt restraints before numbness and a watery grave did them both in. pierce could never understand why he was saved to be brought back to his own special hell where he had to face up to why he was spared and not them on a daily basis . he took time off from the business but returned to work  in a couple of weeks as being alone to face his problems wasn't helping him. he sold his house and all their possessions and moved into a condo.
      junior took this as a  sign to change his life. he relied more heavily on ann to guide him at the helm of gunnite corp. , he had taken control of.  her advice on the company's direction was always taken under advisement. junior never knew where her ideas came from but they were always good and had serious thought placed behind them.
      her relationship with ralphy was more strained partly due to the fact that ralphy's wife cecille , who had a brother whom ann was once married to. thomas was the name he wanted to be called and never tom . he was a high society drunk who always felt manual labor was below him and made sure he did everything he could to avoid it. mainly by staying drunk in bars on other peoples dime. he was user and an abuser, who slammed ann up against a refrigerator in their house one night , and threatened to kill her with a butcher knife if she refused to give him money to get drunk. she emptied her purse and handed him an atm card and soon as he left she called the police and showed them the bruises and he was soon picked up with a charge of domestic violence and driving under the influence. both landed him thirty days in the slammer . this gave ann enough time to move out of their house to a safe location ad start papers for a divorce.
        cecille remarked that ann was a little hasty getting rid of her brother and that she should have realized he was sick. ann felt cecille was a bit touched too, as she soon had her brother move in with her and ralphy and the kids. eventually they built a guest house on their compound and called him a security guard. ann felt cecille was just enabling him to be the way he was, anyhow he was always the elephant in the room as he was frequently bitched about by ralphy who secretly wished his sister would have killed him and made his life easier and he never forgot that. this carried over to their business \decisions and frequently it was ralphy who bucked everything ann was trying to accomplish.
       the real secret to ann's success at work was lee though. anytime she had a major problem she would call and discuss it with lee. thomas could have cared less to help her when she was married . all he cared about was where the next drink came from . lee was different as he would listen and in his own way digest what she was trying to tell him and offer solutions to her problems . she was constantly texting or calling lee, and lee never felt as if he was alone much when things were wrong for ann,  lee appreciated the fact she relied on him to be her answer man. it made him feel wanted and ann liked it too as she knew lee needed this to ease his mind about not being with her. weekends alone they would spend at times pouring over papers and reports to assure they were advising the company to keep moving in the right direction.
      ralphy knew his sister and couldn't believe that this dumb blonde could come up with any of her own and figured she must have help. he never suspected lee , the dumb farmer to be the brains behind it all. lee could have cared less what ralphy felt as they never got along much at social functions , and spent very little time ever talking. ralphy was bitter ann shoved thomas into his lap and lee was just the person who happened to be attached to his sister , and kept her from ever taking him back. junior was more understanding of lee and how he must feel and made every effort to make him feel welcome and was glad his sister had him in her life. he hated seeing her alone.
     ann hurried around her apartment to get ready for work . grabbing papers she needed from the kitchen table and stuffing them into her valise and soon she was patting her cat alex on the head as she was running out the door. the board meeting was this morning and she needed to be on time as there  was discussion that a major corporation had made an offer to buy them out. ann wasn't quite sure how she felt about that. she had briefly discussed it with lee , but she really didn't know much about the proposal as it was ralphy's idea to sell. she was skeptical , and wondered if this involved  kickback for him. wary as she was she still entertained the idea as she and her brothers  were getting older and it seemed as if it was going to eventually end up with ralphy's kids as the new leaders of the company. she abhorred the little snotty beasts as silver spooned buffoons who would not care or want the business and would probably just piss it away. maybe getting out is an option. she hurried off to work.


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